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Work Experience Abroad

  • 1 Work Experience Abroad

    University: WEA

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Work Experience Abroad

  • 2 work

    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. Arbeit, die

    at work(engaged in working) bei der Arbeit; (fig.): (operating) am Werk (see also academic.ru/23063/e">e)

    be at work on somethingan etwas (Dat.) arbeiten; (fig.) auf etwas (Akk.) wirken

    set to work[Person:] sich an die Arbeit machen

    set somebody to workjemanden an die Arbeit schicken

    have one's work cut outviel zu tun haben; sich ranhalten müssen (ugs.)

    2) (thing made or achieved) Werk, das

    is that all your own work?hast du das alles selbst gemacht?

    work of art — Kunstwerk, das

    3) (book, piece of music) Werk, das

    a work of reference/literature/art — ein Nachschlagewerk/literarisches Werk/Kunstwerk

    4) in pl. (of author or composer) Werke
    5) (employment) Arbeit, die

    out of work — arbeitslos; ohne Arbeit

    at work(place of employment) auf der Arbeit (see also a)

    6) in pl., usu. constr. as sing. (factory) Werk, das
    7) in pl. (Mil.) Werke; Befestigungen
    8) in pl. (operations of building etc.) Arbeiten
    9) in pl. (machine's operative parts) Werk, das
    10) in pl. (coll.): (all that can be included)

    the [whole/full] works — der ganze Kram (ugs.)

    give somebody the works(fig.) (give somebody the best possible treatment) jemandem richtig verwöhnen (ugs.); (give somebody the worst possible treatment) jemanden fertig machen (salopp)

    2. intransitive verb,
    worked or (arch./literary) wrought

    work for a causeetc. für eine Sache usw. arbeiten

    work against something(impede) einer Sache (Dat.) entgegenstehen

    2) (function effectively) funktionieren; [Charme:] wirken (on auf + Akk.)

    make the washing machine/television work — die Waschmaschine/den Fernsehapparat in Ordnung bringen

    3) [Rad, Getriebe, Kette:] laufen
    4) (be craftsman)

    work in a materialmit od. (fachspr.) in einem Material arbeiten

    5) [Faktoren, Einflüsse:] wirken (on auf + Akk.)

    work against — arbeiten gegen; see also work on

    6) (make its/one's way) sich schieben

    work round to a question(fig.) sich zu einer Frage vorarbeiten

    3. transitive verb,
    worked or (arch./literary) wrought
    1) (operate) bedienen [Maschine]; fahren [Schiff]; betätigen [Bremse]
    2) (get labour from) arbeiten lassen
    3) (get material from) ausbeuten [Steinbruch, Grube]
    4) (operate in or on) [Vertreter:] bereisen
    5) (control) steuern
    6) (effect) bewirken [Änderung]; wirken [Wunder]

    work it or things so that... — (coll.) es deichseln, dass... (ugs.)

    7) (cause to go gradually) führen

    work one's way up/into something — sich hocharbeiten/in etwas (Akk.) hineinarbeiten

    8) (get gradually) bringen
    9) (knead, stir)

    work something into something — etwas zu etwas verarbeiten; (mix in) etwas unter etwas (Akk.) rühren

    work oneself into a state/a rage — sich aufregen/in einen Wutanfall hineinsteigern

    11) (make by needlework etc.) arbeiten; aufsticken [Muster] (on auf + Akk.)
    12) (purchase, obtain with labour) abarbeiten; (fig.)

    she worked her way through collegesie hat sich (Dat.) ihr Studium selbst verdient; see also passage 6)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) die Arbeit
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) die Arbeit
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) die Arbeit
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) das Werk
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) die Arbeit
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) die Arbeit
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) arbeiten
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) arbeiten
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) funktionieren
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) klappen
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) sich arbeiten
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) sich arbeiten
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) arbeiten
    - -work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) das Werk
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) das Werk
    - work-basket
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders
    * * *
    [wɜ:k, AM wɜ:rk]
    I. NOUN
    1. no pl (useful activity) Arbeit f; ( fig)
    to be at \work am Werk sein
    forces of destruction are at \work here hier sind zerstörerische Kräfte am Werk
    various factors are at \work in this situation in dieser Situation spielen verschiedene Faktoren eine Rolle
    good \work! gute Arbeit!
    there's a lot of \work to be done yet es gibt noch viel zu tun
    the garden needs a lot of \work im Garten muss [so] einiges gemacht werden
    \work on the tunnel has been suspended die Arbeiten am Tunnel wurden vorübergehend eingestellt
    did you manage to get a bit of \work done? konntest du ein bisschen arbeiten?
    construction/repair \work Bau-/Reparaturarbeiten pl
    research \work Forschungsarbeit f
    it's hard \work doing sth (strenuous) es ist anstrengend, etw zu tun; (difficult) es ist schwierig, etw zu tun
    to be at \work doing sth [gerade] damit beschäftigt sein, etw zu tun
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work sich akk an die Arbeit machen
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work on sth sich akk an etw akk machen
    to make \work for sb jdm Arbeit machen
    to make \work for oneself sich dat unnötige Arbeit machen
    to put [or set] sb to \work doing sth jdn [damit] beauftragen, etw zu tun
    2. no pl (employment) Arbeit f
    what sort of \work do you have experience in? über welche Berufserfahrung verfügen Sie?
    she's got \work as a translator sie hat Arbeit [o eine Stelle] als Übersetzerin gefunden
    to look for \work auf Arbeitssuche sein
    he's looking for \work as a system analyst er sucht Arbeit [o eine Stelle] als Systemanalytiker
    to be in \work Arbeit [o eine Stelle] haben
    to be out of \work arbeitslos sein
    3. no pl (place of employment) Arbeit f, Arbeitsplatz m
    to be late for \work zu spät zur Arbeit kommen
    to have to stay late at \work lange arbeiten müssen
    to be at \work bei der Arbeit sein
    to be off \work frei haben; (without permission) fehlen
    to be off \work sick sich akk krankgemeldet haben
    to commute to \work pendeln
    to get to \work by car/on the train mit dem Auto/mit dem Zug zur Arbeit fahren
    to go/travel to \work zur Arbeit gehen/fahren
    to be injured at \work einen Arbeitsunfall haben
    to ring sb from \work jdn von der Arbeit [aus] anrufen
    \works pl Arbeiten pl
    building/road \works Bau-/Straßenarbeiten pl
    5. no pl (result, product) Arbeit f; (act) Werk nt
    this is the \work of professional thieves das ist das Werk professioneller Diebe
    good \works REL gute Werke
    6. ART, LIT, MUS Werk nt
    ‘The Complete W\works of William Shakespeare’ ‚Shakespeares gesammelte Werke‘
    \works of art Kunstwerke pl
    \work in bronze Bronzearbeiten pl
    \work in leather aus Leder gefertigte Arbeiten
    sb's early/later \work jds Früh-/Spätwerk nt
    to show one's \work in a gallery seine Arbeiten in einer Galerie ausstellen
    \works + sing/pl vb Werk nt, Fabrik f
    steel \works Stahlwerk nt
    \works pl of a clock Uhrwerk nt; of a machine Getriebe nt
    the \works pl das ganze Drum und Dran kein pl fam
    two large pizzas with the \works, please! esp AM zwei große Pizzen mit allem bitte!
    10. no pl PHYS Arbeit f
    11. MIL
    \works pl Befestigungen pl
    to be a [real] piece of \work ( fam) ganz schön nervig sein fam
    to have one's \work cut out ( fam) sich akk mächtig reinknien müssen fam
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work on sb ( fam) jdn bearbeiten fam
    to give sb the \works ( dated sl) jdn [ordentlich] in die Mangel nehmen fam
    1. (climate, report, week) Arbeits-
    \work clothes Arbeitskleidung f
    \work speed Arbeitstempo nt
    \works (canteen, inspection) Werks-
    \works premises Werksgelände nt
    1. (do a job) arbeiten
    where do you \work? wo arbeiten Sie?
    to \work as an accountant als Buchhalter arbeiten
    to \work a twelve-hour day/a forty-hour week zwölf Stunden am Tag/vierzig Stunden in der Woche arbeiten
    to \work from home zu Hause [o von zu Hause aus] arbeiten
    to \work at the hospital/abroad im Krankenhaus/im Ausland arbeiten
    to \work like a slave [or AM, AUS dog] ( fam) wie ein Tier schuften fam
    to \work like a Trojan BRIT wie ein Pferd arbeiten fam
    to \work hard hart arbeiten
    to \work together zusammenarbeiten
    to \work with sb mit jdm zusammenarbeiten
    2. (be busy, active) arbeiten
    we're \working to prevent it happening again wir bemühen uns [o arbeiten daran], so etwas in Zukunft zu verhindern
    to \work towards a degree in biology einen Hochschulabschluss in Biologie anstreben
    to \work at/on sth an etw dat arbeiten
    we're \working on it wir arbeiten daran
    to \work at a problem an einem Problem arbeiten
    to \work hard at doing sth hart daran arbeiten, etw zu tun
    to \work for/towards sth auf etw akk hinwirken [o hinarbeiten
    3. (have an effect) sich auswirken
    to \work both ways sich sowohl positiv als auch negativ auswirken
    to \work in sb's favour sich zu jds Gunsten auswirken
    to \work against sb/sth sich negativ für jdn/auf etw akk auswirken
    4. (function) funktionieren; generator, motor laufen
    my cell phone doesn't \work mein Handy geht nicht
    the boiler seems to be \working okay der Boiler scheint in Ordnung zu sein
    I can't get this washing machine to \work ich kriege die Waschmaschine irgendwie nicht zum Laufen
    to \work off batteries batteriebetrieben sein
    to \work off the mains BRIT mit Netzstrom arbeiten
    to \work off wind power mit Windenergie arbeiten
    5. (be successful) funktionieren, klappen fam; plan, tactics aufgehen
    to \work in practice [auch] in der Praxis funktionieren
    6. MED medicine, pill wirken
    7. (be based)
    to \work on the assumption/idea that... von der Annahme/Vorstellung ausgehen, dass...
    8. (move)
    to \work free/loose sich lösen/lockern
    to \work down clothes runterrutschen fam
    to \work windward NAUT gegen den Wind segeln
    9. ( liter: change expression) arbeiten; (contort) sich verzerren
    10. NAUT
    to \work windward [hart] am Wind segeln
    to \work like a charm [or like magic] Wunder bewirken
    to \work till you drop ( fam) bis zum Umfallen arbeiten
    to \work on sb jdn bearbeiten fam
    to \work oneself to death ( fam) sich akk zu Tode arbeiten [o fam schinden]
    to \work sb/oneself hard jdm/sich viel abverlangen
    to \work sth machine etw bedienen; piece of equipment etw betätigen
    to be \worked by electricity/steam elektrisch/dampfgetrieben sein
    to be \worked by wind power durch Windenergie angetrieben werden
    to \work sth out of sth etw aus etw dat herausbekommen
    to \work one's way through an article/a book sich akk durch einen Artikel/ein Buch durcharbeiten
    to \work one's way through a crowd/out of a crowded room sich dat einen Weg durch die Menge/aus einem überfüllten Zimmer bahnen
    to \work one's way down a list eine Liste durchgehen
    to \work one's way up sich akk hocharbeiten
    he's \worked his way up through the firm er hat sich in der Firma hochgearbeitet
    to \work sth free/loose etw losbekommen/lockern
    sth \works itself free/loose etw löst/lockert sich akk
    to \work sth [backwards and forwards] etw [hin- und her]bewegen
    sth \works itself out of sth etw löst sich aus etw dat
    to \work sth etw bewirken
    I don't know how she \worked it! ich weiß nicht, wie sie das geschafft hat!
    to \work oneself into a more positive frame of mind sich dat eine positivere Lebenseinstellung erarbeiten
    to \work a cure eine Heilung herbeiführen
    to \work a miracle ein Wunder vollbringen
    to \work miracles [or wonders] [wahre] Wunder vollbringen
    to \work oneself into a frenzy [or rage] in Rage geraten fam
    to \work sb into a frenzy [or rage] jdn in Rage bringen fam
    to \work oneself into a state sich akk aufregen
    to \work sb into a state of jealousy jdn eifersüchtig machen
    6. (shape)
    to \work sth etw bearbeiten
    to \work clay Ton formen
    7. (mix, rub)
    to \work sth into sth etw in etw akk einarbeiten; food etw mit etw dat vermengen; (incorporate) etw in etw akk einbauen [o einfügen]
    to \work the ingredients together die Zutaten [miteinander] vermengen
    to \work sth into the skin (rub) die Haut mit etw dat einreiben; (massage) etw in die Haut einmassieren
    to \work sth etw [auf]sticken
    to \work a monogram on sth etw mit einem Monogramm besticken, ein Monogramm auf etw akk sticken
    to \work the land das Land bewirtschaften; (exploit)
    to \work a mine/quarry eine Mine/einen Steinbruch ausbeuten
    10. (cover)
    to \work the inner city [area]/the East Side für die Innenstadt/die East Side zuständig sein
    11. (pay for by working)
    to \work one's passage sich dat seine Überfahrt durch Arbeit auf dem Schiff verdienen
    to \work one's way through university sich dat sein Studium finanzieren
    to \work one's fingers to the bone [for sb] ( fam) sich dat [für jdn] den Rücken krumm arbeiten fam
    to \work a treat BRIT ( fam) prima funktionieren fam
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= toil, labour, task) Arbeit f

    there are forces at work which... — es sind Kräfte am Werk, die...

    nice or good work!gut or super (inf) gemacht!

    we've a lot of work to do before this choir can give a concert — wir haben noch viel zu tun, ehe dieser Chor ein Konzert geben kann

    you need to do some more work on your accent/your technique — Sie müssen noch an Ihrem Akzent/an Ihrer Technik arbeiten

    to make short or quick work of sb/sth — mit jdm/etw kurzen Prozess machen

    time/the medicine had done its work — die Zeit/Arznei hatte ihr Werk vollbracht/ihre Wirkung getan

    2) (= employment, job) Arbeit f

    how long does it take you to get to work? — wie lange brauchst du, um zu deiner Arbeitsstelle zu kommen?

    at work — an der Arbeitsstelle, am Arbeitsplatz

    3) (= product) Arbeit f; (ART, LITER) Werk nt

    a chance for artists to show their work — eine Gelegenheit für Künstler, ihre Arbeiten or Werke zu zeigen

    4) pl (MIL) Befestigungen pl
    5) pl (MECH) Getriebe, Innere(s) nt; (of watch, clock) Uhrwerk nt
    6) sing or pl (Brit: factory) Betrieb m, Fabrik f

    gas/steel works — Gas-/Stahlwerk nt

    we had fantastic food, wine, brandy, the works — es gab tolles Essen, Wein, Kognak, alle Schikanen (inf)

    2. vi
    1) person arbeiten (at an +dat)

    to work toward(s)/for sth — auf etw (acc) hin/für etw arbeiten

    or favor (US) — diese Faktoren, die gegen uns/zu unseren Gunsten arbeiten

    2) (= function, operate) funktionieren; (plan) funktionieren, klappen (inf); (medicine, spell) wirken; (= be successful) klappen (inf)

    "not working" (lift etc) — "außer Betrieb"

    3) (yeast) arbeiten, treiben
    4) (mouth, face) zucken; (jaws) mahlen

    (= move gradually) to work loose — sich lockern

    he worked (a)round to asking her — er hat sich aufgerafft, sie zu fragen

    OK, I'm working (a)round to it — okay, das mache ich schon noch

    3. vt
    1) (= make work) staff, employees, students arbeiten lassen, herannehmen (inf), schinden (pej)

    to work oneself/sb hard — sich/jdn nicht schonen

    2) (= operate) machine bedienen; lever, brake betätigen

    to work sth by electricity/hand — etw elektrisch/mit Hand betreiben

    3) (= bring about) change, cure bewirken, herbeiführen

    to work it ( so that...) (inf)es so deichseln(, dass...) (inf)

    4) (SEW) arbeiten; design etc sticken
    5) (= shape) wood, metal bearbeiten; dough, clay also kneten, bearbeiten

    work the flour in gradually/the ingredients together — mischen Sie das Mehl allmählich unter/die Zutaten (zusammen)

    6) (= exploit) mine ausbeuten, abbauen; land bearbeiten; smallholding bewirtschaften; (salesman) area bereisen
    7) muscles trainieren

    (= move gradually) to work one's hands free — seine Hände freibekommen

    he worked his way across the rock face/through the tunnel — er überquerte die Felswand/kroch durch den Tunnel

    * * *
    work [wɜːk; US wɜrk]
    A s
    1. allg Arbeit f:
    a) Beschäftigung f, Tätigkeit f
    b) Aufgabe f
    c) Hand-, Nadelarbeit f, Stickerei f, Näherei f
    d) Leistung f
    e) Erzeugnis n:
    work done geleistete Arbeit;
    a beautiful piece of work eine schöne Arbeit;
    work in hand WIRTSCH Auftragsbestand m;
    work in process ( oder progress) WIRTSCH US Halbfabrikate pl;
    a) bei der Arbeit,
    b) am Arbeitsplatz,
    c) in Tätigkeit, in Betrieb (Maschine etc);
    be at work on arbeiten an (dat);
    do work arbeiten;
    I’ve got some work to do ich muss arbeiten;
    do the work of three (men) für drei arbeiten;
    be in (out of) work (keine) Arbeit haben;
    (put) out of work arbeitslos (machen);
    set to work an die Arbeit gehen, sich an die Arbeit machen;
    take some work home Arbeit mit nach Hause nehmen;
    have one’s work cut out (for one) zu tun haben, schwer zu schaffen haben;
    make work Arbeit verursachen;
    make light work of spielend fertig werden mit;
    make sad work of arg wirtschaften oder hausen mit;
    make short work of kurzen Prozess oder nicht viel Federlesen(s) machen mit umg
    2. PHYS Arbeit f:
    3. auch koll (künstlerisches etc) Werk:
    work of art Kunstwerk; fiction 2, reference A 8
    4. Werk n (Tat und Resultat):
    this is your work!;
    5. pl
    a) ARCH Anlagen pl, (besonders öffentliche) Bauten pl
    b) Baustelle f (an einer Autobahn etc)
    c) MIL (Festungs)Werk n, Befestigungen pl
    6. pl (oft als sg konstruiert) Werk n, Fabrik (-anlage) f, Betrieb m:
    works climate (council, outing, etc) Betriebsklima n (-rat m, -ausflug m etc);
    works manager Werksdirektor m, Betriebsleiter m
    7. pl TECH (Räder-, Trieb)Werk n, Getriebe n:
    works of a watch Uhrwerk; spanner 1
    8. Werk-, Arbeitsstück n, ( besonders Nadel)Arbeit f
    9. REL (gutes) Werk
    10. the works pl umg alles, der ganze Krempel:
    give sb the works umg jemanden fertigmachen;
    shoot the works (Kartenspiel) aufs Ganze gehen (a. fig); gum2 B 4
    B v/i prät und pperf worked, besonders obs oder poet wrought [rɔːt]
    1. (at, on) arbeiten (an dat), sich beschäftigen (mit):
    work at a social reform an einer Sozialreform arbeiten;
    worked ( oder wrought) in leather in Leder gearbeitet;
    work to rule WIRTSCH Br Dienst nach Vorschrift tun;
    make one’s money work sein Geld arbeiten lassen
    2. arbeiten, Arbeit haben, beschäftigt sein
    3. fig arbeiten, kämpfen ( beide:
    against gegen;
    for für eine Sache):
    work toward(s) hinarbeiten auf (akk)
    4. TECH
    a) funktionieren, gehen (beide auch fig)
    b) in Betrieb oder Gang sein:
    our stove works well unser Ofen funktioniert gut;
    your method won’t work mit Ihrer Methode werden Sie es nicht schaffen;
    get sth to work etwas reparieren
    5. fig klappen, gehen, gelingen, sich machen lassen
    6. (prät oft wrought) wirken, sich auswirken (on, with auf akk, bei):
    the poison began to work das Gift begann zu wirken
    7. work on jemanden bearbeiten, sich jemanden vornehmen (beide umg)
    8. sich gut etc bearbeiten lassen
    9. sich (hindurch-, hoch- etc) arbeiten:
    work into eindringen in (akk);
    work loose sich losarbeiten, sich lockern;
    her tights worked down die Strumpfhose rutschte ihr herunter
    10. in (heftiger) Bewegung sein, arbeiten, zucken ( alle:
    with vor dat; Gesichtszüge etc), mahlen ( with vor Erregung etc; Kiefer)
    11. SCHIFF (besonders gegen den Wind) segeln, fahren
    12. gären, arbeiten (beide auch fig: Gedanke etc)
    13. (hand)arbeiten, stricken, nähen
    C v/t
    1. arbeiten an (dat)
    2. verarbeiten:
    a) TECH bearbeiten
    b) einen Teig kneten
    c) (ver)formen, gestalten ( beide:
    into zu):
    work cotton into cloth Baumwolle zu Tuch verarbeiten
    3. eine Maschine etc bedienen, ein Fahrzeug führen, lenken
    4. (an-, be)treiben:
    worked by electricity elektrisch betrieben
    5. AGR den Boden bearbeiten, bestellen
    6. einen Betrieb leiten, eine Fabrik etc betreiben, ein Gut bewirtschaften
    7. Bergbau: eine Grube abbauen, ausbeuten
    8. WIRTSCH (geschäftlich) bereisen oder bearbeiten:
    9. jemanden, Tiere (tüchtig) arbeiten lassen, (zur Arbeit) antreiben
    10. fig jemanden bearbeiten umg, jemandem zusetzen ( beide:
    for wegen):
    11. a) work one’s way sich (hindurch- etc) arbeiten
    b) erarbeiten, verdienen: passage1 5
    12. MATH lösen, ausarbeiten, errechnen
    13. erregen, reizen, (in einen Zustand) versetzen oder bringen:
    work o.s. into a rage sich in eine Wut hineinsteigern
    14. bewegen, arbeiten mit:
    he worked his jaws seine Kiefer mahlten
    15. fig (prät oft wrought) hervorbringen, -rufen, zeitigen, Veränderungen etc bewirken, Wunder wirken oder tun, führen zu, verursachen:
    work hardship on sb für jemanden eine Härte bedeuten
    16. (prät oft wrought) fertigbringen, zustande bringen
    a) eine Arbeit etc einschieben in (akk),
    b) Passagen etc einarbeiten oder -flechten oder -fügen in (akk)
    18. sl etwas herausschlagen
    19. US sl jemanden bescheißen
    20. herstellen, machen, besonders stricken, nähen
    21. zur Gärung bringen
    22. work over 2
    w. abk
    2. wide
    4. wife
    5. with
    6. PHYS work
    wk abk
    1. week Wo.
    2. work
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. Arbeit, die

    at work (engaged in working) bei der Arbeit; (fig.): (operating) am Werk (see also e)

    be at work on somethingan etwas (Dat.) arbeiten; (fig.) auf etwas (Akk.) wirken

    set to work[Person:] sich an die Arbeit machen

    have one's work cut out — viel zu tun haben; sich ranhalten müssen (ugs.)

    work of art — Kunstwerk, das

    3) (book, piece of music) Werk, das

    a work of reference/literature/art — ein Nachschlagewerk/literarisches Werk/Kunstwerk

    5) (employment) Arbeit, die

    out of work — arbeitslos; ohne Arbeit

    at work (place of employment) auf der Arbeit (see also a)

    6) in pl., usu. constr. as sing. (factory) Werk, das
    7) in pl. (Mil.) Werke; Befestigungen
    8) in pl. (operations of building etc.) Arbeiten
    10) in pl. (coll.): (all that can be included)

    the [whole/full] works — der ganze Kram (ugs.)

    give somebody the works(fig.) (give somebody the best possible treatment) jemandem richtig verwöhnen (ugs.); (give somebody the worst possible treatment) jemanden fertig machen (salopp)

    2. intransitive verb,
    worked or (arch./literary) wrought

    work for a causeetc. für eine Sache usw. arbeiten

    work against something (impede) einer Sache (Dat.) entgegenstehen

    2) (function effectively) funktionieren; [Charme:] wirken (on auf + Akk.)

    make the washing machine/television work — die Waschmaschine/den Fernsehapparat in Ordnung bringen

    3) [Rad, Getriebe, Kette:] laufen

    work in a materialmit od. (fachspr.) in einem Material arbeiten

    5) [Faktoren, Einflüsse:] wirken (on auf + Akk.)

    work against — arbeiten gegen; see also work on

    6) (make its/one's way) sich schieben

    work round to a question(fig.) sich zu einer Frage vorarbeiten

    3. transitive verb,
    worked or (arch./literary) wrought
    1) (operate) bedienen [Maschine]; fahren [Schiff]; betätigen [Bremse]
    2) (get labour from) arbeiten lassen
    3) (get material from) ausbeuten [Steinbruch, Grube]
    4) (operate in or on) [Vertreter:] bereisen
    5) (control) steuern
    6) (effect) bewirken [Änderung]; wirken [Wunder]

    work it or things so that... — (coll.) es deichseln, dass... (ugs.)

    work one's way up/into something — sich hocharbeiten/in etwas (Akk.) hineinarbeiten

    8) (get gradually) bringen
    9) (knead, stir)

    work something into something — etwas zu etwas verarbeiten; (mix in) etwas unter etwas (Akk.) rühren

    work oneself into a state/a rage — sich aufregen/in einen Wutanfall hineinsteigern

    11) (make by needlework etc.) arbeiten; aufsticken [Muster] (on auf + Akk.)
    12) (purchase, obtain with labour) abarbeiten; (fig.)

    she worked her way through collegesie hat sich (Dat.) ihr Studium selbst verdient; see also passage 6)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (hard) for expr.
    erarbeiten v.
    sich etwas erarbeiten ausdr. v.
    arbeiten v.
    funktionieren v. n.
    Arbeit -en f.
    Werk -e n.

    English-german dictionary > work

  • 3 work

    [wɜ:k, Am wɜ:rk] n
    1) no pl ( useful activity) Arbeit f;
    good \work! gute Arbeit!;
    there's a lot of \work to be done yet es gibt noch viel zu tun;
    the garden still needs a lot of \work im Garten muss noch [so] einiges gemacht werden;
    forces of destruction are at \work here ( fig) hier sind zerstörerische Kräfte am Werk;
    various factors are at \work in this situation in dieser Situation spielen verschiedene Faktoren eine Rolle;
    \work on the tunnel has been suspended die Arbeiten am Tunnel wurden vorübergehend eingestellt;
    to be a [real] piece of \work ganz schön nervig sein;
    to be hard \work [doing sth] ( strenuous) anstrengend sein[, etw zu tun];
    ( difficult) schwierig sein[, etw zu tun];
    to be at \work doing sth [gerade] damit beschäftigt sein, etw zu tun;
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work sich akk an die Arbeit machen;
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work on sth sich akk an etw akk machen;
    to get [or go] [or set] to \work on sb ( fam) jdn in die Mache nehmen ( fam) ( strongly influence) jdn bearbeiten ( fam)
    to make \work for sb jdm Arbeit machen;
    to make \work for oneself sich dat unnötige Arbeit machen;
    to put [or set] sb to \work doing sth jdn losschicken, etw zu tun
    2) no pl ( employment) Arbeit f;
    \work in the laboratory was interesting die Arbeit im Labor war interessant;
    what sort of \work do you have experience in? welche Berufserfahrungen haben Sie?;
    to be in \work eine Stelle [o Arbeit] haben;
    to be out of \work arbeitslos sein;
    to get \work as a translator eine Stelle als Übersetzer/Übersetzerin finden;
    to look for \work auf Arbeitssuche sein;
    to be looking for \work as a system analyst eine Stelle als Systemanalytiker/-analytikerin suchen
    3) no pl ( place of employment) Arbeit f, Arbeitsplatz m;
    he rang me from \work er rief mich von der Arbeit [aus] an;
    to get to \work on the train mit dem Zug zur Arbeit fahren;
    to be injured at \work einen Arbeitsunfall haben;
    to be late for \work zu spät zur Arbeit kommen;
    to have to stay late at \work lange arbeiten müssen;
    to be at \work bei der Arbeit sein;
    I'll be at \work until late this evening ich werde heute bis spät abends arbeiten;
    to be off \work frei haben;
    to be off \work sick sich akk krankgemeldet haben;
    to commute to \work pendeln;
    to go/travel to \work zur Arbeit gehen/fahren
    this is the \work of professional thieves dies ist das Werk professioneller Diebe
    5) art, lit, mus Werk nt;
    “The Complete W\works of William Shakespeare” „Shakespeares gesammelte Werke“;
    \works of art Kunstwerke ntpl;
    \work in bronze Bronzearbeiten fpl;
    \work in leather aus Leder gefertigte Arbeiten;
    sb's early/later \work jds Früh-/Spätwerk nt;
    to show one's \work in a gallery seine Arbeiten in einer Galerie ausstellen
    6) ( factory)
    \works + sing/ pl vb Betrieb m, Fabrik f;
    steel \works Stahlwerk nt
    \works pl of a clock Uhrwerk nt; of a machine Getriebe nt
    8) (fam: everything)
    the \works pl das ganze Drum und Dran ( fam)
    two large pizzas with the \works, please! zwei große Pizzen mit allem bitte!
    9) no pl phys Arbeit f
    to have one's \work cut out sich akk mächtig reinknien müssen ( fam), jede Menge zu tun haben;
    to give sb the \works (dated) (sl) jdn [ordentlich] in die Mangel nehmen ( fam) vi
    1) ( do job) arbeiten;
    where do you \work? wo arbeiten Sie?;
    to \work as sth als etw arbeiten;
    to \work for sb für jdn arbeiten;
    to \work with sb ( work together) mit jdm zusammenarbeiten;
    ( do work helping sb) mit jdm arbeiten;
    to \work from home [von] zu Hause arbeiten;
    to \work at the hospital/ abroad im Krankenhaus/im Ausland arbeiten;
    to \work to rule Dienst nach Vorschrift tun;
    to \work like a slave [or (Am, Aus) dog] schuften wie ein Tier ( fam)
    to \work hard hart arbeiten;
    to \work together zusammenarbeiten
    2) ( be busy) arbeiten, beschäftigt sein;
    we're \working on it wir arbeiten daran;
    we're \working to prevent it happening again wir bemühen uns, so etwas in Zukunft zu verhindern;
    to \work [hard] at doing sth [hart] daran arbeiten, etw zu tun;
    to \work on the assumption that... von der Annahme ausgehen, dass...;
    to \work towards a degree in sth univ einen Hochschulabschluss in etw dat anstreben;
    to \work at a problem an einem Problem arbeiten
    3) ( function) funktionieren;
    the boiler seems to be \working OK der Boiler scheint in Ordnung zu sein;
    I can't get this washing machine to \work ich kriege die Waschmaschine irgendwie nicht an;
    listen, the generator's \working hör mal, der Generator läuft;
    to \work off batteries batteriebetrieben sein;
    to \work off the mains ( Brit) mit Netzstrom arbeiten;
    to \work off wind power mit Windenergie arbeiten
    4) ( be successful) funktionieren, klappen ( fam) plan, tactics aufgehen;
    to \work in practice [auch] in der Praxis funktionieren
    5) med medicine, pill wirken
    to \work against sb/ sth sich akk als negativ für jdn/etw herausstellen;
    to \work for sb [or in sb's favour] sich akk zugunsten einer Person gen auswirken;
    to \work for sth auf etw akk hinwirken;
    to \work on sb jdn bearbeiten (a. hum) ( fam)
    to \work both ways sich akk sowohl positiv als auch negativ auswirken
    7) ( move)
    to \work through/ under/ up etc sth;
    the water damage slowly \worked up through the walls der Wasserschaden breitete sich langsam über die Wände nach oben aus
    8) + adj ( become)
    to \work free/ loose sich akk lösen/lockern
    9) (liter: change expression) sb's face arbeiten;
    ( contort) sich akk verzerren
    to \work like a charm [or like magic] Wunder bewirken;
    to \work like a Trojan ( Brit) wie ein Pferd arbeiten ( fam)
    to \work till you drop bis zum Umfallen arbeiten;
    to \work round to sth ( Brit) sich akk [bis] zu etw dat vorarbeiten;
    to \work round to doing sth ( Brit) sich akk aufraffen, etw zu tun vt
    to \work oneself to death sich akk zu Tode schinden;
    to \work a twelve-hour day/ a forty-hour week zwölf Stunden am Tag/vierzig Stunden in der Woche arbeiten;
    to \work sb/ oneself hard jdm/sich selbst viel abverlangen
    to \work sth machine etw bedienen;
    \worked by electricity elektrisch betrieben;
    \worked by steam dampfgetrieben;
    \worked by wind power durch Windenergie angetrieben
    to \work sth out of sth etw aus etw dat herausbekommen;
    sth \works itself out of sth etw löst sich akk aus etw dat;
    to \work one's way around/through... sth sich dat seinen Weg um etw akk /durch etw akk... bahnen;
    to \work one's way up through a firm sich akk in einer Firma hocharbeiten;
    I have \worked my way through quite a few books ich habe jede Menge Bücher durchgearbeitet;
    to \work one's way down a list eine Liste durchgehen;
    to \work sth [backwards and forwards] etw [hin- und her]bewegen;
    to \work sth free/ loose etw losbekommen/lockern;
    sth \works itself free/ loose etw löst/lockert sich akk
    to \work sth etw bewirken;
    I don't know how she \worked it, but in the end she got £1000 off him ich weiß nicht, wie sie es geschafft hat, aber am Ende luchste sie ihm 1000 Pfund ab;
    to \work a cure eine Heilung herbeiführen;
    to \work oneself into a more positive frame of mind sich dat eine positivere Lebenseinstellung erarbeiten;
    to \work oneself [up] into a frenzy sich akk in eine Raserei hineinsteigern;
    to \work sb [up] into a frenzy/ rage jdn zur Raserei/in Rage bringen ( fam)
    to \work a miracle ein Wunder vollbringen ( geh)
    to \work miracles [or wonders] [wahre] Wunder vollbringen ( geh)
    to \work oneself into a state sich akk aufregen;
    to \work sb into a state of jealousy jdn eifersüchtig machen
    5) ( shape)
    to \work bronze/ iron Bronze/Eisen bearbeiten;
    to \work clay Ton formen
    6) ( mix)
    to \work sth into sth etw in etw akk einarbeiten;
    ( incorporate) etw in etw akk einbauen [o einfügen];
    \work the butter into the flour fügen Sie die Butter hinzu und vermengen Sie sie mit dem Mehl;
    to \work sth into one's skin ( rub in) die Haut mit etw dat einreiben;
    ( massage) etw in die Haut einmassieren
    to \work sth [on sth] etw [auf etw akk] sticken, etw [mit etw dat be]sticken
    8) ( exploit)
    to \work sth sich dat etw vornehmen;
    to \work the land agr das Land bewirtschaften;
    to \work a mine/ quarry min eine Mine/einen Steinbruch ausbeuten
    to \work one's passage sich dat seine Überfahrt durch Arbeit auf dem Schiff verdienen;
    to \work one's way through university sich dat sein Studium finanzieren
    to \work one's fingers to the bone [for sb] sich dat [für jdn] den Rücken krumm arbeiten ( fam)
    to \work a treat ( Brit) ( fam) prima funktionieren

    English-German students dictionary > work

  • 4 praktikum

    n; -s, Praktika practical training (period), traineeship; in der Industrie: auch (industrial) placement, Pl. auch industrial training Sg.
    * * *
    das Praktikum
    training period
    * * *
    Prạk|ti|kum ['praktikʊm]
    nt -s, Pra\#ktika
    [-ka] practical, (period of) practical training
    * * *
    <-s, Praktika>
    [ˈpraktikʊm, pl -ka]
    nt work placement, period of practical training, internship AM
    * * *
    das; Praktikums, Praktika period of practical instruction or training
    * * *
    …praktikum n im subst:
    Auslandspraktikum work experience abroad;
    Bankpraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a bank;
    Krankenhauspraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a hospital;
    Laborpraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a laboratory;
    Schulpraktikum classroom experience
    * * *
    das; Praktikums, Praktika period of practical instruction or training
    * * *
    internship n.
    practical course n.
    practical training n.
    practical work n.
    traineeship n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > praktikum

  • 5 ...praktikum

    n, im Subst.: Auslandspraktikum work experience abroad; Bankpraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a bank; Krankenhauspraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a hospital; Laborpraktikum placement ( oder work experience) in a laboratory; Schulpraktikum classroom experience

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ...praktikum

  • 6 prakty|ka

    f 1. sgt (doświadczenie) practice, experience
    - miał dużą praktykę życiową/zawodową he was an experienced man
    - mam dwudziestoletnią praktykę w tym zawodzie I’ve had twenty years of experience in this profession
    - miał praktykę w kłamaniu he was a practised GB a. practiced US liar
    - „potrzebny inżynier budowlany z praktyką” ‘experienced building engineer wanted’
    - to tylko kwestia praktyki it’s just a question a. matter of practice
    - z praktyki wiedział, jak trudny jest zawód nauczyciela experience had taught him how difficult it is to be a teacher
    - swoje twierdzenia opierał na praktyce he based his claims on experience
    - praktyka dowodzi a. poucza, że… practice proves that…
    2. sgt (faktyczny stan rzeczy) practice
    - rozbieżność pomiędzy teorią a praktyką a gap between theory and practice
    - w praktyce in practice
    - w praktyce a. jak pokazuje praktyka jest zupełnie inaczej in practice, things are different
    - metoda ta sprawdziła się w praktyce this method was effctive (in practice)
    - zastosować coś w praktyce to put sth into practice
    3. sgt (zwyczaj) practice
    - praktyka nagradzania najlepszych pracowników the practice of giving bonuses to the best workers
    - przyjętą u nas od lat praktyką jest nieujawnianie takich szczegółów for years it has been our practice not to reveal such particulars
    4. (staż) (w zakładzie pracy) traineeship U, training period; (u rzemieślnika) apprenticeship U; (w szkole) teaching practice U
    - praktyka na budowie/za granicą apprenticeship on the building site/work experience abroad
    - praktyki studenckie/wakacyjne student/holiday training
    - odbywać praktykę u fryzjera/krawca to be apprenticed a. to be an apprentice to a hairdresser/a tailor
    - odbywać praktykę w fabryce/cukierni to work as a trainee in a factory/as an apprentice to a confectioner
    - odbywać praktykę nauczycielską to be on a. be doing teaching practice
    - oddać syna na praktykę do krawca to apprentice one’s son to a tailor
    5. sgt (wykonywanie wolnego zawodu) practice
    - praktyka lekarska/adwokacka medical/legal practice
    - mieć prywatną praktykę to work a. be in private practice
    - mieć dochodową praktykę to have a profitable practice
    - rozpocząć praktykę to set up in a. go into practice
    - on nie ma prawa prowadzić praktyki adwokackiej he has no right to run a legal practice
    6. zw. pl (proceder) practice
    - monopolistyczne praktyki przedsiębiorstw monopolistic practices of companies
    - tajemnicze/zbrodnicze praktyki mysterious/criminal practices
    - takie praktyki są niedopuszczalne such practices are inadmissible
    praktyki plt Relig. observance, ritual
    - brał udział w praktykach religijnych a. kościelnych he took part in religious observances, he was a churchgoer
    - praktyki szamańskie/magiczne shamanic/magic practices a. rituals a. observances

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > prakty|ka

  • 7 Auslandserfahrung

    1. foreign experience
    2. international experience
    3. work experience abroad

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Auslandserfahrung

  • 8 WEA

    1) Американизм: Wordwide Expat Association
    2) Военный термин: World Espionage Agency
    3) Религия: World Evangelical Alliance
    4) Сокращение: Workers' Educational Association
    5) Университет: Work Experience Abroad
    6) Фирменный знак: Warner Electra Atlantic, Wine Export Association
    7) Деловая лексика: Watching Evaluating And Acting
    9) Расширение файла: Web Enabled Application
    11) NYSE. Westfield America, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > WEA

  • 9 wea

    1) Американизм: Wordwide Expat Association
    2) Военный термин: World Espionage Agency
    3) Религия: World Evangelical Alliance
    4) Сокращение: Workers' Educational Association
    5) Университет: Work Experience Abroad
    6) Фирменный знак: Warner Electra Atlantic, Wine Export Association
    7) Деловая лексика: Watching Evaluating And Acting
    9) Расширение файла: Web Enabled Application
    11) NYSE. Westfield America, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wea

  • 10 Auslandserfahrung

    Auslandserfahrung f PERS international experience, work experience acquired abroad

    Business german-english dictionary > Auslandserfahrung

  • 11 mucho

    a lot of, too much, much, plenty of.
    1 a lot, much, very much, a great deal.
    2 very often, too often.
    a great deal, quite much, much, a lot.
    * * *
    1 (singular - en afirmativas) a lot of; (- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot of, much
    no tiene mucho dinero he hasn't got a lot of/much money
    ¿nos queda mucha gasolina? have we got a lot of/much petrol left?
    2 (plural - en afirmativas) a lot of, lots of; (- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot of, many
    no hay muchas copas there aren't a lot of/many glasses
    ¿tienes muchos libros? have you got a lot of/many books?
    hace mucho calor/frío it's very hot/cold
    tengo mucha hambre/sed I'm very hungry/thirsty
    3 (demasiado - singular) too much; (- plural) too many
    1 (singular) a lot, much; (plural) a lot, many
    1 (de cantidad) a lot, much
    mucho mejor/peor much better/worse
    ¿te ha gustado la película? --sí, mucho did you like the film? --yes, very much
    ¿estaba buena la comida? --sí, mucho was the food good? --yes, very good
    mucho antes/después much earlier/later
    como mucho at the most
    con mucho by far
    muy mucho familiar very much so
    ni con mucho nowhere near as
    ni mucho menos far from
    por mucho que however much
    * * *
    1. (f. - mucha)
    many, much, a lot of, plenty of
    2. adv.
    much, a lot
    - con mucho
    - mucho tiempo
    3. (f. - mucha)
    many, much, a lot
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] [en oraciones afirmativas] a lot of, lots of; [en oraciones interrogativas y negativas] a lot of, much

    tengo mucho dineroI have a lot of o lots of money

    había mucha gentethere were a lot of o lots of people there

    ¿tienes mucho trabajo? — do you have a lot of o much work?

    2) [en plural] [en oraciones afirmativas] a lot of, lots of; [en oraciones interrogativas y negativas] a lot of, many

    muchas personas creen que noa lot of o lots of people don't think so

    ¿había muchos niños en el parque? — were there a lot of o many children in the park?

    3) * [con singular colectivo]

    había mucho borrachothere were a lot of o lots of drunks there

    hay mucho tonto sueltothere are a lot of o lots of idiots around

    mucho beso, pero luego me critica por la espalda — she's all kisses, but then she criticizes me behind my back

    4) (=demasiado)

    es mucha mujer para ti* that woman is too much for you

    esta es mucha casa para nosotros* this house is too big for us

    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]
    a) [en frases afirmativas] a lot, lots; [en frases interrogativas y negativas] a lot, much

    ¿has aprendido mucho en este trabajo? — have you learnt a lot o much from this job?

    -¿cuánto vino queda? -mucho — "how much wine is left?" - "a lot" o "lots"

    b) [referido a tiempo] long

    ¿te vas a quedar mucho? — are you staying long?

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — will it be long till we arrive?

    -¿cuánto nos queda para acabar? -mucho — "how long till we finish?" - "ages"

    hace mucho que no salgo a bailarit's a long time o ages since I went out dancing

    2) [en plural] [en frases afirmativas] a lot, lots; [en frases interrogativas y negativas] a lot, many

    son muchos los que no quierenthere are a lot o lots who don't want to

    muchos dicen que... — a lot of o lots of o many people say that...

    muchos de los ausentesmany of o a lot of those absent

    -¿hay manzanas? -sí, pero no muchas — "are there any apples?" - "yes, but not many o not a lot"

    ¿vinieron muchos? — did many o a lot of people come?

    -¿cuántos había? -muchos — "how many were there?" - "a lot" o "lots"

    3. ADV
    1) (=en gran cantidad) a lot

    me gusta mucho el jazz — I really like jazz, I like jazz a lot

    sí señor, me gusta y mucho — I do indeed like it and I like it a lot

    - son 75 euros -es mucho — "that will be 75 euros" - "that's a lot"

    lo siento muchoI'm very o really sorry

    ¡mucho lo sientes tú! — * a fat lot you care! *

    mucho anteslong before

    mucho másmuch o a lot more

    mucho menosmuch o a lot less

    muy mucho, se guardará muy mucho de hacerlo — * he'll jolly well be careful not to do it *

    si no es mucho pedirif that's not asking too much

    pensárselo mucho, se lo pensó mucho antes de contestar — he thought long and hard about it before replying

    mucho peormuch o a lot worse

    2) [en respuestas]

    -¿estás cansado? -¡mucho! — "are you tired?" - "I certainly am!"

    -¿te gusta? -no mucho — "do you like it?" - "not really"

    3) [otras locuciones]

    como mucho — at (the) most

    con mucho — by far, far and away

    fue, con mucho, el mejor — he was by far the best, he was far and away the best

    no se puede comparar, ni con mucho, a ninguna de nuestras ideas — it bears no comparison at all o you can't begin to compare it with any of our ideas

    cuando mucho — frm at (the) most

    tener a algn en mucho — to think highly of sb

    ni mucho menos, Juan no es ni mucho menos el que era — Juan is nothing like the man he was

    mi intención no era insultarte, ni mucho menos — I in no way intended to insult you, I didn't intend to insult you, far from it

    por mucho que, por mucho que estudies — however hard you study

    por mucho que lo quieras no debes mimarlo — no matter how much you love him, you shouldn't spoil him

    * * *
    a) <salir/ayudar> a lot

    me gusta muchísimo — I like it/her/him very much o a lot

    ¿llueve mucho? — is it raining hard?

    ¿estás preocupado? - mucho — are you worried? - (yes, I am,) very

    ¿te gusta? - sí, mucho — do you like it? - yes, very much; para locs ver mucho III 3)

    - cha adjetivo
    a) (sing) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of

    ¿tienes mucha hambre? — are you very hungry?

    b) (pl) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of

    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? — did you get many o a lot of presents?

    2) (sing)
    a) (fam) ( con valor plural)
    - cha pronombre
    1) (refiriéndose a cantidad, número)

    mucho de lo que ha dichomuch o a lot of what he has said

    muchos creen que... — many (people) believe that...

    2) mucho ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a long time

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — are we nearly there?

    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? — did you have to wait long?

    con mucho — by far, easily

    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos — he isn't a good pianist, far from it

    * * *
    = heavily, much, widely, a great deal, eminent + Nombre, utmost, vitally + Verbo, plenty, to any great degree, severely, lots of, rather a lot, numerable, a whole lot (of), a great deal of, a good deal of, greatly, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], extensively, a barrel/barrow load of monkeys, bags of.
    Ex. Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.
    Ex. Although the 1949 code was much longer than its predecessor, the 1908 code, it only contained rules pertaining to headings.
    Ex. An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex. Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.
    Ex. 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex. Indeed, he must take the utmost care never to jump to conclusions.
    Ex. Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex. One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
    Ex. Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex. Pressure on space will create the desire on the part of the editor to limit severely the length any paper being published.
    Ex. Though reference work is the backbone of their task, they do lots of things that are not reference work.
    Ex. Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.
    Ex. During the past decade both groups have developed numerable measures to assess creative potential.
    Ex. For the libraries in Belgium CD-ROM offers a new range of possibilities and a whole lot of reference works will be searchable and much more used.
    Ex. As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex. There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
    Ex. The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex. Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex. The landlord is as mad as a barrel load of monkeys, but a fine man and ex-soldier.
    Ex. His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * afectar mucho = hit + hard.
    * Algo a lo que hay que dedicar mucho tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * andarse con mucho cuidado = walk on + eggshells, tread + the thin line between... and.
    * andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * arriesgar mucho = play (for) + high stakes.
    * avanzar mucho = travel + a long way down the road.
    * bajar mucho = go + way down.
    * beber mucho = drink + heavily.
    * bebida alcohólica con muchos grados = hard drink, hard liquor.
    * cada vez mucho mayor = fast-increasing, exploding.
    * causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * con mucha antelación = far in advance.
    * con mucha ceremonia = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * con mucha frecuencia = very often.
    * con mucha información = populated.
    * con mucha labia = glibly, smooth-talking.
    * con mucha palabrería = glibly.
    * con mucha población = heavily populated.
    * con mucha pompa = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha prisa = without a minute to spare.
    * con muchas actividades = event-filled.
    * con muchas deudas = heavily indebted.
    * con muchas ilustraciones = copiously illustrated.
    * con muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * con muchas prestaciones = feature-filled, multifacility.
    * con mucha vitalidad = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.].
    * con mucho = very much, far + Verbo, grossly, by far, by a long shot, by a long way, hands down.
    * con mucho ánimo = spiritedly.
    * con mucho bombo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho contenido = information packed [information-packed].
    * con mucho esfuerzo = painfully.
    * con mucho éxito = with a wide appeal.
    * con mucho protocolo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho público = well attended [well-attended].
    * con muchos acontecimientos = event-filled.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * con muchos eventos = event-filled.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con muchos miramientos = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * contener mucho = be high in.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-term, long-lost.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * demandar mucho esfuerzo por parte de Alguien = tax + Posesivo + imagination.
    * de muchas formas = in more ways than one.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way.
    * de mucho arraigo = long-established.
    * de mucho beneficio = high-payoff.
    * de mucho cuidado = badass.
    * de mucho provecho = high-payoff.
    * de muchos usos = all-purpose.
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desempeñando muchas funciones = in many capacities.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * día de mucho calor = scorcher.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.
    * durante muchas horas = for many long hours.
    * durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).
    * durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * durar mucho = last + long.
    * durar mucho rato = take + a long time.
    * durar mucho tiempo = last + long.
    * echar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * echar mucho de menos = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * echar mucho en falta = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en muchos aspectos = in most respects.
    * en muchos casos = in many instances.
    * en muchos grupos = in many quarters.
    * en muchos grupos de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sentidos = in many ways, in many respects, in most respects, in more ways than one.
    * escribir mucho sobre Algo = a lot + be written about, much + be written about.
    * existen de muchos tipos = come in + many guises.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * faltar mucho = be a long way off.
    * faltar mucho (para) = there + be + a long way to go (before), have + a long way to go (before).
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * guardar con mucho cariño = treasure.
    * guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * haber de muchos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * haber recorrido mucho mundo = be well-travelled.
    * haber viajado mucho = be well-travelled.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hace ya mucho tiempo que = gone are the days of.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * la mayoría con mucho = the vast majority of.
    * llenar mucho = be filling.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * mucha gente + esperar que = be widely expected.
    * muchas ganancias = high return.
    * Muchas gracias = Thank you very much.
    * muchas horas = long hours.
    * muchas otras cosas = much else.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * muchas veces = multiple times.
    * mucho + Adjetivo = very much + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo.
    * mucho antes = early on.
    * mucho antes de = well before.
    * mucho + Comparativo = a good deal + Comparativo.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * mucho esfuerzo = hard work.
    * mucho interés = keen interest.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo, far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio/Adjetivo = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo, far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más allá de = far beyond.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * mucho mayor = far greater, far larger, very much greater.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * mucho menos = a great deal less, let alone, far less.
    * mucho menos + Adjetivo = far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre, bleeding + Adjetivo/Nombre.
    * mucho peor = far worse.
    * mucho que + Infinitivo = a lot + Infinitivo.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = much ado about nothing, storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos = many, good many, many a(n).
    * muchos beneficios = high return.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * muchos + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre.
    * mucho tiempo = long time, long periods of time, a very long time, long hours, ample time, for a long time.
    * mucho tiempo antes de (que) = long before.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * ni con mucho = not by a long shot.
    * ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empe = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo + intentar = try as + Pronombre + might.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * prometer mucho = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).
    * quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.
    * quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sorprenderse mucho = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * trabajando mucho = hard at work.
    * trabajar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * trabajar mucho = work + hard.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.
    * Verbo + mucho = Verbo + hard.
    * y cuanto mucho menos = much less.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho menos = much less, least of all.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * * *
    a) <salir/ayudar> a lot

    me gusta muchísimo — I like it/her/him very much o a lot

    ¿llueve mucho? — is it raining hard?

    ¿estás preocupado? - mucho — are you worried? - (yes, I am,) very

    ¿te gusta? - sí, mucho — do you like it? - yes, very much; para locs ver mucho III 3)

    - cha adjetivo
    a) (sing) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of

    ¿tienes mucha hambre? — are you very hungry?

    b) (pl) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of

    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? — did you get many o a lot of presents?

    2) (sing)
    a) (fam) ( con valor plural)
    - cha pronombre
    1) (refiriéndose a cantidad, número)

    mucho de lo que ha dichomuch o a lot of what he has said

    muchos creen que... — many (people) believe that...

    2) mucho ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a long time

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — are we nearly there?

    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? — did you have to wait long?

    con mucho — by far, easily

    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos — he isn't a good pianist, far from it

    * * *
    = heavily, much, widely, a great deal, eminent + Nombre, utmost, vitally + Verbo, plenty, to any great degree, severely, lots of, rather a lot, numerable, a whole lot (of), a great deal of, a good deal of, greatly, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], extensively, a barrel/barrow load of monkeys, bags of.

    Ex: Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.

    Ex: Although the 1949 code was much longer than its predecessor, the 1908 code, it only contained rules pertaining to headings.
    Ex: An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex: Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.
    Ex: 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex: Indeed, he must take the utmost care never to jump to conclusions.
    Ex: Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex: One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
    Ex: Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex: Pressure on space will create the desire on the part of the editor to limit severely the length any paper being published.
    Ex: Though reference work is the backbone of their task, they do lots of things that are not reference work.
    Ex: Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.
    Ex: During the past decade both groups have developed numerable measures to assess creative potential.
    Ex: For the libraries in Belgium CD-ROM offers a new range of possibilities and a whole lot of reference works will be searchable and much more used.
    Ex: As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex: There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
    Ex: The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex: Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex: The landlord is as mad as a barrel load of monkeys, but a fine man and ex-soldier.
    Ex: His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * afectar mucho = hit + hard.
    * Algo a lo que hay que dedicar mucho tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * andarse con mucho cuidado = walk on + eggshells, tread + the thin line between... and.
    * andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * arriesgar mucho = play (for) + high stakes.
    * avanzar mucho = travel + a long way down the road.
    * bajar mucho = go + way down.
    * beber mucho = drink + heavily.
    * bebida alcohólica con muchos grados = hard drink, hard liquor.
    * cada vez mucho mayor = fast-increasing, exploding.
    * causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * con mucha antelación = far in advance.
    * con mucha ceremonia = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * con mucha frecuencia = very often.
    * con mucha información = populated.
    * con mucha labia = glibly, smooth-talking.
    * con mucha palabrería = glibly.
    * con mucha población = heavily populated.
    * con mucha pompa = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha prisa = without a minute to spare.
    * con muchas actividades = event-filled.
    * con muchas deudas = heavily indebted.
    * con muchas ilustraciones = copiously illustrated.
    * con muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * con muchas prestaciones = feature-filled, multifacility.
    * con mucha vitalidad = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.].
    * con mucho = very much, far + Verbo, grossly, by far, by a long shot, by a long way, hands down.
    * con mucho ánimo = spiritedly.
    * con mucho bombo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho contenido = information packed [information-packed].
    * con mucho esfuerzo = painfully.
    * con mucho éxito = with a wide appeal.
    * con mucho protocolo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho público = well attended [well-attended].
    * con muchos acontecimientos = event-filled.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * con muchos eventos = event-filled.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con muchos miramientos = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * contener mucho = be high in.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-term, long-lost.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * demandar mucho esfuerzo por parte de Alguien = tax + Posesivo + imagination.
    * de muchas formas = in more ways than one.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way.
    * de mucho arraigo = long-established.
    * de mucho beneficio = high-payoff.
    * de mucho cuidado = badass.
    * de mucho provecho = high-payoff.
    * de muchos usos = all-purpose.
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desempeñando muchas funciones = in many capacities.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * día de mucho calor = scorcher.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.
    * durante muchas horas = for many long hours.
    * durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).
    * durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * durar mucho = last + long.
    * durar mucho rato = take + a long time.
    * durar mucho tiempo = last + long.
    * echar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * echar mucho de menos = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * echar mucho en falta = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en muchos aspectos = in most respects.
    * en muchos casos = in many instances.
    * en muchos grupos = in many quarters.
    * en muchos grupos de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sentidos = in many ways, in many respects, in most respects, in more ways than one.
    * escribir mucho sobre Algo = a lot + be written about, much + be written about.
    * existen de muchos tipos = come in + many guises.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * faltar mucho = be a long way off.
    * faltar mucho (para) = there + be + a long way to go (before), have + a long way to go (before).
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * guardar con mucho cariño = treasure.
    * guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * haber de muchos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * haber recorrido mucho mundo = be well-travelled.
    * haber viajado mucho = be well-travelled.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hace ya mucho tiempo que = gone are the days of.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * la mayoría con mucho = the vast majority of.
    * llenar mucho = be filling.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * mucha gente + esperar que = be widely expected.
    * muchas ganancias = high return.
    * Muchas gracias = Thank you very much.
    * muchas horas = long hours.
    * muchas otras cosas = much else.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * muchas veces = multiple times.
    * mucho + Adjetivo = very much + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo.
    * mucho antes = early on.
    * mucho antes de = well before.
    * mucho + Comparativo = a good deal + Comparativo.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * mucho esfuerzo = hard work.
    * mucho interés = keen interest.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo, far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio/Adjetivo = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo, far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más allá de = far beyond.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * mucho mayor = far greater, far larger, very much greater.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * mucho menos = a great deal less, let alone, far less.
    * mucho menos + Adjetivo = far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre, bleeding + Adjetivo/Nombre.
    * mucho peor = far worse.
    * mucho que + Infinitivo = a lot + Infinitivo.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = much ado about nothing, storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos = many, good many, many a(n).
    * muchos beneficios = high return.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * muchos + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre.
    * mucho tiempo = long time, long periods of time, a very long time, long hours, ample time, for a long time.
    * mucho tiempo antes de (que) = long before.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * ni con mucho = not by a long shot.
    * ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empe = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo + intentar = try as + Pronombre + might.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * prometer mucho = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).
    * quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.
    * quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sorprenderse mucho = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * trabajando mucho = hard at work.
    * trabajar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * trabajar mucho = work + hard.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.
    * Verbo + mucho = Verbo + hard.
    * y cuanto mucho menos = much less.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho menos = much less, least of all.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.

    * * *
    salen mucho they go out a lot
    no salen mucho they don't go out much o a lot
    ¿salen mucho? do they go out much o a lot?
    me ayudaron muchísimo they really helped me a lot
    ahora funciona mucho mejor it works much o a lot better now
    esto preocupa, y mucho, a los ecologistas this is a matter of great concern to ecologists
    trabaja mucho he works very hard
    ¿llueve mucho? is it raining hard?
    me gusta muchísimo I like it a lot o very much
    por mucho que insistas, no te va a hacer caso no matter how much you insist o however much you insist he won't listen to you
    por mucho que le grites no te oye you can shout as much as you like but he won't hear you
    después de mucho discutir llegaron a un acuerdo after long discussions, they reached an agreement
    mucho criticar a los demás pero ella tampoco hace nada por ayudar she's forever o always criticizing others but she doesn't do anything to help either
    (en respuestas): ¿estás preocupado? — mucho are you worried? — (yes, I am,) very
    ¿te gusta? — sí, mucho do you like it? — yes, very much
    para locs ver mucho3 pron C. (↑ mucho (3))
    1 ( sing) a lot of; (en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of
    tiene mucha vitamina C it contains a lot of vitamin C
    no le tienen mucho respeto they don't have much o a lot of respect for him
    había mucha gente there were lots of o a lot of people there
    sucedió hace mucho tiempo it happened a long time ago
    ¿tienes mucha hambre? are you very hungry?
    una ciudad con mucha vida nocturna a city with plenty of night life
    2 (pl) a lot of; (en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of
    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? did you get many o a lot of presents?
    sus muchas obligaciones le impidieron asistir his many commitments prevented him from attending
    muchos niños pasan hambre many children go hungry
    seis hijos son muchos six children's a lot
    somos muchos there are a lot of us
    B ( sing)
    1 ( fam)
    (con valor plural): mucho elogio, mucho cumplido pero no me lo van a publicar they're full of praise and compliments but they're not going to publish it
    hoy día hay mucho sinvergüenza por ahí these days there are a lot of rogues around
    2 ( fam)
    (con valor ponderativo): era mucho jugador para un equipo tan mediocre he was much too good a player for a mediocre team like that
    (refiriéndose a cantidad, número): mucho de lo que ha dicho es falso much o a lot of what he has said is untrue
    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do
    si no es mucho pedir if it's not too much to ask
    muchos creen que … many (people) believe that …
    muchos son los llamados pero pocos los elegidos ( Bib) many are called but few are chosen
    hace mucho que no vamos al teatro we haven't been to the theater for a long time o for ages
    ¿falta mucho para llegar? are we nearly there?, is it much further?
    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? did you have to wait long?
    mucho antes de conocerte long o a long time before I met you
    C ( en locs):
    como mucho at (the) most
    costará unos 30 dólares como mucho it probably costs about 30 dollars at (the) most
    con mucho by far, easily
    fue, con mucho, la mejor de la clase she was by far o easily the best in the class, she was the best in the class, by far
    cuando mucho at (the) most
    ni mucho menos: no pretendo aconsejarte ni mucho menos I'm in no way trying to give you advice
    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos he isn't a good pianist, far from it
    * * *


    mucho 1 adverbio
    a)salir/ayudar a lot;

    trabajar hard;
    no salen mucho they don't go out much o a lot;

    me gusta muchísimo I like it very much o a lot;
    mucho mejor a lot better;
    por mucho que insistas no matter how much you insist;
    después de mucho discutir after much discussion

    ¿estás preocupado? — mucho are you worried? — (yes, I am,) very;

    ¿te gusta? — sí, mucho do you like it? — yes, very much
    mucho 2
    ◊ - cha adjetivo

    a) ( sing) a lot of;

    (en oraciones negativas, interrogativas) much, a lot of;

    no gano mucho dinero I don't earn much o a lot of money;
    ¿ves mucha televisión? do you watch much o a lot of television;
    tiene mucha hambre he's very hungry
    b) (pl) many, a lot of;

    había muchos extranjeros/muchas personas allí there were many o a lot of foreigners/people there;

    hace muchos años many years ago
    ■ pronombre
    1 ( referido a cantidad)
    a) ( sing) a lot;

    ( en oraciones negativas) much;

    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do;
    eso no es mucho that's not much;
    no queda mucha there isn't much left
    b) (pl) many;

    muchos creen que … many (people) believe that …;

    muchos de nosotros many of us

    ¿te falta mucho para terminar? will it take you long to finish?;
    mucho antes long before;
    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? did you have to wait long?
    b) ( en locs)

    con mucho by far, easily;
    ni mucho menos far from it;
    por mucho que … however much …
    I adj indef
    1 (abundante, numeroso) (en frases afirmativas) a lot of, lots of
    mucha comida, a lot of food
    muchos animales, lots of animals
    (en frases negativas) much, many pl: no queda mucho azúcar, there isn't much sugar left
    no conozco muchos sitios, I don't know many places
    2 (intenso) very: tengo mucho calor/miedo, I'm very hot/scared
    hizo mucho esfuerzo, he made a great effort
    3 (demasiado) es mucha responsabilidad, it's too much responsibility
    II pron
    1 a lot, a great deal, many: muchos fuimos al baile, many/lots of us went to the dance
    muchos de nosotros/vosotros, many of us/you
    de ésos tengo muchos, I've got lots of those
    III adverbio
    1 (cantidad) a lot, very much: me arrepentí mucho, I was very sorry
    2 (tiempo) hace mucho que desapareció, he went missing a long time ago
    hace mucho que estamos aquí, we have been here for a long time
    (a menudo) often: vamos mucho al cine, we go to the cinema quite often
    ♦ Locuciones: como mucho, at the most
    con mucho, by far
    ¡ni mucho menos!, no way!
    por mucho (que), however much
    Recuerda que el singular es much, el plural es many, y que estas dos palabras se suelen usar en frases negativas (no tengo demasiado tiempo, I haven't got much time), mientras que a lot (of) y lots (of) se encuentran en frases afirmativas: Tengo mucho dinero. I've got a lot of/lots of money. En frases interrogativas se usa tanto much y many como a lot o lots of: ¿Tienes mucho dinero?, Have you got much/ a lot of/lots of money? Sin embargo, en preguntas que empiezan por how sólo puedes emplear much o many: ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?, How much money have you got?
    ' mucho' also found in these entries:
    - abrigar
    - abultar
    - achicharrar
    - achicharrarse
    - acoger
    - adelantar
    - adentro
    - adorar
    - afear
    - afecta
    - afectar
    - afecto
    - agradecer
    - alejarse
    - antes
    - aparato
    - aprecio
    - aprovechar
    - ascendiente
    - avejentarse
    - avenida
    - avenido
    - bailar
    - bastante
    - boato
    - bombo
    - brío
    - cacarear
    - caché
    - cachet
    - calor
    - carácter
    - cariño
    - carrete
    - cascar
    - cervical
    - chapar
    - chiflar
    - cocerse
    - coco
    - comer
    - contraponer
    - costar
    - cuando
    - de
    - deber
    - decaer
    - decir
    - defraudar
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - ago
    - agony
    - all-out
    - alone
    - anywhere
    - around
    - as
    - attract
    - attuned to
    - backlog
    - badly
    - bake
    - balance
    - be
    - best
    - booze
    - bulky
    - busywork
    - capital
    - cautious
    - chalk
    - challenging
    - charisma
    - come along
    - come into
    - commotion
    - concern
    - deal
    - dear
    - demand
    - devoted
    - difficult
    - do
    - dog days
    - doing
    - easily
    - emotional
    - enthusiastic
    - esteem
    - exhilarate
    - experience
    - extravagant
    - fancy
    - far
    - fat
    - few
    * * *
    mucho, -a
    1. [gran cantidad de] a lot of;
    comemos mucho pescado/mucha verdura we eat a lot of fish/vegetables;
    había mucha gente there were a lot of people there;
    producen muchos residuos they produce a lot of waste;
    tengo muchos más/menos amigos que tú I've got a lot more/fewer friends than you;
    no tengo mucho tiempo I haven't got much o a lot of time;
    no nos quedan muchas entradas we haven't got many o a lot of tickets left;
    ¿hay muchas cosas que hacer? are there a lot of things to do?, is there much to do?;
    no tengo muchas ganas de ir I don't really o much feel like going;
    tengo mucho sueño I'm very sleepy;
    hoy hace mucho calor it's very hot today;
    hace mucho tiempo a long time ago;
    ¡mucha suerte! the best of luck!;
    ¡muchas gracias! thank you very much!
    2. (singular) [demasiado]
    hay mucho niño aquí there are rather a lot of kids here;
    mucha sal me parece que le estás echando I think you're overdoing the salt a bit, I think you're adding a bit too much salt;
    ésta es mucha casa para mí this house is much too big for me;
    es mucho hombre he's a real man;
    es mucho coche para un conductor novato it's far too powerful a car for an inexperienced driver;
    es mucha mujer para ti she's out of your league!;
    mucho lujo y mucho camarero trajeado pero la comida es horrible it's all very luxurious and full of smartly dressed waiters, but the food's terrible
    (singular) a lot;
    * * *
    I adj
    1 singular a lot of, lots of; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    mucho tiempo a lot of time;
    no tengo mucho tiempo I don’t have a lot of time o much time;
    tengo mucho frío I am very cold;
    es mucho coche para mí this car’s too much for me
    2 plural a lot of, lots of; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    muchos amigos a lot of friends;
    no tengo muchos amigos I don’t have a lot of friends o many friends
    II pron
    1 singular a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    no tengo mucho I don’t have much o a lot
    2 plural a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    no tengo muchos I don’t have many o a lot;
    muchos creen que … a lot of people o many people think that …
    III adv
    1 a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    ¿cuesta mucho? does it cost a lot o much?;
    nos vemos mucho we see each other often o a lot;
    hace mucho que no te veo I haven’t seen you for a long time;
    ¿dura/tarda mucho? does it last/take long?
    como mucho at the most;
    dan mucho de sí you can do a lot in 10 months;
    no es ni con mucho he is far from being …;
    ni mucho menos far from it;
    por mucho que however much
    * * *
    mucho adv
    1) : much, a lot
    mucho más: much more
    le gusta mucho: he likes it a lot
    2) : long, a long time
    tardó mucho en venir: he was a long time getting here
    por mucho que : no matter how much
    mucho, - cha adj
    1) : a lot of, many, much
    mucha gente: a lot of people
    hace mucho tiempo que no lo veo: I haven't seen him in ages
    muchas veces : often
    mucho, - cha pron
    1) : a lot, many, much
    hay mucho que hacer: there is a lot to do
    muchas no vinieron: many didn't come
    como mucho : at most
    con mucho : by far
    ni mucho menos : not at all, far from it
    * * *
    mucho1 adj
    1. (en general) a lot of / lots of
    ¿marcaste muchos goles? did you score many goals?
    mucho2 adv
    1. (en general) a lot
    lo siento mucho I'm very sorry / I'm really sorry
    3. (mucho tiempo) a long time
    no está acabado, ni mucho menos it is far from finished
    mucho3 pron
    3. (con plurales) many / a lot

    Spanish-English dictionary > mucho

  • 12 see

    I si: past tense - saw; verb
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) ver
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) ver
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) ver
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) ver, imaginarse
    5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) comprender, entender, ver
    6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) ver
    7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) ver
    8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) acompañar
    - seeing that
    - see off
    - see out
    - see through
    - see to
    - I
    - we will see

    II si: noun
    (the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) sede
    see vb
    1. ver
    turn the light on, I can't see anything enciende la luz; no veo nada
    have you seen Lesley recently? ¿has visto a Lesley últimamente?
    2. entender / ver
    3. quedar / ver
    I'll see you at ten quedamos a las diez / nos vemos a las diez
    4. ir / ver
    my tooth hurts, I'll have to see a dentist me duele una muela, tendré que ir al dentista
    let's see a ver / vamos a ver
    1 SMALLRELIGION/SMALL sede nombre femenino
    transitive verb (pt saw tr[sɔː], pp seen tr[siːn], ger seeing)
    1 (gen) ver
    did you see who it was? ¿has visto quién era?
    have you seen any good films lately? ¿has visto una buena película últimamente?
    2 (meet, visit) ver; (receive) ver, atender; (go out with) salir con
    guess who I saw on Saturday? ¿a que no sabes a quién vi el sábado?
    3 (understand) comprender, entender, ver
    do you see what I mean? ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir?
    4 (visualize, imagine) imaginarse, ver; (envisage) creer
    5 (find out, discover) ver; (learn) oír, leer
    6 (ensure, check) asegurarse de, procurar
    could you see that all the doors are locked? ¿podría asegurarse de que todas las puertas estén cerradas con llave?
    7 (accompany) acompañar
    8 (in cards) ver, ir
    1 (gen) ver
    2 (find out, discover) ver
    3 (understand) entender, ver
    oh, I see ah, ya veo
    I'll be seeing you! ¡hasta luego!
    let me see/let's see a ver, vamos a ver
    seeing is believing ver para creer
    see you around ya nos veremos
    see you later/soon/Monday! ¡hasta luego/pronto/el lunes!
    to be seeing things ver visiones
    to have seen better days haber conocido tiempos mejores
    to see for oneself comprobarlo uno,-a mismo,-a
    to see a lot of somebody ver a alguien a menudo
    to see one's way (clear) to doing something poder hacer algo, estar dispuesto,-a a hacer algo
    to see reason ver la razón
    to see red ponerse rojo,-a (de ira)
    to see stars ver las estrellas
    to see the back/last of somebody perder a alguien de vista
    to see the joke verle la gracia, entender el chiste
    to see the light ver la luz
    not to see the point no ver el sentido, no ver para qué
    we'll soon see about that! ¡ya lo veremos!
    you see (in explanations) verás 2 (in questions) ¿sabes?, ¿ves?
    see ['si:] v, saw ['sɔ] ; seen ['si:n] ; seeing vt
    1) : ver
    I saw a dog: vi un perro
    see you later!: ¡hasta luego!
    2) experience: ver, conocer
    3) understand: ver, entender
    4) ensure: asegurarse
    see that it's correct: asegúrese de que sea correcto
    5) accompany: acompañar
    to see off : despedir, despedirse de
    see vi
    1) : ver
    seeing is believing: ver para creer
    2) understand: entender, ver
    now I see!: ¡ya entiendo!
    3) consider: ver
    let's see: vamos a ver
    to see to : ocuparse de
    see n
    : sede f
    the Holy See: la Santa Sede
    sede s.f.
    (§ p.,p.p.: saw, seen) = observar v.
    percibir v.
    ver v.
    (§pres: veo, ves...) imp. ve-•)

    1. siː
    1) (past saw; past p seen) transitive verb
    a) ver*

    to see somebody/something + inf: I didn't see her arrive no la vi llegar; we'll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I'll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya

    b) \<\<film/play\>\> ver*
    c) (look at, inspect) ver*

    may I see your ticket? — ¿me permite su entrada (or boleto etc)?

    a) (perceive, notice) ver*
    b) (learn from reading, hearing)

    I see from your application form that... — he leído en su solicitud que...

    4) ( understand) ver*

    do you see what I mean? — ¿entiendes?, ¿te das cuenta?

    I can see (that) you're in a difficult position, but... — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero...

    5) (consider, regard) ver*

    the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo

    a) ( visualize)

    can you see him as a teacher? — ¿te lo imaginas de profesor?

    b) (envisage, foresee)

    to see something/somebody -ING: I can't see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero

    c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)

    we could move Johnson over to Sales - OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas - bueno, eso me parece bien

    a) (find out, determine) ver*
    b) ( ensure)

    to see that: see that it doesn't happen again — que no vuelva a suceder

    a) (experience, undergo)
    b) ( be the occasion of) (journ)

    in a week which has seen the start of... — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de...

    next Thursday sees the launch of the new model — el próximo jueves es la fecha señalada para el lanzamiento del nuevo modelo

    a) ( meet) ver*

    when can I see you again? — ¿cuándo nos podemos volver a ver?

    b) ( go out with) (colloq) salir* con
    c) ( saying goodbye) (colloq)

    see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!

    see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!

    10) ( visit)
    a) ( socially) ver*
    b) ( for consultation) ver*

    you should see a specialistdeberías ver a or ir a un especialista

    to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?

    11) ( receive) ver*, atender*
    12) (escort, accompany) acompañar

    a) ver*
    b) (look, inspect) ver*
    2) (understand, realize) ver*

    can't you see he loves you? — ¿no te das cuenta de or no ves que te quiere?

    3) (consider, think) ver*

    let's see — vamos a ver, veamos

    I'll see, but I can't promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada

    4) ( find out) ver*

    will it work? - try it and see — ¿funcionará? - prueba a ver

    what's going on? - you'll soon see — ¿qué pasa? - ya lo verás

    Phrasal Verbs:

    noun ( diocese) sede f

    (pt saw) (pp seen) VT VI
    1) (gen) ver

    to see sb do or doing sth — ver a algn hacer algo

    did you see that Queen Anne is dead? — ¿has oído que ha muerto la reina Ana?

    he's seen it allestá de vuelta de todo

    there was nobody to be seen — no se veía ni nadie

    as you can see — como ves

    I'll see him damned first — antes le veré colgado

    I never thought I'd see the day when... — nunca pensé ver el día en que...

    this dress isn't fit to be seen — este vestido no se puede ver

    see for yourself — velo tú

    I'll go and see — voy a ver

    now see here! (in anger) ¡mira!, ¡oiga!, ¡escuche!

    I see nothing wrong in it — no le encuentro nada malo

    I see in the paper that... — sale en el periódico que...

    let me see, let's see — (=show me/us) a ver; (=let me/us think) vamos a ver

    she's certainly seeing lifees seguro que está viendo muchas cosas

    we'll not see his like again — no veremos otro como él

    he's seen a lot of the world — ha visto mucho mundo

    so I see — ya lo veo

    I must be seeing things *estoy viendo visiones

    I can't see to read — no veo lo suficiente para leer

    can you see your way to helping us? — (fig) ¿nos hace el favor de ayudarnos?

    we'll see — ya veremos, a ver

    I'll see what I can do — veré si puedo hacer algo

    she won't see 40 again — los 40 ya no los cumple

    2) (=visit, meet) ver, visitar; (=have an interview with) tener una entrevista con, entrevistarse con

    the minister saw the Queen yesterdayel ministro se entrevistó or tuvo una entrevista con la Reina ayer

    I want to see you about my daughter — quiero hablar con usted acerca de mi hija

    what did he want to see you about? — ¿qué asunto quería discutir contigo?, ¿qué motivo tuvo su visita?

    we'll be seeing them for dinnervamos a cenar con ellos

    to see the doctor — ir a ver al médico, consultar al médico

    you need to see a doctortienes que ir a ver or consultar a un médico

    to go and see sb — ir a ver a algn; (a friend) visitar a algn

    we don't see much of them nowadays — ahora les vemos bastante poco

    see you! *chau *

    see you on Sunday! — ¡hasta el domingo!

    see you tomorrow! — ¡hasta mañana!

    see you later! — ¡hasta luego!

    see you soon! — ¡hasta pronto!

    3) (=understand, perceive) entender

    this is how I see it — este es mi modo de entenderlo, yo lo entiendo así

    I saw only too clearly that... — percibí claramente que...

    it's all over, see? * — se acabó, ¿entiendes?

    I can't or don't see why/how etc... — no veo or entiendo por qué/cómo etc...

    I don't see it, myself — yo no creo que sea posible

    he's dead, don't you see? — está muerto, ¿me entiendes?

    the Russians see it differently — los rusos lo miran desde otro punto de vista, el criterio de los rusos es distinto

    I fail to see how — no comprendo or entiendo cómo

    as far as I can see — por lo visto, por lo que yo veo

    the way I see it — a mi parecer

    4) (=accompany) acompañar

    he was so drunk we had to see him to bedestaba tan borracho que tuvimos que llevarle a la cama

    to see sb to the dooracompañar a algn a la puerta

    to see sb homeacompañar a algn a casa

    may I see you home? — ¿puedo acompañarte a casa?

    5) (=try) procurar

    see if... — ve a ver si..., mira a ver si...

    6) (=imagine) imaginarse

    I don't see her as a ministerno la veo or no me la imagino de ministra

    7) (=ensure)

    N (Rel) sede f ; [of archbishop] arzobispado m ; [of bishop] obispado m
    * * *

    1. [siː]
    1) (past saw; past p seen) transitive verb
    a) ver*

    to see somebody/something + inf: I didn't see her arrive no la vi llegar; we'll be sorry to see her go nos va a dar pena que se vaya; to see somebody/something -ing: I can see somebody coming this way veo venir a alguien; I thought I was seeing things pensé que estaba viendo visiones; I'll believe it when I see it hasta que no lo vea no lo creo; to be glad to see the back of somebody — alegrarse de que alguien se vaya

    b) \<\<film/play\>\> ver*
    c) (look at, inspect) ver*

    may I see your ticket? — ¿me permite su entrada (or boleto etc)?

    a) (perceive, notice) ver*
    b) (learn from reading, hearing)

    I see from your application form that... — he leído en su solicitud que...

    4) ( understand) ver*

    do you see what I mean? — ¿entiendes?, ¿te das cuenta?

    I can see (that) you're in a difficult position, but... — me doy cuenta de or comprendo que estás en una situación difícil, pero...

    5) (consider, regard) ver*

    the way I see it, as I see it — a mi modo de ver, tal como yo lo veo

    a) ( visualize)

    can you see him as a teacher? — ¿te lo imaginas de profesor?

    b) (envisage, foresee)

    to see something/somebody -ING: I can't see it working no creo que vaya a funcionar; I can see her working abroad — la imagino trabajando en el extranjero

    c) ( accept) (AmE colloq)

    we could move Johnson over to Sales - OK, I can see that — podríamos pasar a Johnson a Ventas - bueno, eso me parece bien

    a) (find out, determine) ver*
    b) ( ensure)

    to see that: see that it doesn't happen again — que no vuelva a suceder

    a) (experience, undergo)
    b) ( be the occasion of) (journ)

    in a week which has seen the start of... — en una semana que ha visto el inicio de...

    next Thursday sees the launch of the new model — el próximo jueves es la fecha señalada para el lanzamiento del nuevo modelo

    a) ( meet) ver*

    when can I see you again? — ¿cuándo nos podemos volver a ver?

    b) ( go out with) (colloq) salir* con
    c) ( saying goodbye) (colloq)

    see you! — hasta luego!, hasta la vista!

    see you later/tonight/soon/on Saturday! — hasta luego/esta noche/pronto/el sábado!

    10) ( visit)
    a) ( socially) ver*
    b) ( for consultation) ver*

    you should see a specialistdeberías ver a or ir a un especialista

    to see somebody about something: can I see you about something privately? — ¿podría hablar con usted de un asunto privado?

    11) ( receive) ver*, atender*
    12) (escort, accompany) acompañar

    a) ver*
    b) (look, inspect) ver*
    2) (understand, realize) ver*

    can't you see he loves you? — ¿no te das cuenta de or no ves que te quiere?

    3) (consider, think) ver*

    let's see — vamos a ver, veamos

    I'll see, but I can't promise anything — voy a ver, pero no te puedo prometer nada

    4) ( find out) ver*

    will it work? - try it and see — ¿funcionará? - prueba a ver

    what's going on? - you'll soon see — ¿qué pasa? - ya lo verás

    Phrasal Verbs:

    noun ( diocese) sede f

    English-spanish dictionary > see

  • 13 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 14 get

    1. transitive verb,
    -tt-, p.t. got, p.p. got or (in comb./arch./ Amer. except in sense academic.ru/44353/m">m) gotten ( got also coll. abbr. of has got or have got)
    1) (obtain) bekommen; kriegen (ugs.); (by buying) kaufen; sich (Dat.) anschaffen [Auto usw.]; (by one's own effort for special purpose) sich (Dat.) besorgen [Visum, Genehmigung, Arbeitskräfte]; sich (Dat.) beschaffen [Geld]; einholen [Gutachten]; (by contrivance) kommen zu; (find) finden [Zeit]

    where did you get that?wo hast du das her?

    he got him by the leg/arm — er kriegte ihn am Bein/Arm zu fassen

    get somebody a job/taxi, get a job/taxi for somebody — jemandem einen Job verschaffen/ein Taxi besorgen od. rufen

    get oneself something/a job — sich (Dat.) etwas zulegen/einen Job finden

    you can't get this kind of fruit in the winter monthsdieses Obst gibt es im Winter nicht zu kaufen

    2) (fetch) holen

    what can I get you?was kann ich Ihnen anbieten?

    is there anything I can get you in town?soll ich dir etwas aus der Stadt mitbringen?


    get the busetc. (be in time for, catch) den Bus usw. erreichen od. (ugs.) kriegen; (travel by) den Bus nehmen

    4) (prepare) machen (ugs.), zubereiten [Essen]
    5) (coll.): (eat) essen

    get something to eat — etwas zu essen holen; (be given) etwas zu essen bekommen

    6) (gain) erreichen
    7) (by calculation) herausbekommen
    8) (receive) bekommen; erhalten, (ugs.) kriegen [Geldsumme]

    the country gets very little sun/rain — die Sonne scheint/es regnet nur sehr wenig in dem Land

    9) (receive as penalty) bekommen, (ugs.) kriegen [6 Monate Gefängnis, Geldstrafe, Tracht Prügel]

    you'll get it(coll.) du kriegst Prügel (ugs.); es setzt was (ugs.); (be scolded) du kriegst was zu hören (ugs.)

    10) (kill) töten; erlegen [Wild]; (hit, injure) treffen
    11) (win) bekommen; finden [Anerkennung]; sich (Dat.) verschaffen [Ansehen]; erzielen [Tor, Punkt, Treffer]; gewinnen [Preis, Belohnung]; belegen [ersten usw. Platz]
    12) (come to have) finden [Schlaf, Ruhe]; bekommen [Einfall, Vorstellung, Gefühl]; gewinnen [Eindruck]; (contract) bekommen [Kopfschmerzen, Grippe, Malaria]

    get an idea/a habit from somebody — von jemandem eine Idee/Angewohnheit übernehmen


    have got(coll.): (have) haben

    give it all you've gotgib dein Bestes

    have got a toothache/a cold — Zahnschmerzen/eine Erkältung haben od. erkältet sein

    something has got to be done [about it] — dagegen muss etwas unternommen werden

    14) (succeed in bringing, placing, etc.) bringen; kriegen (ugs.)
    15) (bring into some state)

    get things going or started — die Dinge in Gang bringen

    get everything packed/prepared — alles [ein]packen/vorbereiten

    get something ready/done — etwas fertig machen

    get one's hands dirtysich (Dat.) die Hände schmutzig machen

    you'll get yourself thrown out/arrested — du schaffst es noch, dass du rausgeworfen/verhaftet wirst

    get somebody talking/drunk/interested — jemanden zum Reden bringen/betrunken machen/jemandes Interesse wecken

    get one's hair cutsich (Dat.) die Haare schneiden lassen

    16) (induce)

    get somebody to do something — jemanden dazu bringen, etwas zu tun

    get something to do something — es schaffen, dass etwas etwas tut

    I can't get the car to start/the door to shut — ich kriege das Auto nicht in Gang/die Tür nicht zu

    17) (Radio, Telev.): (pick up) empfangen [Sender]
    18) (contact by telephone)

    get somebody [on the phone] — jemanden [telefonisch] erreichen

    19) (answer)

    I'll get it! — ich geh' schon!; (answer doorbell) ich mach' auf!; (answer the phone) ich gehe ran (ugs.) od. nehme ab!

    20) (coll.): (perplex) in Verwirrung bringen

    you've got me there; I don't know — da bin ich überfragt - ich weiß es nicht

    21) (coll.) (understand) kapieren (ugs.); verstehen [Personen]; (hear) mitkriegen (ugs.)

    get it?alles klar? (ugs.)

    22) (coll.): (annoy) aufregen (ugs.)
    2. intransitive verb,
    -tt-, got, gotten
    1) (succeed in coming or going) kommen

    when did you get here/to school? — wann bist du gekommen?/wann warst du in der Schule?

    2) (come to be)

    get talking [to somebody] — [mit jemandem] ins Gespräch kommen

    get going or started — (leave) losgehen; aufbrechen; (start talking) loslegen (ugs.); (become lively or operative) in Schwung kommen

    get going on or with something — mit etwas anfangen


    he got to like/hate her — mit der Zeit mochte er sie/begann er, sie zu hassen

    get to do something(succeed in doing) etwas tun können

    4) (become) werden

    get ready/washed — sich fertig machen/waschen

    get frightened/hungry — Angst/Hunger kriegen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    past tense - got; verb
    1) (to receive or obtain: I got a letter this morning.) erhalten
    2) (to bring or buy: Please get me some food.) besorgen
    3) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) kommen, holen
    4) (to cause to be in a certain condition etc: You'll get me into trouble.) bringen
    5) (to become: You're getting old.) werden
    6) (to persuade: I'll try to get him to go.) veranlassen
    7) (to arrive: When did they get home?) gelangen
    8) (to succeed (in doing) or to happen( to do) something: I'll soon get to know the neighbours; I got the book read last night.) bekommen
    9) (to catch (a disease etc): She got measles last week.) bekommen
    10) (to catch (someone): The police will soon get the thief.) erwischen
    11) (to understand: I didn't get the point of his story.) verstehen
    - getaway
    - get-together
    - get-up
    - be getting on for
    - get about
    - get across
    - get after
    - get ahead
    - get along
    - get around
    - get around to
    - get at
    - get away
    - get away with
    - get back
    - get by
    - get down
    - get down to
    - get in
    - get into
    - get nowhere
    - get off
    - get on
    - get on at
    - get out
    - get out of
    - get over
    - get round
    - get around to
    - get round to
    - get there
    - get through
    - get together
    - get up
    - get up to
    * * *
    <got, got or AM, CAN usu gotten>
    to \get sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erhalten [o bekommen]
    let's \get some breakfast/groceries lass uns frühstücken/Lebensmittel besorgen
    have you got a moment? haben Sie einen Augenblick Zeit?
    where did you \get your radio from? woher hast du dein Radio?
    to \get a glimpse of sb/sth einen Blick auf jdn/etw erhaschen
    to \get a radio station einen Sender empfangen [o fam reinbekommen]
    to \get time off freibekommen
    to \get sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] bekommen [o fam kriegen]
    to \get sth for one's birthday etw zum Geburtstag bekommen
    to \get a [telephone] call from sb von jdm angerufen werden
    to \get sth etw erleben
    we don't \get much snow in this country in diesem Land schneit es nicht sehr viel
    I got quite a shock ich habe einen ganz schönen Schock bekommen! fam
    I got quite a surprise ich war ganz schön überrascht
    to \get the impression that... den Eindruck gewinnen, dass...
    4. (deliver)
    to \get sth to sb jdm etw bringen
    5. ( fam: contract)
    to \get sth sich dat etw holen fam
    you can't \get measles twice Masern kannst du nicht zweimal bekommen
    to \get the flu sich dat die Grippe einfangen [o ÖSTERR a. holen] fam
    to \get food poisoning sich dat eine Lebensmittelvergiftung zuziehen [o ÖSTERR fam a. holen
    to \get [sb] sth [or sth for sb] jdm etw besorgen [o holen]
    can I \get you a drink? möchtest du was trinken?, kann ich Ihnen etwas zu trinken anbieten?; ( form)
    could you \get a newspaper for me, please? könntest du mir bitte eine Zeitung mitbringen?
    to \get sth somewhere irgendwo auf etw akk treffen
    you \get lions in Africa in Afrika gibt es Löwen
    to \get a plane/train (travel with) ein Flugzeug/einen Zug nehmen; (catch) ein Flugzeug/einen Zug erwischen fam
    9. (earn)
    to \get sth etw verdienen
    10. (exchange)
    to \get sth for sth etw für etw akk bekommen
    11. (buy)
    to \get sth etw kaufen
    12. (derive)
    to \get sth out of sth:
    what do I \get out of it? was habe ich davon?
    sb \gets a lot of pleasure out of [or from] sth etw bereitet jdm viel Freude
    to \get something out of sth aus etw dat seine Vorteile ziehen
    13. (calculate)
    to \get sth etw berechnen
    14. (capture)
    to \get sb/sth jdn/etw fangen
    15. ( fam: punish)
    to \get sb [for sth] jdn [für etw akk] kriegen fam
    I'll \get you for this/that! ich kriege dich dafür! fam
    16. ( fam: suffer)
    to \get it es bekommen, bestraft werden
    to \get sb to oneself jdn für sich akk haben
    to \get the door die Tür aufmachen
    to \get the telephone das Telefon abnehmen, ans Telefon gehen
    19. AM ( fam: pay for)
    to \get sth etw bezahlen
    20. + adj, pp (cause to be)
    he got his bag caught in the door seine Tasche verfing sich in der Tür
    she got the kids ready sie machte die Kinder fertig
    to \get sth confused etw verwechseln
    to \get sth delivered sich dat etw liefern lassen
    to \get sth finished etw fertig machen
    to \get sth typed etw tippen lassen
    to \get sb/sth doing sth:
    we'll soon \get you talking wir werden Sie schon zum Reden bringen
    haven't you got the photocopier working yet? hast du den Kopierer noch nicht zum Laufen gekriegt? fam
    to \get sb/sth to do sth jdn/etw dazu bringen, etw zu tun
    to \get one's computer to work seinen Computer zum Laufen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. Funktionieren] kriegen fam
    22. (transport)
    to \get sb/sth somewhere jdn/etw irgendwohin bringen
    we can't \get the bed through the door wir bekommen das Bett nicht durch die Tür
    23. (learn)
    to \get sth etw herausbekommen [o fam herauskriegen
    to \get sth etw verstehen
    to \get the meaning es verstehen
    to \get the message es kapieren fam
    to \get the picture ( fam) kapieren fam
    \get the picture? kapiert? fam, kapische? fam
    to \get sb/sth wrong jdn/etw falsch verstehen
    to \get dinner (prepare) das Abendessen zubereiten; (eat) zu Abend essen
    26. (baffle)
    to \get sb jdn verwirren
    this problem's simply got me mit diesem Problem bin ich einfach überfordert
    you've got me there da bin ich [aber] überfragt
    we'll get them with this tactic mit dieser Taktik kriegen wir sie fam
    27. ( fam: amuse)
    to \get sb jdn amüsieren
    28. ( fam: irk)
    to \get sb jdm auf die Nerven gehen fam
    29. ( fam: sadden)
    to \get sb jdm unter die Haut gehen fam
    30. (hit)
    to \get sb [in sth]:
    that nearly got me in the eye! das ist mir fast ins Auge geflogen!
    she got him right in the face sie hat ihn mitten ins Gesicht getroffen
    the shot got him in the arm der Schuss traf ihn in den Arm [o fam erwischte ihn am Arm
    \get him/her! sieh dir mal den/die an!
    to get one's own back [on sb] BRIT ( fam) sich akk [an jdm] rächen
    to \get it on ( fam: succeed) es schaffen; ( fam: fight) es sich dat geben; ( fam: have sex) es treiben euph fam
    1. + adj (become) werden
    are you \getting better? geht es dir besser?
    to \get real (sl) am Boden bleiben fam
    to \get used to sth sich akk an etw akk gewöhnen
    2. + vb (become)
    to \get to be sth etw werden
    how did you \get to be a belly dancer? wie bist du zu einer Bauchtänzerin geworden?
    to \get to like sth etw langsam mögen
    3. + pp (in passives) werden
    the dog got drowned der Hund ist ertrunken
    this window got broken jemand hat dieses Fenster zerbrochen
    to \get married heiraten
    4. (reach)
    to \get somewhere irgendwohin kommen
    to \get home [from somewhere] [von irgendwo] nach Hause kommen
    to get nowhere/somewhere [with sth] es nicht weit/weit [mit etw dat] bringen
    we were not \getting far with the negotiations unsere Verhandlungen kamen nicht weit voran
    6. (have opportunity)
    to \get to do sth die Möglichkeit haben, etw zu tun
    to \get to see sb jdn zu Gesicht bekommen
    to \get to do sth schaffen, etw zu tun
    8. (must)
    to have got to do sth etw machen müssen
    9. (start)
    to \get doing sth anfangen, etw zu tun
    to \get going [or moving] gehen
    we'd better \get going wir sollten besser gehen
    to \get with it sich akk informieren
    \get with it! setz dich damit auseinander!
    11. usu imper ( fam: go)
    [go on,] \get! hau [doch] ab! fam
    2. COMPUT Holanweisung f
    * * *
    [get] pret got, ptp got or ( US) gotten
    When get is part of a set combination, eg. get the sack, get hold of, get it right, look up the other word.
    1) = receive bekommen, kriegen (inf); sun, light, full force of blow abbekommen, abkriegen (inf); wound sich (dat) zuziehen; wealth, glory kommen zu; time, personal characteristics haben (from von)

    this country gets very little rain —

    he got the idea for his book while he was abroad/from an old document — die Idee zu dem Buch kam ihm, als er im Ausland war/hatte er von einem alten Dokument

    I get the feeling that... — ich habe das Gefühl, dass...

    2) = obtain by one's own efforts object sich (dat) besorgen; visa, money sich (dat) beschaffen or besorgen; (= find) staff, finance, partner, job finden; (= buy) kaufen; (= buy and keep) large item, car, cat sich (dat) anschaffen

    to get sb/oneself sth, to get sth for sb/oneself — jdm/sich etw besorgen; job jdm/sich etw verschaffen

    to get a glimpse of sb/sth — jdn/etw kurz zu sehen bekommen

    you'll have to get a job/more staff —

    he's been trying to get a house/job — er hat versucht, ein Haus/eine Stelle zu bekommen

    he got himself a wife/a good job — er hat sich (dat) eine Frau zugelegt (inf)

    we could get a taxiwir könnten (uns dat ) ein Taxi nehmen

    3) = fetch person, doctor, object holen

    I got him/myself a drink — ich habe ihm/mir etwas zu trinken geholt

    4) = catch bekommen, kriegen (inf); (in children's game) fangen; (= take) train, bus fahren mit

    to get sb by the arm/leg — jdn am Arm/Bein packen

    get him/it! (to dog)fass!

    (I've) got him! (inf)ich hab ihn! (inf)

    ha, ha, can't get me! — ha, ha, mich kriegst du nicht! (inf)

    my big brother will get you! (inf) — mein großer Bruder, der zeigts dir or der macht dich fertig! (inf)

    5) = hit treffen, erwischen (inf)
    6) RAD, TV bekommen, kriegen (inf)
    7) TELEC = contact erreichen; number bekommen; (= put through to, get for sb) geben

    get me 339/Mr Johnston please (to secretary) — geben Sie mir bitte 339/Herrn Johnston; (to switchboard) verbinden Sie mich bitte mit 339/Herrn Johnston

    8) = prepare meal machen

    I'll get you/myself some breakfast — ich mache dir/mir etwas zum Frühstück

    9) = eat essen

    let's get Italian/Chinese/Indian etc — gehen wir zum Italiener/Chinesen/Inder (essen)

    10) = send, take bringen

    this discussion isn't getting us anywhere —

    get the cat out of the roomtu die Katze aus dem Zimmer (inf)

    tell him to get it there as quickly as possible — er soll zusehen, dass das so schnell wie möglich dorthin gebracht wird

    11) = manage to move bekommen, kriegen (inf)
    12) = understand kapieren (inf), mitbekommen; (= hear) mitbekommen, mitkriegen (inf); (= make a note of) notieren

    I don't get you or your meaning — ich verstehe nicht, was du meinst


    = profit, benefit what do you get from it? — was hast du davon?, was bringt es dir? (inf)


    in exclamations iro inf get (a load of) that! — was sagst du dazu! (inf), hat man Töne! (inf)

    get her! (regarding looks)was sagst du zu der da? (inf); (iro) sieh dir bloß die mal an! (inf)

    15) person inf = annoy ärgern, aufregen; (= upset) an die Nieren gehen (+dat) (inf); (= thrill) packen (inf); (= amuse) amüsieren
    17) set structures __diams; to get sb to do sth (= have sth done by sb) etw von jdm machen lassen; (= persuade sb) jdn dazu bringen, etw zu tun

    I'll get him to phone you backich sage ihm, er soll zurückrufen

    you'll never get him to understand — du wirst es nie schaffen, dass er das versteht

    you'll get me/yourself thrown out —

    to get sth made for sb/oneself — jdm/sich etw machen lassen

    to get one's hair cutsich (dat) die Haare schneiden lassen

    I'll get the grass cut/the house painted soon (by sb else) — ich lasse bald den Rasen mähen/das Haus streichen

    did you get your expenses paid/your question answered? — haben Sie Ihre Spesen erstattet/eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage bekommen?

    to get sb/sth/oneself ready — jdn/etw/sich fertig machen

    to get sth clean/open/shut (person) — etw sauber kriegen/aufkriegen/zukriegen (inf)

    that'll get it open/shut — damit geht es auf/zu

    to get one's arm brokensich (dat) den Arm brechen

    to get one's hands dirty (lit, fig)sich (dat) die Hände schmutzig machen

    he can't get the sum to work out/the lid to stay open — er kriegt es nicht hin, dass die Rechnung aufgeht/dass der Deckel aufbleibt (inf)

    can you get the wound to stop bleeding? — können Sie etwas machen, dass die Wunde nicht mehr blutet?

    to get sth going (car, machine) — etw in Gang bringen; party etw in Fahrt bringen

    to get sb talkingjdn zum Sprechen bringen __diams; to have got sth ( Brit

    1) = arrive kommen

    I've got as far as page 16ich bin auf Seite 16 __diams; to get there ( fig inf

    how's the work going? – we're getting there! — wie geht die Arbeit voran? – langsam wirds was! (inf) __diams; to get somewhere/nowhere (in job, career etc) es zu etwas/nichts bringen; (with work, in discussion etc) weiterkommen/nicht weiterkommen

    to get somewhere/nowhere (with sb) —

    now we're getting somewhere (in project etc)jetzt wird die Sache (inf); (in interrogation, discussion etc) jetzt kommen wir der Sache schon näher

    to get nowhere fast (inf)absolut nichts erreichen __diams; to get far (lit) weit kommen; (fig) es weit bringen

    you won't get far on £10 — mit £ 10 kommst du nicht weit

    2) = become werden

    to get old/tired etc — alt/müde etc werden

    I'm getting cold/warm — mir wird es kalt/warm

    the weather is getting cold/warm — es wird kalt/warm

    to get dressed/shaved/washed etc — sich anziehen/rasieren/waschen etc

    things can only get better —

    how lucky can you get?so ein Glück!

    how stupid can you get?wie kann man nur so dumm sein? __diams; to get started anfangen

    to get to know sb/sth — jdn/etw kennenlernen

    to get to like sthan etw (dat) Gefallen finden

    after a time you get to realize... — nach einiger Zeit merkt man...

    to get to be... — (mit der Zeit)... werden

    to get to see sb/sth — jdn/etw zu sehen bekommen

    to get working/scrubbing etc —

    you lot, get cleaning/working! — ihr da, ans Putzen/an die Arbeit!

    get going!fang an!

    __diams; to get oneself... = convey oneself gehen; (= come) kommen

    how did you get yourself home? —

    to get oneself dirty/wet — sich schmutzig/nass machen

    to get oneself pregnant/fit — schwanger/fit werden

    to get oneself washed/dressed — sich waschen/anziehen

    he managed to get himself promoted —

    in order to get oneself electedum gewählt zu werden

    you'll get yourself killed if you go on driving like that — du bringst dich noch um, wenn du weiter so fährst

    * * *
    get [ɡet]
    A s
    1. Tennis: umg Rückschlag m
    2. ZOOL Nachkomme(n) m(pl)
    3. Br Fördermenge f
    B v/t prät got [ɡɒt; US ɡɑt], obs gat [ɡæt], pperf got [ɡɒt; US ɡɑt], US auch gotten [ˈɡɑtn]
    1. einen Brief, keine Antwort etc bekommen, erhalten, kriegen umg:
    he didn’t get much for his old car;
    get it umg sein Fett (ab)kriegen, eins aufs Dach kriegen;
    get a good start einen guten Start haben;
    get a station ( RADIO, TV) einen Sender empfangen oder reinbekommen;
    we could get no leave wir konnten keinen Urlaub bekommen;
    in autumn you get a lot of rain here umg im Herbst regnet es hier sehr viel;
    he’s got it bad(ly) umg ihn hat es schwer erwischt (er ist schwer erkrankt, heftig verliebt etc)
    2. sich etwas verschaffen oder besorgen:
    money can get you anything für Geld bekommt man alles;
    get a pregnancy test einen Schwangerschaftstest machen lassen
    3. erwerben, gewinnen, verdienen, erringen, erzielen:
    get fame Ruhm erringen oder erwerben oder erlangen;
    get a victory einen Sieg erringen oder erzielen;
    get wealth Reichtum erwerben
    4. Wissen, Erfahrung etc erwerben, sich aneignen, (er)lernen:
    get by heart auswendig lernen
    5. Kohle etc gewinnen, fördern
    6. erwischen:
    a) (zu fassen) kriegen, fassen, packen, fangen
    b) ertappen
    c) treffen:
    he’ll get you in the end er kriegt dich doch;
    you’ve got me there! umg da bin ich überfragt!;
    that gets me umg das kapiere ich nicht; das geht mir auf die Nerven; das packt mich, das geht mir unter die Haut
    7. a) Hilfe etc holen:
    get sb a taxi jemandem ein Taxi rufen;
    I’ll get it ich mach schon auf; TEL ich geh schon ran
    b) abholen ( from von)
    c) (hin)bringen:
    get sb to bed jemanden ins Bett bringen;
    get me a chair bring oder hol mir einen Stuhl!
    d) schaffen, bringen, befördern:
    get it out of the house schaffe es aus dem Haus!;
    get o.s. home sich nach Hause begeben; anywhere 1, nowhere A 2
    8. beschaffen, besorgen ( beide:
    for sb jemandem):
    please get me … TEL verbinden Sie mich bitte mit …
    10. a) have got haben:
    I’ve got no money;
    she’s got a pretty face;
    got a knife? umg hast du ein Messer?
    b) have got to müssen:
    11. machen, werden lassen, in einen (bestimmten) Zustand versetzen oder bringen:
    get one’s feet wet nasse Füße bekommen;
    get sth ready etwas fertig machen;
    get sb nervous jemanden nervös machen;
    I got my arm broken ich habe mir den Arm gebrochen
    12. (mit pperf) lassen:
    get one’s hair cut sich die Haare schneiden lassen;
    a) etwas erledigen (lassen),
    b) etwas zustande bringen
    13. (mit inf) dazu oder dahin bringen, bewegen, veranlassen:
    get sb to speak jemanden zum Sprechen bringen oder bewegen;
    get sth to burn etwas zum Brennen bringen
    14. (mit ppr) get going
    a) eine Maschine etc, fig a. Verhandlungen etc in Gang bringen,
    b) fig Schwung in eine Party etc bringen;
    get sth working again TECH etwas wieder zum Gehen bringen
    15. get sb for sth umg jemandem etwas heimzahlen
    16. eine Mahlzeit zu-, vorbereiten, herrichten
    17. Br umg essen:
    get breakfast frühstücken
    18. umg kapieren, (auch akustisch) verstehen:
    I didn’t get his name;
    I don’t get him ich versteh nicht, was er will;
    I don’t get that das kapier ich nicht;
    got it? kapiert?; wrong B 1
    19. US umg erledigen (töten)
    20. umg nicht mehr loslassen, überwältigen
    C v/i
    1. kommen, gelangen:
    get as far as Munich bis nach München kommen;
    get home nach Hause kommen, zu Hause ankommen;
    where has it got to? wo ist es hingekommen?;
    how far have you got with your homework? wie weit bist du mit deinen Hausaufgaben gekommen?;
    a) es schaffen, sein Ziel erreichen,
    b) dahinterkommen (es verstehen); anywhere 1, nowhere A 2
    2. (mit inf) dahin gelangen oder kommen, dazu übergehen:
    he got to like it er hat es lieb gewonnen;
    they got to be friends sie wurden Freunde;
    get to know sth etwas erfahren oder kennenlernen;
    get to know sb (better) jemanden (näher) kennenlernen
    3. (mit adj oder pperf) werden, in einen bestimmten Zustand etc geraten:
    get caught gefangen oder erwischt werden;
    get dressed sich anziehen;
    get tired müde werden, ermüden; busy A 2, drunk B 1, etc
    4. (mit ppr) beginnen, anfangen:
    they got quarrel(l)ing sie fingen an zu streiten;
    a) in Gang kommen (Maschine etc, fig a. Verhandlungen etc),
    b) fig in Schwung kommen (Party etc);
    get going on ( oder with) sth etwas in Angriff nehmen;
    a) zu reden anfangen,
    b) ins Gespräch kommen
    5. reich werden
    6. sl verduften, abhauen (beide umg)
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    -tt-, p.t. got, p.p. got or (in comb./arch./ Amer. except in sense m) gotten ( got also coll. abbr. of has got or have got)
    1) (obtain) bekommen; kriegen (ugs.); (by buying) kaufen; sich (Dat.) anschaffen [Auto usw.]; (by one's own effort for special purpose) sich (Dat.) besorgen [Visum, Genehmigung, Arbeitskräfte]; sich (Dat.) beschaffen [Geld]; einholen [Gutachten]; (by contrivance) kommen zu; (find) finden [Zeit]

    he got him by the leg/arm — er kriegte ihn am Bein/Arm zu fassen

    get somebody a job/taxi, get a job/taxi for somebody — jemandem einen Job verschaffen/ein Taxi besorgen od. rufen

    get oneself something/a job — sich (Dat.) etwas zulegen/einen Job finden

    2) (fetch) holen

    get the busetc. (be in time for, catch) den Bus usw. erreichen od. (ugs.) kriegen; (travel by) den Bus nehmen

    4) (prepare) machen (ugs.), zubereiten [Essen]
    5) (coll.): (eat) essen

    get something to eat — etwas zu essen holen; (be given) etwas zu essen bekommen

    6) (gain) erreichen
    7) (by calculation) herausbekommen
    8) (receive) bekommen; erhalten, (ugs.) kriegen [Geldsumme]

    the country gets very little sun/rain — die Sonne scheint/es regnet nur sehr wenig in dem Land

    9) (receive as penalty) bekommen, (ugs.) kriegen [6 Monate Gefängnis, Geldstrafe, Tracht Prügel]

    you'll get it(coll.) du kriegst Prügel (ugs.); es setzt was (ugs.); (be scolded) du kriegst was zu hören (ugs.)

    10) (kill) töten; erlegen [Wild]; (hit, injure) treffen
    11) (win) bekommen; finden [Anerkennung]; sich (Dat.) verschaffen [Ansehen]; erzielen [Tor, Punkt, Treffer]; gewinnen [Preis, Belohnung]; belegen [ersten usw. Platz]
    12) (come to have) finden [Schlaf, Ruhe]; bekommen [Einfall, Vorstellung, Gefühl]; gewinnen [Eindruck]; (contract) bekommen [Kopfschmerzen, Grippe, Malaria]

    get an idea/a habit from somebody — von jemandem eine Idee/Angewohnheit übernehmen


    have got(coll.): (have) haben

    have got a toothache/a cold — Zahnschmerzen/eine Erkältung haben od. erkältet sein

    something has got to be done [about it] — dagegen muss etwas unternommen werden

    14) (succeed in bringing, placing, etc.) bringen; kriegen (ugs.)

    get things going or started — die Dinge in Gang bringen

    get everything packed/prepared — alles [ein]packen/vorbereiten

    get something ready/done — etwas fertig machen

    get one's hands dirtysich (Dat.) die Hände schmutzig machen

    you'll get yourself thrown out/arrested — du schaffst es noch, dass du rausgeworfen/verhaftet wirst

    get somebody talking/drunk/interested — jemanden zum Reden bringen/betrunken machen/jemandes Interesse wecken

    get one's hair cutsich (Dat.) die Haare schneiden lassen

    get somebody to do something — jemanden dazu bringen, etwas zu tun

    get something to do something — es schaffen, dass etwas etwas tut

    I can't get the car to start/the door to shut — ich kriege das Auto nicht in Gang/die Tür nicht zu

    17) (Radio, Telev.): (pick up) empfangen [Sender]

    get somebody [on the phone] — jemanden [telefonisch] erreichen

    I'll get it! — ich geh' schon!; (answer doorbell) ich mach' auf!; (answer the phone) ich gehe ran (ugs.) od. nehme ab!

    20) (coll.): (perplex) in Verwirrung bringen

    you've got me there; I don't know — da bin ich überfragt - ich weiß es nicht

    21) (coll.) (understand) kapieren (ugs.); verstehen [Personen]; (hear) mitkriegen (ugs.)

    get it?alles klar? (ugs.)

    22) (coll.): (annoy) aufregen (ugs.)
    2. intransitive verb,
    -tt-, got, gotten

    when did you get here/to school? — wann bist du gekommen?/wann warst du in der Schule?

    get talking [to somebody] — [mit jemandem] ins Gespräch kommen

    get going or started — (leave) losgehen; aufbrechen; (start talking) loslegen (ugs.); (become lively or operative) in Schwung kommen

    get going on or with something — mit etwas anfangen


    he got to like/hate her — mit der Zeit mochte er sie/begann er, sie zu hassen

    4) (become) werden

    get ready/washed — sich fertig machen/waschen

    get frightened/hungry — Angst/Hunger kriegen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (give) the stick expr.
    eine Tracht Prügel bekommen (verabreichen) ausdr. (oneself) something expr.
    sich etwas anschaffen ausdr.
    sich etwas zulegen ausdr. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: got)
    or p.p.: gotten•) = aneignen v.
    bekommen v.
    besorgen v.
    bringen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: brachte, gebracht)
    erhalten v.
    erreichen v.
    erringen v.
    erwerben v.
    holen v.
    kapieren v.
    schaffen v.
    sich etwas verschaffen ausdr.
    verstehen v.

    English-german dictionary > get

  • 15 vivre

    vivre [vivʀ]
    ➭ TABLE 46
    1. intransitive verb
       a. to live
    quand l'ambulance est arrivée, il vivait encore he was still alive when the ambulance arrived
    vivre à Londres/en France to live in London/in France
    vivre dans le passé/dans la crainte to live in the past/in fear
    laissez-les vivre ! let them be! ; (slogan anti-avortement) let them live!
    être facile/difficile à vivre to be easy/difficult to get on with
    vivre de laitages/de rentes to live on dairy produce/a private income
    travailler/écrire pour vivre to work/write for a living
       b. [idée, rue, paysage] to be alive
    2. transitive verb
       a. ( = passer) to spend
       b. [+ événement, guerre] to live through
    3. plural masculine noun
    * * *
    1) ( connaître) to live through [époque, période]; to go through [heures difficiles, enfer]; to experience [amour, passion]
    2) ( ressentir) to cope with [divorce, échec]

    verbe intransitif
    1) Biologie ( être vivant) to live

    vivre vieux/centenaire — to live to a great age/to be a hundred

    cesser de vivreeuph to pass away

    vive moi/nous! — three cheers for me/us!

    2) ( habiter) to live

    être facile à vivre[conjoint] to be easy to live with; [ami] to be easy to get on with

    3) ( exister) [personne] to live

    apprendre à vivre à quelqu'un — (colloq) to teach somebody some manners (colloq)

    savoir vivre — ( profiter de la vie) to know how to enjoy life

    4) ( survivre) [personne] to live
    5) ( durer) [relation, mode] to last

    avoir vécu[personne] to have seen a great deal of life; ( être usé) hum to have had its day

    6) ( être animé) [ville, rue] to be full of life
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (= résider) to live

    J'aimerais vivre à l'étranger. — I'd like to live abroad.

    Je vis en Écosse. — I live in Scotland.

    Il vit chez ses parents. — He lives with his parents.

    Il a vécu à Paris pendant dix ans. — He lived in Paris for ten years.

    2) (= être vivant) to be alive

    avoir vécu; Ce régime a vécu. — This regime has had its day.

    3) (= exister, mener son existence) to live

    On vit de plus en plus longtemps. — People are living longer and longer.

    se laisser vivre — to let o.s. go

    ne plus vivre (= être anxieux)to live on one's nerves

    Il a vécu. — He has seen life.

    4) (= subsister) to live

    Ils avaient à peine de quoi vivre. — They had barely enough to live on.

    vivre de [salaire, allocations]to live on

    2. vt
    1) [vie] to live, [aventures] to go through, [temps] to spend

    Ils y ont vécu des jours heureux. — They spent some happy times there.

    2) (= ressentir)

    Il a très mal vécu son licenciement. — He took his redundancy very hard.

    3. nm
    4. vivres nmpl
    provisions, food supplies
    * * *
    vivre verb table: vivre
    A vtr
    1 ( connaître) to live through [époque, période]; to go through [heures difficiles, cauchemar, enfer]; to experience [amour, passion]; vivre son mariage comme un sacrifice to view one's marriage as self-sacrifice; être vécu comme un affront to be taken as an insult; vivre une vie tranquille/agitée to lead a quiet/hectic life; la vie vaut d'être vécue life is worth living; vivre sa vie to lead one's own life;
    2 ( ressentir) to cope with [divorce, échec, changement]; comment as-tu vécu votre séparation? how did you cope with your separation?; vivre sa foi to put one's faith into practiceGB?
    B vi
    1 Biol ( être vivant) [personne, animal, plante] to live; vivre longtemps/vieux/centenaire to live for a long time/to a great age/to be a hundred; cesser de vivre euph to pass away; vive la révolution/le président! long live the revolution/the president!; vive(nt) les vacances! three cheers for the holidays GB ou the vacation US!; vive la vie! life is wonderful!; vive moi/nous! three cheers for me/us!; vive Paul! hurray for Paul!;
    2 ( habiter) [personne, animal, plante] to live; vivre à la campagne/en démocratie to live in the country/in a democracy; il vit avec quelqu'un he's living with somebody; vivre à cinq dans une chambre to live five to a room; être facile/difficile à vivre [conjoint, concubin] to be easy/difficult to live with; [ami, collègue] to be easy/difficult to get on with; vivre les uns sur les autres to live on top of each other;
    3 ( exister) [personne] to live; vivre en ermite to live like a hermit; vivre dans la crainte/pour ses enfants to live in fear/for one's children; vivre avec son temps to move with the times; vivre à contre-courant to go one's own way; vivre en pyjama to live in one's pyjamas GB ou pajamas US; se laisser vivre to take things easy; apprendre à qn à vivre to teach sb some manners; savoir vivre ( profiter de la vie) to know how to enjoy life; ( être poli) to know how things are done;
    4 ( survivre) [personne] to live; bien vivre to live well; vivre de peu to live on very little; de quoi vit-elle? what does she live on?; avoir de quoi vivre to have enough to live on; vivre avec presque rien/sur son capital/de la charité to live on next to nothing/on one's capital/on charity; vivre de légumes to live on vegetables; vivre sur sa réputation to live on one's reputation; vivre de ses rentes to have a private income; faire vivre qn ( matériellement) to keep sb; vivre aux dépens de qn to live off sb; vivre d'espoir to live in hope; qu'est-ce qui te fait vivre? what keeps you going?;
    5 ( durer) [relation, mode, idéologie] to last; le gouvernement ne vivra pas longtemps the government won't last long; avoir vécu [personne] to have seen a great deal of life; hum ( être usé) [objet, idée] to have had its day; mes chaussures ont vécu my shoes have had their day; leur souvenir vivra dans nos mémoires their memory will live on in our hearts;
    6 ( être animé) [ville, rue] to be full of life.
    C se vivre vpr ( être ressenti) le divorce se vit souvent très mal divorce is often very hard to cope with.
    D vivres nmpl
    1 ( nourriture) food, supplies;
    2 ( moyens de subsistance) couper les vivres à qn to cut off sb's allowance.
    le vivre et le couvert board and lodging; vivre de l'air du temps to live on air; vivre sur un grand pied to live in great style; qui vivra verra what will be will be.
    [vivr] nom masculin
    vivres nom masculin pluriel
    food (substantif non comptable), foodstuffs, provisions
    [vivr] verbe intransitif
    1. BIOLOGIE [personne, animal] to live, to be alive
    [cellule, plante] to live
    vivre vieux ou longtemps to live to a great age ou ripe old age
    2. [mener une existence] to live
    vivre à l'heure de l'Europe/du XXIe siècle to live in the world of the European community/of the 21st century
    vivre dans le luxe/l'angoisse to live in luxury/anxiety
    ne vivre que pour la musique/sa famille to live only for music/one's family
    il fait bon vivre ici life is good ou it's a good life here
    a. [on est inquiet] we're worried sick
    b. [on est harassé] this isn't a life, this isn't what you can call living
    a. [il est impoli] he has no manners
    b. [il est trop nerveux] he doesn't know how to enjoy life
    3. [résider] to live
    vivre au Brésil/dans un château to live in Brazil/in a castle
    vivre dans une ou en communauté to live communally ou in a community
    a. [maritalement] to live with somebody
    b. [en amis] to share ou to live with somebody
    vivre ensemble [couple non marié] to live together
    être facile à vivre to be easygoing ou easy to get on with
    4. [subsister] to live
    vivre sur un seul salaire to live ou to exist on just one salary
    a. [personne] to provide a living for ou to support a family
    vivre bien/chichement to have a good/poor standard of living
    5. [se perpétuer - croyance, coutume] to be alive
    6. [donner l'impression de vie - sculpture, tableau]
    [vivr] verbe transitif
    1. [passer par - époque, événement] to live through (inseparable)
    vivre des temps difficiles to live through ou to experience difficult times
    vivre des jours heureux/paisibles to spend one's days happily/peacefully
    2. [assumer - divorce, grossesse, retraite] to experience
    elle a mal/bien vécu mon départ she couldn't cope/she coped well after I left

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > vivre

  • 16 el

    el coche the car
    la casa the house
    los niños the children
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/ax/eagle
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    * * *
    1 the
    la Sra. Rodríguez Mrs. Rodríguez
    2 el de the one
    3 el que (persona - sujeto) the one who; (- objeto) the one, the one that, the one whom
    4 (cosa) the one, the one that, the one which
    * * *
    1. pron. 2. art.
    * * *
    el; la; los; las
    1) [con nombres de referente único o concreto] the

    ¿está fría el agua? — is the water cold?

    ¿ha llegado ya el abogado? — has the lawyer arrived yet?

    el tío ese* that chap

    2) [en algunos casos no se traduce]
    a) [con nombres propios]

    ¿qué manda la señora? — what would madam like?

    ha llamado el Sr. Sendra — Mr. Sendra called

    dáselo a la Luisa* give it to Luisa

    b) [con nombres en sentido genérico]
    c) [con infinitivo]

    el hacerlo fue un error — doing it was a mistake, it was a mistake to do it

    d) [con cifras, proporciones]

    ahora gano el 3% más — I now earn 3% more

    3) [traducido por el posesivo]
    4) [con expresiones temporales]
    5) (=uso distributivo)
    6) [en exclamaciones]

    ¡el frío que hacía! — it was freezing!

    7) [posesivo]

    el de, mi libro y el de usted — my book and yours

    el del sombrero rojothe one with o in the red hat

    es un traje bonito, pero prefiero el de Ana — it's a nice suit, but I prefer Ana's

    y el de todos los demás — and that of everybody else, and everybody else's


    el que

    a) + indic

    él es el que quiere — it's he who wants to, he's the one who wants to

    los que hacen eso son tontos — anyone who does that is a fool, those who do so are foolish

    b) + subjun whoever

    el que quiera, que lo haga — whoever wants to can do it

    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    = the, ye.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * barrio de los ricos = upper town.
    * de los mejores = as good as any.
    * el abuelo de = the granddaddy of.
    * el acabose = the last straw.
    * el alcance = comprehensiveness.
    * el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.
    * el año próximo = the year ahead.
    * el arte de = the art of, the fine art of.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el auténtico = the real McCoy.
    * el beneficio de la duda = the benefit of the doubt.
    * el bien de = the good of.
    * el buenazo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.
    * el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.
    * el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * el charco = the big pond.
    * el ciudadano de a pie = the average Joe.
    * el ciudadano medio = the average Joe.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * el colmo = the last straw.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el copón = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * el corazón de = the heart of.
    * el crecimiento de = the rising tide of.
    * el cual = which.
    * el de = that in, that of.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el día del Juicio Final = the Day of Judgement.
    * El Diluvio = the Flood.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * el doble = twice + as many.
    * el doble de = twice + the number of.
    * El Dorado = El Dorado.
    * el enemigo en casa = the enemy within.
    * el entonces + Nombre = the then + Nombre.
    * el espíritu de la época = the spirit of the times.
    * el estado de las cosas = the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK].
    * el evitar = avoidance.
    * el éxito genera éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el éxito llama al éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el final de = the close of.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * el fin del mundo = the ends of the earth.
    * el fin de semana = over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.
    * el fruto de + Nombre = the fruit of + Nombre.
    * el futuro = the way ahead, the way of the future.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * el Gato con Botas = Puss in Boots.
    * el grado de = the extent of.
    * el grado de + Nombre = the breadth and depth of + Nombre.
    * el grado en que = the extent to which.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el guapo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * el hombre de la calle = the average Joe.
    * el hombre no es una isla = no man is an island.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * el impulsor de = the power behind.
    * el interés público = the public interest.
    * El Juicio Final = The Last Judgement.
    * el lastre de = the shackles of.
    * el llevar = carrying.
    * el lugar que le corresponde a = the due place of.
    * El Mago de Oz = The Wizard of Oz, The Wizard of Oz.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el Mediterráneo = Mediterranean Sea, the, the Med.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el mentir = lying.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * el mío = mine.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * el momento preciso = the point in time at which.
    * el motor de = the power behind.
    * el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo = dead men have no friends.
    * el mundo de las noticias = newsmaking.
    * el mundo en la palma de la mano = the world in the palm of + Posesivo + hand.
    * el mundo está a sus pies = the world is + Posesivo + oyster.
    * el mundo es un pañuelo = it's a small world.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el nuevo aspecto de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * el orgullo de = showpiece.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * el padre de = the father of.
    * el pan nuestro de cada día = all in a day's work.
    * el paso del tiempo = the passage of time, the sands of time.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * el peso de = brunt of, the.
    * el populacho = the great unwashed.
    * el porqué de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * el portavoz de = the voice of.
    * el presente = thisness.
    * el primer intento = the first time around.
    * el primer + Nombre = the earliest + Nombre.
    * el primero mencionado = former.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el proletariado = the great unwashed.
    * el pulmón de = the heart of.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el que = that, the one.
    * el que aprende = learner.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * el que no llora, no mama = the squeaky (squeaking) wheel gets the grease (the oil/oiled).
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * el que pregunta = inquirer [enquirer, -UK].
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * el registro de los registros = record-of-record.
    * el registro modelo = record-of-record.
    * el resto = rest, the.
    * el resto (de) = the remainder (of), the rest (of).
    * El Salvador = El Salvador.
    * el segundo mencionado = latter.
    * el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.
    * el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado = the right place at the right time.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el súmmum = the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el tamaño de = the extent of.
    * el tema de la discusión = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tema del debate = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tiempo de Algo = in season.
    * el tiempo es oro = time is money.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * el tiempo vuela = time flies (by).
    * el tipo de = the range of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * el total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * el transcurrir del tiempo = the sands of time.
    * el transcurso del tiempo = as time goes by.
    * el último citado = latter.
    * el último grito = the last word, the cat's meow, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el último + Nombre = the latest + Nombre.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * el único = the one and only.
    * el único e incomparable = the one and only.
    * el único e inimitable = the one and only.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero = the real McCoy.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * el ver televisión = television viewing.
    * el viejo = the elder.
    * el vulgo = the great unwashed.
    * el yugo de = the shackles of.
    * espicharlas = kick + the bucket.
    * la = the, ye.
    * la alternativa + ser = the alternative + be.
    * la belleza es superficial = beauty is only skin deep.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * la calidad es nuestro lema = quality is our middle name.
    * la calma que precede a la tormenta = the lull before the storm.
    * la cambiante fisonomía de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * la caridad empieza por uno mismo = charity begins at home.
    * la ciudadana de a pie = the average Jane.
    * la ciudadana media = the average Jane.
    * la ciudad que nunca duerme = the city that never sleeps.
    * la clave de = at the heart of.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la Convención de la Haya de 1954 = the 1954 Hague Convention.
    * la copa del árbol = the top of the tree.
    * la cosa es que = the thing is.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la crème de la crème = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la cruz de = the bane of.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la década de los + Número = the + Número + s.
    * la demanda de = a call for.
    * la diversidad de = the range of.
    * la diversidad de + Nombre = the many + Nombre.
    * la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.
    * la época de Algo = in season.
    * la escoria de la sociedad = the gutter.
    * la espalda de = the back of.
    * la evidencia = the writing on the wall.
    * la fe mueve montañas = faith will move mountains.
    * la filosofía de = the reason behind, the reasoning behind.
    * la flor de + Nombre = the prime of + Nombre.
    * la flor y nata = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.
    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).
    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.
    * la fuerza de la mayoría = strength in numbers.
    * la gente decía que = rumour had it that.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * la gente se está inquietando = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se está poniendo nerviosa = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se puso de pie para aplaudir = standing ovation.
    * la gota que colmó el vaso = the straw that broke the camel's back.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * la historia + repetirse = history + come full circle.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * la hostia = the cat's pyjamas, the cat's pyjamas, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la hoz y el martillo = the hammer and sickle.
    * la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.
    * la imaginación no tiene límites = your imagination is the limit.
    * la imitación es la mejor forma de que lo halaguen a uno = imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    * La Isla del Tesoro = Treasure Island.
    * la joya de = showpiece.
    * la judicatura = the Bench.
    * la justicia = the Bench.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la luz al final del túnel = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * la magistratura = the Bench.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mar de = a whole slew of.
    * la mayoría con mucho de = the vast majority of.
    * la mayoría de = the majority of, most + Nombre, the main bulk of.
    * la mayoría de la gente = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las veces = most of the time, more often than not.
    * la mayoría del mundo = the majority of the world, most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría del tiempo = most of the time.
    * la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.
    * la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.
    * la medida en que = the extent to which.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * la menor duda de que = no doubt whatsoever.
    * la mentira = lying.
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la mitad (1/2) = one-half (1/2).
    * la necesidad agudiza el ingenio = necessity mothers invention.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.
    * la parte de atrás de = the back of.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.
    * la parte trasera de = the back of.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * la pesadilla de = the bane of.
    * la pesca del día = the day's catch, the catch of the day.
    * la petición de = a call for.
    * la píldora = the pill.
    * la plebe = the great unwashed.
    * la polla = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * la primera tentativa = the first time around.
    * la primera vez = the first time around.
    * la proporción mayor de = the lion's share of.
    * la próxima moda = the next hot thing.
    * la puntilla = the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin.
    * la que = that, the one.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la realidad es que = the fact remains that..., fact is, the fact is (that).
    * la rehostia = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * la riqueza de = the wealth of.
    * la ruina de = the bane of.
    * las = the, ye.
    * las 24 horas = round the clock, around the clock.
    * las apariencias engañan = don't judge a book by its cover, there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las ataduras de = the shackles of.
    * las autoridades = the powers-that-be.
    * las cosas + cambiar = pendulum + swing.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas + seguir + igual = business + revolve + as usual.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas tal y como son = the birds and the bees.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * las de = those for.
    * las doce del mediodía = noon.
    * la segunda mitad de + Fecha = the latter part of + Fecha.
    * la segunda opción = the next best choice.
    * la segunda vez = the second time around.
    * la semana pasada = last week.
    * la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * las posibilidades son infinitas = the possibilities are endless.
    * las profundidades del mar = the deep.
    * las profundidades del océano = the deep.
    * las pruebas = the writing on the wall.
    * las raíces se encuentran = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * las razones de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * las Reglas de Cutter para un Catálogo Diccionario = Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * la suma total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * las uvas están verdes = sour grapes.
    * las veinticuatro horas = day and night, day or night, night and day.
    * la temporada de Algo = in season.
    * la tierra de la abundancia = the land of plenty.
    * la tierra de las oportunidades = the land of opportunity.
    * la tira de = a whole slew of.
    * la tira de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * la triste realidad es que = the sad fact is (that).
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la última vez = last time.
    * la última vez que = the last time.
    * la única pega = the fly in the ointment, a fly in the soup.
    * la unión hace la fuerza = strength in numbers.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * la verdad = the lowdown (on).
    * la verdad es que = if the truth be known, if the truth be told, the fact is (that), fact is.
    * la verdad es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * la vida continúa = the show must go on.
    * la vida + continuar = life + go on.
    * la vida es así = life's like that.
    * ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * la víspera de = on the eve of.
    * la voz de = the voice of.
    * la voz de la conciencia = the voice within.
    * la voz de la experiencia = the voice of experience.
    * la voz de la razón = the voice of reason.
    * la voz del odio = the voice of hate.
    * la voz interior = the voice within.
    * lo absurdo = ridiculousness.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * lo + Adjetivo + que sea/esté = how + Adjetivo.
    * lo anodino = blandness.
    * lo anteriormente expuesto = the preceding.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * lo básico = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * lo bastante extenso = adequately scoped.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo caro = expensiveness.
    * lo chicano = Chicana.
    * lo chulo = coolness.
    * lo cierto es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * lo completo = completeness.
    * lo completo que Algo está = fullness.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * lo decisivo = the last word.
    * lo definitivo = the last word.
    * lo desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!, you must be kidding!.
    * lo directo = directness.
    * lo divertido = the fun part.
    * lo engorroso de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo esencial = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo estrafalario = zaniness.
    * lo estrambótico = zaniness.
    * lo extenso = comprehensiveness.
    * lo favorable = propitiousness.
    * lo hebraico = Hebraica.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas = a rose by any other name.
    * lo imprescindible = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo incómodo de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo indefinido = indefiniteness.
    * lo indirecto = indirectness.
    * lo indispensable = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo insulso = blandness.
    * lo interesante = the fun part.
    * lo judío = Judaica.
    * lo lindo = cuteness.
    * lo llano = flatness.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más conveniente es que = optimally.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all, at its core.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo máximo = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * lo mínimo = bare minimum, bare necessities, the.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo ocurre en el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo molesto de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * lo noble = high-mindedness.
    * lo no convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo normal + ser + que = there + be + a tendency (to/for), there + be + a tendency (to/for).
    * lo oportuno = timeliness.
    * lo pasado pasado está = let bygones be bygones.
    * lo peor de = brunt of, the.
    * lo peor del = the armpit of the.
    * lo pintoresco = quaintness.
    * lo plano = flatness.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lo poco convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo primero = for one, first off.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * lo prometido es deuda = a promise is a promise.
    * lo propicio = propitiousness.
    * lo público = publicness.
    * lo que = that which, what.
    * lo que aguarda a = what is on store for.
    * lo que Algo o Alguien se merece, lo que le corresponde, bastante = fair share, fair share.
    * lo que a uno cura a otro mata = one man's meat is another man's poison.
    * lo que demuestra que = which (just) goes to show that.
    * lo que el futuro depara a = what is on store for.
    * lo que es aun más inquietante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun más preocupante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo que es bueno para uno también es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, more importantly, most of all, most important.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que es peor aun = worse still.
    * lo que espera a = what is on store for.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo que existe (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que hay (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que hay que hacer = do + the right thing, the way to go.
    * lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitar = do's and don'ts, rights and wrongs.
    * lo que le corresponde = fair share.
    * lo que nos espera = things to come.
    * lo que quiera que = whatever.
    * lo que sea = something or other.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que se suele pagar = going rate, the.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo rural = rurality.
    * los = the, ye.
    * los 365 días del año = year-round.
    * los 40 principales = Top 40 singles chart.
    * los abajo firmantes = the parties hereto.
    * los acontecimientos = the course of events.
    * lo sagrado = sacredness.
    * los albores de = the dawn of.
    * los años cincuenta = fifties.
    * los años treinta = thirties.
    * los árboles no dejan ver el bosque = lose + sight of the forest for the trees.
    * los avatares de la guerra = the tides of war.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * los comienzos de = the dawn of.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * los de = those for, those in.
    * los demás = rest, the, everybody else.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los días antes de = leading up to.
    * los dos = both, both of them, both of which.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * los gobernantes = the powers-that-be.
    * los hay para dar y regalar = there's one born every minute.
    * los mandamás = the powers-that-be.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * los más pobres + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los menos locuaces = inarticulate, the.
    * los motivos de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * los necesitados = the needy.
    * los orígenes de = the dawn of.
    * los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].
    * los peores + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los poderes fáticos = the powers-that-be.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * los que = those who.
    * los que detentan el poder = the powers-that-be.
    * los que mandan = the powers-that-be.
    * los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.
    * los que + Verbo = those + Participio.
    * los tribunales = the Bench.
    * lo suficientemente cerca = within range.
    * lo suficientemente cerca como para oír = within earshot of.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oír = out of earshot.
    * los últimos coletazos = fag-end.
    * lo sumo = the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks, the cat's pyjamas.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * los viejos tiempos = the good old days.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * lo último = the last word.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * lo vanguardista = cutting edge.
    * lo yidish = Yiddica.
    * parmarlas = kick + the bucket.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.

    * * *
    el (pl los), la; (pl las)
    A (con un referente único, conocido o que se define) the
    el sol the sun
    el lápiz/la goma/los lápices/las gomas que compré the pencil/the eraser/the pencils/the erasers I bought
    no, ése no, el que te presté ayer/el de Julio/el rojo no, not that one, the one I lent you yesterday/Julio's/the red one
    en la calle Solís in Solís Street
    prefiero el mío/los tuyos I prefer mine/yours
    me atendió el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers served me
    yo soy la arquitecta, ella es lexicógrafa I'm the architect, she's a lexicographer
    yo fui la que lo rompí or rompió I was the one who broke it
    los nacidos entre … those born between …
    los que faltamos ayer those of us who weren't here yesterday
    ¿cuál es Ardiles? — el del sombrero negro which one's Ardiles? — the one with the black hat
    un encuentro al que asistieron muchas personalidades a meeting which was attended by many well known people
    la obra de la que or de la cual hablábamos the play we were talking about
    (con sustantivos en sentido genérico): me encanta la ópera I love opera
    odio el pescado I hate fish
    así es la vida that's life
    (nosotros) los mexicanos lo sabemos muy bien we Mexicans know only too well
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?
    ya salió del hospital she's out of the hospital ( AmE) o ( BrE) out of hospital
    en el mar at sea
    viajar por el espacio to travel in space
    (en expresiones de tiempo): ocurrió el domingo de Pascua/en el verano del 76 it happened on Easter Sunday/in the summer of '76
    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    no trabaja los sábados she doesn't work (on) Saturdays
    estudió toda la mañana he studied all morning
    a las ocho at eight o'clock, at eight
    a eso de las seis around six o'clock
    (cada): lo venden a $80 el kilo/metro they're selling it at $80 a kilo/a meter o at $80 per kilo/meter
    ¿cuánto cuesta el paquete de diez? how much does a packet of ten cost?
    (con fracciones, porcentajes, números): me dio la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero she gave me half the money/a quarter of the money
    el 20% de los peruanos 20% of Peruvians
    vivo en el cuarto I live on the fifth floor ( AmE) o ( BrE) fourth floor
    (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc): con las manos en los bolsillos with my/your/his hands in my/your/his pockets
    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!
    tienes la falda sucia your skirt is dirty
    tienes el suéter puesto al revés you've got your sweater on inside out
    tiene el pelo largo/los ojos azules he has long hair/blue eyes
    (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc): llamó el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal/el general Santos Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal/General Santos phoned
    el gran Caruso the Great Caruso
    (con nombres de mujeres famosas): la última película de la Monroe Monroe's last movie
    (en plural): los Ortega (matrimonio) the Ortegas, Mr and Mrs Ortega; (familia) the Ortegas, the Ortega family
    a los Josés se les suele llamar Pepe people called José are often known as Pepe
    4 (fam: en muchas regiones crit)
    (con nombres de pila): pregúntale a la Carmen/al Ricardo ask Carmen/Ricardo
    (con algunos nombres geográficos): en la India in India
    en (el) Perú in Peru
    (al calificar): la España de Franco Franco's Spain
    el Buñuel que todos conocemos the Buñuel we all know
    la Italia del siglo pasado Italy in the last century
    (con algunos equipos deportivos): juegan contra el Juventus/el Barcelona they're playing against Juventus/Barcelona
    H el
    (con infinitivo): odiaba el tener que pedírselo he hated having to ask her
    es cuidadoso y pausado en el hablar he's careful and deliberate in the way he speaks
    el frenético girar de los bailarines the frenzied spinning of the dancers
    al + INF ver a prep B 2. (↑ a 3)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    el (pl
    los), la (pl las) art the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina


    así es la vida that's life;
    (nosotros) los mexicanos we Mexicans;
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?

    las tuyas yours;
    el último the last one;
    el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers
    a) el + de:

    el de las nueve the nine o'clock one;
    el de mi hijo my son's
    b) el + que:

    los que estén cansados;
    those who are tired, anyone who's tired;
    la que te guste whichever you like
    3 ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28;
    el mes pasado last month;
    toda la mañana all morning;
    a las ocho at eight o'clock
    4 ( cada):
    $80 el metro/kilo $80 a meter/a kilo, $80 per kilo/meter

    5 (con fracciones, porcentajes, números):
    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero half the money/a quarter of the money;

    el 20% de … 20% of …
    6 (con partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc):

    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!;
    tiene los ojos azules he has blue eyes
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc):

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal;

    los Ortega the Ortegas

    ver África, Argentina, etc
    él pron pers
    a) ( como sujeto) he;

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? — él who's going to tell her?he is;

    lo hizo él mismo he did it himself;
    fue él it was him
    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him;

    ( refiriéndose a cosas) it;
    llegué antes que él I arrived before him o before he did;

    con/para él with/for him;
    son de él they're his
    el art def m
    1 the
    2 (no se traduce) (ante un tratamiento formal) el sr. Gómez, Mr Gomez
    (cuando el sustantivo es general) el hambre/tiempo, hunger/time
    3 (se traduce por un posesivo) (con partes del cuerpo) se ha cortado el pelo, she's cut her hair
    (prendas) se lo metió en el bolsillo, he put it in his pocket
    (pertenencias) guarda el diario en el cajón, put your diary into the drawer
    4 (con días de la semana) iré el miércoles, I'll go on Wednesday
    5 (cuando el sustantivo está elidido) the one: prefiero el azul, I prefer the blue one
    el de las diez, the ten o'clock one
    el que está en la mesa, the one that's on the table
    el que más nos guste, whichever one we like best
    (delante de un posesivo) el de María, Maria's
    es el mío, it's mine
    él pron pers
    1 (sujeto) (persona) he
    (animal, cosa) it: fue él, it was him, fue él el que..., it was him that... o it was he who...
    2 (complemento) (persona) him
    (animal, cosa) it
    dáselo a él, give it to him, es para él, it's for him
    3 (posesivo) de él, his
    4 (oración comparativa) ella es mejor que él, she's better than him o she's better than he is
    'él' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abalanzarse
    - abaratarse
    - abarquillarse
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abastecimiento
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abordar
    - aborigen
    - aborregarse
    - abortar
    - abotargada
    - abotargado
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrirse
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - abstención
    - abundancia
    - acabar
    - acabarse
    - acabose
    - acallar
    - acanallar
    - accionariado
    - acero
    - achacosa
    - achacoso
    - achatamiento
    - achicharrarse
    - aclarar
    - aclarado
    - acomodarse
    - acompañar
    - acondicionar
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - about
    - above
    - abroad
    - abseil
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolute
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstract
    - academic
    - accelerate
    - accommodate
    - accomplice
    - account
    - accurately
    - accusation
    - accused
    - accustom
    - aching
    - act
    - act on
    - act up
    - actual
    - actually
    - acute
    - address
    - adequately
    - adjourn
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advantageous
    - advise
    - advocate
    - affair
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    - against
    - age
    - agenda
    - aggregate
    * * *
    el (f la, mpl los, fpl las) art determinado el is used instead of la before feminine nouns which are stressed on the first syllable and begin with “a” or “ha” (e.g. el agua, el hacha). Note that el combines with the prepositions a and de to produce the contracted forms al and del.
    1. [con valor especificador] the;
    el coche the car;
    la casa the house;
    los niños the children;
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/axe/eagle;
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    2. [con sustantivo abstracto, valor genérico]
    el amor love;
    la vida life;
    el hombre Man, human beings;
    los derechos de la mujer women's rights;
    los niños imitan a los adultos children copy adults;
    el pan es un alimento básico bread is a basic food;
    la mayoría de la gente no la conoce most people don't know her;
    vuelve el biquini bikinis are back
    3. [indica posesión, pertenencia]
    se partió la pierna he broke his leg;
    se quitó los zapatos she took her shoes off;
    tiene el pelo oscuro he has dark hair;
    me han robado la maleta my suitcase has been stolen;
    se dieron la mano they shook hands
    4. [con días de la semana, fechas, horas]
    vuelven el sábado they're coming back on Saturday;
    los domingos vamos al cine we go to the movies (on) Sundays;
    llegaré el 1 de mayo [escrito] I'll arrive on 1 May;
    [hablado] I'll arrive on the first of May;
    son las siete it's seven o'clock;
    el año pasado/que viene last/next year
    5. [con nombres propios geográficos]
    el Sena the (River) Seine;
    el Everest (Mount) Everest;
    la India India;
    La Haya The Hague;
    El Cairo Cairo;
    6. [con apellido]
    la señora Márquez Mrs Márquez;
    el señor/el doctor Juárez Mr/Doctor Juárez;
    los Amaya [matrimonio] Mr and Mrs Amaya, the Amayas;
    [familia completa] the Amayas, the Amaya family;
    los Austrias the Hapsburgs;
    el Hitler español the Spanish Hitler
    7. Fam [con nombre propio de persona]
    llama a la María call Maria
    8. [con numerales, porcentajes, fracciones]
    el siete es mi número de la suerte seven's my lucky number;
    llegó el tercero he came third;
    el tercer piso the third floor;
    un aumento del 30 por ciento a 30 percent increase;
    la quinta parte (de) a fifth (of);
    el 20 por ciento (de) 20 percent (of)
    9. [en proporciones, precios]
    100 pesos el kilo 100 pesos a o per kilo
    10. [con complemento especificativo]
    el/la del sombrero the one with the hat;
    los/las de azul [cosas] the blue ones;
    [personas] the ones in blue;
    he perdido el tren, cogeré el de las nueve I've missed the train, I'll get the nine o'clock one;
    el de aquí this one here;
    ¿los del parque son amigos tuyos? were those people in the park friends of yours?;
    prefiero las del escaparate I prefer the ones in the window;
    los del fondo no se callan the people at the back won't shut up
    11. [con complemento posesivo]
    mi hermano y el de Juan my brother and Juan's;
    el mío mine;
    la tuya yours;
    los suyos theirs
    12. [con adjetivo]
    prefiero el rojo al azul I prefer the red one to the blue one;
    el/la mejor the best;
    es la mejor de la clase she's the best in the class, she's top of the class;
    los seleccionados realizarán un examen those chosen will sit an exam;
    el tonto de Ignacio se equivocó that idiot Ignacio got it wrong
    13. [con infinitivo]
    el beber tanto acabó con él all that drinking is what finished him off;
    es amante del buen comer she loves good food;
    me sienta mal el tener que decírtelo I don't like to have to tell you
    14. [con frases subordinadas]
    el/la que [cosa] whichever;
    [persona] whoever;
    los/las que [cosas] whichever;
    [personas] whoever;
    coge el/los que quieras take whichever you like;
    el que más corra whoever runs fastest, the one who runs the fastest;
    las que quieran venir que levanten la mano those who want to come o anyone who wants to come should put their hand up;
    el que no te guste no quiere decir que sea malo the fact that you don't like him doesn't make him a bad person
    15. [con valor enfático]
    ¡la pena que me dio verlo en ese estado! I felt so sorry for him when I saw him in that state!
    * * *
    I art the
    II pron
    el de … that of …;
    el de Juan Juan’s;
    el más grande the biggest (one);
    el que está … the one that is …
    * * *
    él pron
    : he, him
    él es mi amigo: he's my friend
    hablaremos con él: we will speak with him
    1) : the one
    tengo mi libro y el tuyo: I have my book and yours
    de los cantantes me gusta el de México: I prefer the singer from México
    el que : he who, whoever, the one that
    el que vino ayer: the one who came yesterday
    el que trabaja duro estará contento: he who works hard will be happy
    el, la art, pl los, las : the
    los niños están en la casa: the boys are in the house
    me duele el pie: my foot hurts
    * * *
    el det
    1. the
    ¿qué te pareció el libro? what did you think of the book?
    2. (posesivo) my / your / his / her etcétera
    ¿te has cortado el pelo? have you had your hair cut?
    ¿cuál prefieres? el azul which one do you prefer? the blue one
    ¡Ojo! Algunas veces no se traduce
    ¿quieres salir el sábado? do you want to go out on Saturday?
    el Sr. García Mr. García
    el que (persona) the one who / the one that (cosa) the one which / the one that
    con el que that... with
    en el que that... in

    Spanish-English dictionary > el

  • 17 Clark, Edwin

    SUBJECT AREA: Civil engineering
    b. 7 January 1814 Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England
    d. 22 October 1894 Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England
    English civil engineer.
    After a basic education in mathematics, latin, French and geometry, Clark was articled to a solicitor, but he left after two years because he did not like the work. He had no permanent training otherwise, and for four years he led an idle life, becoming self-taught in the subjects that interested him. He eventually became a teacher at his old school before entering Cambridge, although he returned home after two years without taking a degree. He then toured the European continent extensively, supporting himself as best he could. He returned to England in 1839 and obtained further teaching posts. With the railway boom in progress he decided to become a surveyor and did some work on a proposed line between Oxford and Brighton.
    After being promised an interview with Robert Stephenson, he managed to see him in March 1846. Stephenson took a liking to Clark and asked him to investigate the strains on the Britannia Bridge tubes under various given conditions. This work so gained Stephenson's full approval that, after being entrusted with experiments and designs, Clark was appointed Resident Engineer for the Britannia Bridge across the Menai Straits. He not only completed the bridge, which was opened on 19 October 1850, but also wrote the history of its construction. After the completion of the bridge—and again without any professional experience—he was appointed Engineer-in-Chief to the Electric and International Telegraph Company. He was consulted by Captain Mark Huish of the London \& North Western Railway on a telegraphic system for the railway, and in 1853 he introduced the Block Telegraph System.
    Clark was engaged on the Crystal Palace and was responsible for many railway bridges in Britain and abroad. He was Engineer and part constructor of the harbour at Callao, Peru, and also of harbour works at Colón, Panama. On canal works he was contractor for the marine canal, the Morskoy Canal, in 1875 between Kronstadt and St Petersburg. His great work on canals, however, was the concept with Edward Leader Williams of the hydraulically operated barge lift at Anderton, Cheshire, linking the Weaver Navigation to the Trent \& Mersey Canal, whose water levels have a vertical separation of 50 ft (15 m). This was opened on 26 July 1875. The structure so impressed the French engineers who were faced with a bottleneck of five locks on the Neuffossée Canal south of Saint-Omer that they commissioned Clark to design a lift there. This was completed in 1878 and survives as a historic monument. The design was also adopted for four lifts on the Canal du Centre at La Louvière in Belgium, but these were not completed until after Clark's death.

    Biographical history of technology > Clark, Edwin

  • 18 él

    el coche the car
    la casa the house
    los niños the children
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/ax/eagle
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    * * *
    1 the
    la Sra. Rodríguez Mrs. Rodríguez
    2 el de the one
    3 el que (persona - sujeto) the one who; (- objeto) the one, the one that, the one whom
    4 (cosa) the one, the one that, the one which
    * * *
    1. pron. 2. art.
    * * *
    el; la; los; las
    1) [con nombres de referente único o concreto] the

    ¿está fría el agua? — is the water cold?

    ¿ha llegado ya el abogado? — has the lawyer arrived yet?

    el tío ese* that chap

    2) [en algunos casos no se traduce]
    a) [con nombres propios]

    ¿qué manda la señora? — what would madam like?

    ha llamado el Sr. Sendra — Mr. Sendra called

    dáselo a la Luisa* give it to Luisa

    b) [con nombres en sentido genérico]
    c) [con infinitivo]

    el hacerlo fue un error — doing it was a mistake, it was a mistake to do it

    d) [con cifras, proporciones]

    ahora gano el 3% más — I now earn 3% more

    3) [traducido por el posesivo]
    4) [con expresiones temporales]
    5) (=uso distributivo)
    6) [en exclamaciones]

    ¡el frío que hacía! — it was freezing!

    7) [posesivo]

    el de, mi libro y el de usted — my book and yours

    el del sombrero rojothe one with o in the red hat

    es un traje bonito, pero prefiero el de Ana — it's a nice suit, but I prefer Ana's

    y el de todos los demás — and that of everybody else, and everybody else's


    el que

    a) + indic

    él es el que quiere — it's he who wants to, he's the one who wants to

    los que hacen eso son tontos — anyone who does that is a fool, those who do so are foolish

    b) + subjun whoever

    el que quiera, que lo haga — whoever wants to can do it

    * * *
    pronombre personal
    a) ( como sujeto) he

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? - él — who's going to tell her? - he is

    fue él — it was him, it was he (frml)

    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him; ( refiriéndose a cosas) it

    con/contra/para él — with/against/for him

    con/contra/para él — with/against/for him

    * * *
    (pl los), la (pl las) articulo
    [the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina]

    ¿ya vas a la escuela? — do you go to school yet?

    el mío/las tuyas — mine/yours

    el rojo/último — the red/last one

    los nacidos entre... — those born between...


    el + de...: la del sombrero the one with the hat; el de Valencia the one from Valencia; el de las nueve the nine o'clock one; el de Juan/de mi hijo — Juan's/my son's


    el + que...: el que acaba de entrar the one who's just come in; las que yo ví the ones I saw; los que estén cansados; those who are tired, anyone who's tired; la que te guste whichever you like; el que lo haya hecho — whoever has done it

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    4) ( cada)

    $80 el metro/kilo — $80 a meter/a kilo

    5) (con fracciones, porcentajes, números)

    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero — half the money/a quarter of the money

    el 20% de... — 20% of...

    el cuarto pisothe fifth floor (AmE) o (BrE) fourth floor

    6) (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc)
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc)

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal — Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal

    b) ( en plural)
    * * *
    = the, ye.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: The article 'Ye olde smart card' presents an annotated list of information sources on the credit card industry.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * barrio de los ricos = upper town.
    * de los mejores = as good as any.
    * el abuelo de = the granddaddy of.
    * el acabose = the last straw.
    * el alcance = comprehensiveness.
    * el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.
    * el año próximo = the year ahead.
    * el arte de = the art of, the fine art of.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el auténtico = the real McCoy.
    * el beneficio de la duda = the benefit of the doubt.
    * el bien de = the good of.
    * el buenazo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.
    * el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.
    * el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.
    * el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * el charco = the big pond.
    * el ciudadano de a pie = the average Joe.
    * el ciudadano medio = the average Joe.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * el colmo = the last straw.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el copón = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * el corazón de = the heart of.
    * el crecimiento de = the rising tide of.
    * el cual = which.
    * el de = that in, that of.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el día del Juicio Final = the Day of Judgement.
    * El Diluvio = the Flood.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * el doble = twice + as many.
    * el doble de = twice + the number of.
    * El Dorado = El Dorado.
    * el enemigo en casa = the enemy within.
    * el entonces + Nombre = the then + Nombre.
    * el espíritu de la época = the spirit of the times.
    * el estado de las cosas = the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK].
    * el evitar = avoidance.
    * el éxito genera éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el éxito llama al éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
    * el final de = the close of.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * el fin del mundo = the ends of the earth.
    * el fin de semana = over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means.
    * el fruto de + Nombre = the fruit of + Nombre.
    * el futuro = the way ahead, the way of the future.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * el Gato con Botas = Puss in Boots.
    * el grado de = the extent of.
    * el grado de + Nombre = the breadth and depth of + Nombre.
    * el grado en que = the extent to which.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el guapo de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * el hombre de la calle = the average Joe.
    * el hombre no es una isla = no man is an island.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * el impulsor de = the power behind.
    * el interés público = the public interest.
    * El Juicio Final = The Last Judgement.
    * el lastre de = the shackles of.
    * el llevar = carrying.
    * el lugar que le corresponde a = the due place of.
    * El Mago de Oz = The Wizard of Oz, The Wizard of Oz.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el Mediterráneo = Mediterranean Sea, the, the Med.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el mentir = lying.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * el mío = mine.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * el momento preciso = the point in time at which.
    * el motor de = the power behind.
    * el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.
    * el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo = dead men have no friends.
    * el mundo de las noticias = newsmaking.
    * el mundo en la palma de la mano = the world in the palm of + Posesivo + hand.
    * el mundo está a sus pies = the world is + Posesivo + oyster.
    * el mundo es un pañuelo = it's a small world.
    * el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el nuevo aspecto de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * el orgullo de = showpiece.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * el padre de = the father of.
    * el pan nuestro de cada día = all in a day's work.
    * el paso del tiempo = the passage of time, the sands of time.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * el peso de = brunt of, the.
    * el populacho = the great unwashed.
    * el porqué de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * el portavoz de = the voice of.
    * el presente = thisness.
    * el primer intento = the first time around.
    * el primer + Nombre = the earliest + Nombre.
    * el primero mencionado = former.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el proletariado = the great unwashed.
    * el pulmón de = the heart of.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el que = that, the one.
    * el que aprende = learner.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * el que no llora, no mama = the squeaky (squeaking) wheel gets the grease (the oil/oiled).
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * el que pregunta = inquirer [enquirer, -UK].
    * el quid de la cuestión = the crux of the problem, the crux of the matter.
    * el registro de los registros = record-of-record.
    * el registro modelo = record-of-record.
    * el resto = rest, the.
    * el resto (de) = the remainder (of), the rest (of).
    * El Salvador = El Salvador.
    * el segundo mencionado = latter.
    * el sendero que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.
    * el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado = the right place at the right time.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el súmmum = the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el tamaño de = the extent of.
    * el tema de la discusión = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tema del debate = the focus of the discussion.
    * el tiempo de Algo = in season.
    * el tiempo es oro = time is money.
    * el tiempo lo dirá = only time will tell.
    * el tiempo vuela = time flies (by).
    * el tipo de = the range of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * el total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * el transcurrir del tiempo = the sands of time.
    * el transcurso del tiempo = as time goes by.
    * el último citado = latter.
    * el último grito = the last word, the cat's meow, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el último + Nombre = the latest + Nombre.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * el único = the one and only.
    * el único e incomparable = the one and only.
    * el único e inimitable = the one and only.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero = the real McCoy.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * el ver televisión = television viewing.
    * el viejo = the elder.
    * el vulgo = the great unwashed.
    * el yugo de = the shackles of.
    * espicharlas = kick + the bucket.
    * la = the, ye.
    * la alternativa + ser = the alternative + be.
    * la belleza es superficial = beauty is only skin deep.
    * La Biblioteca Responde = Ask the Library.
    * la Biblioteca y el Archivo de Canadá = Library and Archives Canada.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * la calidad es nuestro lema = quality is our middle name.
    * la calma que precede a la tormenta = the lull before the storm.
    * la cambiante fisonomía de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * la caridad empieza por uno mismo = charity begins at home.
    * la ciudadana de a pie = the average Jane.
    * la ciudadana media = the average Jane.
    * la ciudad que nunca duerme = the city that never sleeps.
    * la clave de = at the heart of.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la Convención de la Haya de 1954 = the 1954 Hague Convention.
    * la copa del árbol = the top of the tree.
    * la cosa es que = the thing is.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la crème de la crème = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la cruz de = the bane of.
    * la cuestión es que = the thing is.
    * la década de los + Número = the + Número + s.
    * la demanda de = a call for.
    * la diversidad de = the range of.
    * la diversidad de + Nombre = the many + Nombre.
    * la edad se lleva en el alma = you are as old as you feel.
    * la época de Algo = in season.
    * la escoria de la sociedad = the gutter.
    * la espalda de = the back of.
    * la evidencia = the writing on the wall.
    * la fe mueve montañas = faith will move mountains.
    * la filosofía de = the reason behind, the reasoning behind.
    * la flor de + Nombre = the prime of + Nombre.
    * la flor y nata = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * la forma correcta de hacer las cosas = the way to go.
    * la forma de = ways and means (of/for/to/in/by).
    * la forma de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la forma de ver las cosas = the way + to see things.
    * la fuerza de la mayoría = strength in numbers.
    * la gente decía que = rumour had it that.
    * la gente dice que = rumour has it that.
    * la gente se está inquietando = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se está poniendo nerviosa = the natives are nervous.
    * la gente se puso de pie para aplaudir = standing ovation.
    * la gota que colmó el vaso = the straw that broke the camel's back.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * la historia + repetirse = history + come full circle.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * la hostia = the cat's pyjamas, the cat's pyjamas, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la hoz y el martillo = the hammer and sickle.
    * la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.
    * la imaginación no tiene límites = your imagination is the limit.
    * la imitación es la mejor forma de que lo halaguen a uno = imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    * La Isla del Tesoro = Treasure Island.
    * la joya de = showpiece.
    * la judicatura = the Bench.
    * la justicia = the Bench.
    * la juventud no es cuestión de edad sino de espíritu = you are as old as you feel.
    * la leche = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la luz al final del túnel = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * la magistratura = the Bench.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo = the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
    * la mar de = a whole slew of.
    * la mayoría con mucho de = the vast majority of.
    * la mayoría de = the majority of, most + Nombre, the main bulk of.
    * la mayoría de la gente = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría de las veces = most of the time, more often than not.
    * la mayoría del mundo = the majority of the world, most people, the majority of the people.
    * la mayoría del tiempo = most of the time.
    * la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.
    * la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.
    * la medida en que = the extent to which.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * la menor duda de que = no doubt whatsoever.
    * la mentira = lying.
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la mitad (1/2) = one-half (1/2).
    * la necesidad agudiza el ingenio = necessity mothers invention.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.
    * la parte de atrás de = the back of.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.
    * la parte trasera de = the back of.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * la pesadilla de = the bane of.
    * la pesca del día = the day's catch, the catch of the day.
    * la petición de = a call for.
    * la píldora = the pill.
    * la plebe = the great unwashed.
    * la polla = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * la primera tentativa = the first time around.
    * la primera vez = the first time around.
    * la proporción mayor de = the lion's share of.
    * la próxima moda = the next hot thing.
    * la puntilla = the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin.
    * la que = that, the one.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la realidad es que = the fact remains that..., fact is, the fact is (that).
    * la rehostia = the dog's bollocks, the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's whiskers.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * la riqueza de = the wealth of.
    * la ruina de = the bane of.
    * las = the, ye.
    * las 24 horas = round the clock, around the clock.
    * las apariencias engañan = don't judge a book by its cover, there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las ataduras de = the shackles of.
    * las autoridades = the powers-that-be.
    * las cosas + cambiar = pendulum + swing.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas + seguir + igual = business + revolve + as usual.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * las cosas tal y como son = the birds and the bees.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * las de = those for.
    * las doce del mediodía = noon.
    * la segunda mitad de + Fecha = the latter part of + Fecha.
    * la segunda opción = the next best choice.
    * la segunda vez = the second time around.
    * la semana pasada = last week.
    * la senda que lleva a = a/the doorway to.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * las posibilidades son infinitas = the possibilities are endless.
    * las profundidades del mar = the deep.
    * las profundidades del océano = the deep.
    * las pruebas = the writing on the wall.
    * las raíces se encuentran = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * las razones de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * las Reglas de Cutter para un Catálogo Diccionario = Cutter's Rules for a Dictionary Catalog.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * la suma total de = the total sum of, the sum total of.
    * las uvas están verdes = sour grapes.
    * las veinticuatro horas = day and night, day or night, night and day.
    * la temporada de Algo = in season.
    * la tierra de la abundancia = the land of plenty.
    * la tierra de las oportunidades = the land of opportunity.
    * la tira de = a whole slew of.
    * la tira de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * la triste realidad es que = the sad fact is (that).
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * la última vez = last time.
    * la última vez que = the last time.
    * la única pega = the fly in the ointment, a fly in the soup.
    * la unión hace la fuerza = strength in numbers.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * la verdad = the lowdown (on).
    * la verdad es que = if the truth be known, if the truth be told, the fact is (that), fact is.
    * la verdad es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told.
    * la Vía Láctea = the Milky Way.
    * la vida continúa = the show must go on.
    * la vida + continuar = life + go on.
    * la vida es así = life's like that.
    * ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * la víspera de = on the eve of.
    * la voz de = the voice of.
    * la voz de la conciencia = the voice within.
    * la voz de la experiencia = the voice of experience.
    * la voz de la razón = the voice of reason.
    * la voz del odio = the voice of hate.
    * la voz interior = the voice within.
    * lo absurdo = ridiculousness.
    * lo adecuado = adequacy.
    * lo + Adjetivo + que sea/esté = how + Adjetivo.
    * lo anodino = blandness.
    * lo anteriormente expuesto = the preceding.
    * lo apropiado = appropriateness.
    * lo barato = inexpensiveness.
    * lo básico = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo bastante elevado = high enough.
    * lo bastante extenso = adequately scoped.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo caro = expensiveness.
    * lo chicano = Chicana.
    * lo chulo = coolness.
    * lo cierto es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * lo completo = completeness.
    * lo completo que Algo está = fullness.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * lo decisivo = the last word.
    * lo definitivo = the last word.
    * lo desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * ¿lo dices en broma? = you must be joking!, you must be kidding!.
    * lo directo = directness.
    * lo divertido = the fun part.
    * lo engorroso de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo esencial = essential, the, nuts and bolts, bare minimum, bare necessities, the, the lowdown (on).
    * lo estrafalario = zaniness.
    * lo estrambótico = zaniness.
    * lo extenso = comprehensiveness.
    * lo favorable = propitiousness.
    * lo hebraico = Hebraica.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas = a rose by any other name.
    * lo imprescindible = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo incómodo de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo indefinido = indefiniteness.
    * lo indirecto = indirectness.
    * lo indispensable = bare necessities, the, bare minimum.
    * lo insulso = blandness.
    * lo interesante = the fun part.
    * lo judío = Judaica.
    * lo lindo = cuteness.
    * lo llano = flatness.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más conveniente es que = optimally.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all, at its core.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo máximo = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * lo mínimo = bare minimum, bare necessities, the.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo ocurre en el caso de = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * lo molesto de = cumbersomeness.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * lo noble = high-mindedness.
    * lo no convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo normal + ser + que = there + be + a tendency (to/for), there + be + a tendency (to/for).
    * lo oportuno = timeliness.
    * lo pasado pasado está = let bygones be bygones.
    * lo peor de = brunt of, the.
    * lo peor del = the armpit of the.
    * lo pintoresco = quaintness.
    * lo plano = flatness.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * lo poco convencional = unconventional, the.
    * lo primero = for one, first off.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * lo prometido es deuda = a promise is a promise.
    * lo propicio = propitiousness.
    * lo público = publicness.
    * lo que = that which, what.
    * lo que aguarda a = what is on store for.
    * lo que Algo o Alguien se merece, lo que le corresponde, bastante = fair share, fair share.
    * lo que a uno cura a otro mata = one man's meat is another man's poison.
    * lo que demuestra que = which (just) goes to show that.
    * lo que el futuro depara a = what is on store for.
    * lo que es aun más inquietante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun más preocupante = more disturbingly.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo que es bueno para uno también es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, more importantly, most of all, most important.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * lo que es muy importante = importantly.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que es peor aun = worse still.
    * lo que espera a = what is on store for.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo que existe (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que hay (en el mercado) = what's out there.
    * lo que hay que hacer = do + the right thing, the way to go.
    * lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitar = do's and don'ts, rights and wrongs.
    * lo que le corresponde = fair share.
    * lo que nos espera = things to come.
    * lo que quiera que = whatever.
    * lo que sea = something or other.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que se suele pagar = going rate, the.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * lo rural = rurality.
    * los = the, ye.
    * los 365 días del año = year-round.
    * los 40 principales = Top 40 singles chart.
    * los abajo firmantes = the parties hereto.
    * los acontecimientos = the course of events.
    * lo sagrado = sacredness.
    * los albores de = the dawn of.
    * los años cincuenta = fifties.
    * los años treinta = thirties.
    * los árboles no dejan ver el bosque = lose + sight of the forest for the trees.
    * los avatares de la guerra = the tides of war.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * los comienzos de = the dawn of.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * los de = those for, those in.
    * los demás = rest, the, everybody else.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los días antes de = leading up to.
    * los dos = both, both of them, both of which.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * los gobernantes = the powers-that-be.
    * los hay para dar y regalar = there's one born every minute.
    * los mandamás = the powers-that-be.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * los más pobres + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los menos locuaces = inarticulate, the.
    * los motivos de = the reason behind, the thinking behind, the reasoning behind, the idea behind.
    * los necesitados = the needy.
    * los orígenes de = the dawn of.
    * los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].
    * los peores + Nombre = the poorest + Nombre.
    * los poderes fáticos = the powers-that-be.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * los que = those who.
    * los que detentan el poder = the powers-that-be.
    * los que mandan = the powers-that-be.
    * los que no han recibido formación específica = uninstructed, the.
    * los que + Verbo = those + Participio.
    * los tribunales = the Bench.
    * lo suficientemente cerca = within range.
    * lo suficientemente cerca como para oír = within earshot of.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oír = out of earshot.
    * los últimos coletazos = fag-end.
    * lo sumo = the bee's knees, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks, the cat's pyjamas.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * los viejos tiempos = the good old days.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * lo último = the last word.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * lo vanguardista = cutting edge.
    * lo yidish = Yiddica.
    * parmarlas = kick + the bucket.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.

    * * *
    el (pl los), la; (pl las)
    A (con un referente único, conocido o que se define) the
    el sol the sun
    el lápiz/la goma/los lápices/las gomas que compré the pencil/the eraser/the pencils/the erasers I bought
    no, ése no, el que te presté ayer/el de Julio/el rojo no, not that one, the one I lent you yesterday/Julio's/the red one
    en la calle Solís in Solís Street
    prefiero el mío/los tuyos I prefer mine/yours
    me atendió el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers served me
    yo soy la arquitecta, ella es lexicógrafa I'm the architect, she's a lexicographer
    yo fui la que lo rompí or rompió I was the one who broke it
    los nacidos entre … those born between …
    los que faltamos ayer those of us who weren't here yesterday
    ¿cuál es Ardiles? — el del sombrero negro which one's Ardiles? — the one with the black hat
    un encuentro al que asistieron muchas personalidades a meeting which was attended by many well known people
    la obra de la que or de la cual hablábamos the play we were talking about
    (con sustantivos en sentido genérico): me encanta la ópera I love opera
    odio el pescado I hate fish
    así es la vida that's life
    (nosotros) los mexicanos lo sabemos muy bien we Mexicans know only too well
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?
    ya salió del hospital she's out of the hospital ( AmE) o ( BrE) out of hospital
    en el mar at sea
    viajar por el espacio to travel in space
    (en expresiones de tiempo): ocurrió el domingo de Pascua/en el verano del 76 it happened on Easter Sunday/in the summer of '76
    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    no trabaja los sábados she doesn't work (on) Saturdays
    estudió toda la mañana he studied all morning
    a las ocho at eight o'clock, at eight
    a eso de las seis around six o'clock
    (cada): lo venden a $80 el kilo/metro they're selling it at $80 a kilo/a meter o at $80 per kilo/meter
    ¿cuánto cuesta el paquete de diez? how much does a packet of ten cost?
    (con fracciones, porcentajes, números): me dio la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero she gave me half the money/a quarter of the money
    el 20% de los peruanos 20% of Peruvians
    vivo en el cuarto I live on the fifth floor ( AmE) o ( BrE) fourth floor
    (refiriéndose a partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc): con las manos en los bolsillos with my/your/his hands in my/your/his pockets
    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!
    tienes la falda sucia your skirt is dirty
    tienes el suéter puesto al revés you've got your sweater on inside out
    tiene el pelo largo/los ojos azules he has long hair/blue eyes
    (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc): llamó el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal/el general Santos Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal/General Santos phoned
    el gran Caruso the Great Caruso
    (con nombres de mujeres famosas): la última película de la Monroe Monroe's last movie
    (en plural): los Ortega (matrimonio) the Ortegas, Mr and Mrs Ortega; (familia) the Ortegas, the Ortega family
    a los Josés se les suele llamar Pepe people called José are often known as Pepe
    4 (fam: en muchas regiones crit)
    (con nombres de pila): pregúntale a la Carmen/al Ricardo ask Carmen/Ricardo
    (con algunos nombres geográficos): en la India in India
    en (el) Perú in Peru
    (al calificar): la España de Franco Franco's Spain
    el Buñuel que todos conocemos the Buñuel we all know
    la Italia del siglo pasado Italy in the last century
    (con algunos equipos deportivos): juegan contra el Juventus/el Barcelona they're playing against Juventus/Barcelona
    H el
    (con infinitivo): odiaba el tener que pedírselo he hated having to ask her
    es cuidadoso y pausado en el hablar he's careful and deliberate in the way he speaks
    el frenético girar de los bailarines the frenzied spinning of the dancers
    al + INF ver a prep B 2. (↑ a 3)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    el (pl
    los), la (pl las) art the masculine article el is also used before feminine nouns which begin with accented a or ha, e.g. el agua pura, el hada madrina


    así es la vida that's life;
    (nosotros) los mexicanos we Mexicans;
    ¿ya vas a la escuela? do you go to school yet?

    las tuyas yours;
    el último the last one;
    el estúpido del marido that stupid husband of hers
    a) el + de:

    el de las nueve the nine o'clock one;
    el de mi hijo my son's
    b) el + que:

    los que estén cansados;
    those who are tired, anyone who's tired;
    la que te guste whichever you like
    3 ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    mi cumpleaños es el 28 de mayo my birthday's on May 28;
    el mes pasado last month;
    toda la mañana all morning;
    a las ocho at eight o'clock
    4 ( cada):
    $80 el metro/kilo $80 a meter/a kilo, $80 per kilo/meter

    5 (con fracciones, porcentajes, números):
    la mitad/la cuarta parte del dinero half the money/a quarter of the money;

    el 20% de … 20% of …
    6 (con partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir, artículos personales, etc):

    ¡te cortaste el pelo! you've had your hair cut!;
    tiene los ojos azules he has blue eyes
    a) (con apellidos acompañados de título, adjetivos, etc):

    el señor Ortiz/la doctora Vidal Mr Ortiz/Doctor Vidal;

    los Ortega the Ortegas

    ver África, Argentina, etc
    él pron pers
    a) ( como sujeto) he;

    ¿quién se lo va a decir? — él who's going to tell her?he is;

    lo hizo él mismo he did it himself;
    fue él it was him
    b) (en comparaciones, con preposiciones) him;

    ( refiriéndose a cosas) it;
    llegué antes que él I arrived before him o before he did;

    con/para él with/for him;
    son de él they're his
    el art def m
    1 the
    2 (no se traduce) (ante un tratamiento formal) el sr. Gómez, Mr Gomez
    (cuando el sustantivo es general) el hambre/tiempo, hunger/time
    3 (se traduce por un posesivo) (con partes del cuerpo) se ha cortado el pelo, she's cut her hair
    (prendas) se lo metió en el bolsillo, he put it in his pocket
    (pertenencias) guarda el diario en el cajón, put your diary into the drawer
    4 (con días de la semana) iré el miércoles, I'll go on Wednesday
    5 (cuando el sustantivo está elidido) the one: prefiero el azul, I prefer the blue one
    el de las diez, the ten o'clock one
    el que está en la mesa, the one that's on the table
    el que más nos guste, whichever one we like best
    (delante de un posesivo) el de María, Maria's
    es el mío, it's mine
    él pron pers
    1 (sujeto) (persona) he
    (animal, cosa) it: fue él, it was him, fue él el que..., it was him that... o it was he who...
    2 (complemento) (persona) him
    (animal, cosa) it
    dáselo a él, give it to him, es para él, it's for him
    3 (posesivo) de él, his
    4 (oración comparativa) ella es mejor que él, she's better than him o she's better than he is
    'él' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abalanzarse
    - abaratarse
    - abarquillarse
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abastecimiento
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abordar
    - aborigen
    - aborregarse
    - abortar
    - abotargada
    - abotargado
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrirse
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - abstención
    - abundancia
    - acabar
    - acabarse
    - acabose
    - acallar
    - acanallar
    - accionariado
    - acero
    - achacosa
    - achacoso
    - achatamiento
    - achicharrarse
    - aclarar
    - aclarado
    - acomodarse
    - acompañar
    - acondicionar
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - about
    - above
    - abroad
    - abseil
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolute
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstract
    - academic
    - accelerate
    - accommodate
    - accomplice
    - account
    - accurately
    - accusation
    - accused
    - accustom
    - aching
    - act
    - act on
    - act up
    - actual
    - actually
    - acute
    - address
    - adequately
    - adjourn
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advantageous
    - advise
    - advocate
    - affair
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    - against
    - age
    - agenda
    - aggregate
    * * *
    el (f la, mpl los, fpl las) art determinado el is used instead of la before feminine nouns which are stressed on the first syllable and begin with “a” or “ha” (e.g. el agua, el hacha). Note that el combines with the prepositions a and de to produce the contracted forms al and del.
    1. [con valor especificador] the;
    el coche the car;
    la casa the house;
    los niños the children;
    el agua/hacha/águila the water/axe/eagle;
    fui a recoger a los niños I went to pick up the children
    2. [con sustantivo abstracto, valor genérico]
    el amor love;
    la vida life;
    el hombre Man, human beings;
    los derechos de la mujer women's rights;
    los niños imitan a los adultos children copy adults;
    el pan es un alimento básico bread is a basic food;
    la mayoría de la gente no la conoce most people don't know her;
    vuelve el biquini bikinis are back
    3. [indica posesión, pertenencia]
    se partió la pierna he broke his leg;
    se quitó los zapatos she took her shoes off;
    tiene el pelo oscuro he has dark hair;
    me han robado la maleta my suitcase has been stolen;
    se dieron la mano they shook hands
    4. [con días de la semana, fechas, horas]
    vuelven el sábado they're coming back on Saturday;
    los domingos vamos al cine we go to the movies (on) Sundays;
    llegaré el 1 de mayo [escrito] I'll arrive on 1 May;
    [hablado] I'll arrive on the first of May;
    son las siete it's seven o'clock;
    el año pasado/que viene last/next year
    5. [con nombres propios geográficos]
    el Sena the (River) Seine;
    el Everest (Mount) Everest;
    la India India;
    La Haya The Hague;
    El Cairo Cairo;
    6. [con apellido]
    la señora Márquez Mrs Márquez;
    el señor/el doctor Juárez Mr/Doctor Juárez;
    los Amaya [matrimonio] Mr and Mrs Amaya, the Amayas;
    [familia completa] the Amayas, the Amaya family;
    los Austrias the Hapsburgs;
    el Hitler español the Spanish Hitler
    7. Fam [con nombre propio de persona]
    llama a la María call Maria
    8. [con numerales, porcentajes, fracciones]
    el siete es mi número de la suerte seven's my lucky number;
    llegó el tercero he came third;
    el tercer piso the third floor;
    un aumento del 30 por ciento a 30 percent increase;
    la quinta parte (de) a fifth (of);
    el 20 por ciento (de) 20 percent (of)
    9. [en proporciones, precios]
    100 pesos el kilo 100 pesos a o per kilo
    10. [con complemento especificativo]
    el/la del sombrero the one with the hat;
    los/las de azul [cosas] the blue ones;
    [personas] the ones in blue;
    he perdido el tren, cogeré el de las nueve I've missed the train, I'll get the nine o'clock one;
    el de aquí this one here;
    ¿los del parque son amigos tuyos? were those people in the park friends of yours?;
    prefiero las del escaparate I prefer the ones in the window;
    los del fondo no se callan the people at the back won't shut up
    11. [con complemento posesivo]
    mi hermano y el de Juan my brother and Juan's;
    el mío mine;
    la tuya yours;
    los suyos theirs
    12. [con adjetivo]
    prefiero el rojo al azul I prefer the red one to the blue one;
    el/la mejor the best;
    es la mejor de la clase she's the best in the class, she's top of the class;
    los seleccionados realizarán un examen those chosen will sit an exam;
    el tonto de Ignacio se equivocó that idiot Ignacio got it wrong
    13. [con infinitivo]
    el beber tanto acabó con él all that drinking is what finished him off;
    es amante del buen comer she loves good food;
    me sienta mal el tener que decírtelo I don't like to have to tell you
    14. [con frases subordinadas]
    el/la que [cosa] whichever;
    [persona] whoever;
    los/las que [cosas] whichever;
    [personas] whoever;
    coge el/los que quieras take whichever you like;
    el que más corra whoever runs fastest, the one who runs the fastest;
    las que quieran venir que levanten la mano those who want to come o anyone who wants to come should put their hand up;
    el que no te guste no quiere decir que sea malo the fact that you don't like him doesn't make him a bad person
    15. [con valor enfático]
    ¡la pena que me dio verlo en ese estado! I felt so sorry for him when I saw him in that state!
    * * *
    I art the
    II pron
    el de … that of …;
    el de Juan Juan’s;
    el más grande the biggest (one);
    el que está … the one that is …
    * * *
    él pron
    : he, him
    él es mi amigo: he's my friend
    hablaremos con él: we will speak with him
    1) : the one
    tengo mi libro y el tuyo: I have my book and yours
    de los cantantes me gusta el de México: I prefer the singer from México
    el que : he who, whoever, the one that
    el que vino ayer: the one who came yesterday
    el que trabaja duro estará contento: he who works hard will be happy
    el, la art, pl los, las : the
    los niños están en la casa: the boys are in the house
    me duele el pie: my foot hurts
    * * *
    el det
    1. the
    ¿qué te pareció el libro? what did you think of the book?
    2. (posesivo) my / your / his / her etcétera
    ¿te has cortado el pelo? have you had your hair cut?
    ¿cuál prefieres? el azul which one do you prefer? the blue one
    ¡Ojo! Algunas veces no se traduce
    ¿quieres salir el sábado? do you want to go out on Saturday?
    el Sr. García Mr. García
    el que (persona) the one who / the one that (cosa) the one which / the one that
    con el que that... with
    en el que that... in

    Spanish-English dictionary > él

  • 19 long

    I 1. adjective,
    1) lang; weit [Reise, Weg]

    be long in the tooth — nicht mehr der/die Jüngste sein

    two inches/weeks long — zwei Zoll/Wochen lang

    2) (elongated) länglich; schmal

    pull or make a long face — (fig.) ein langes Gesicht ziehen od. machen (ugs.)

    3) (of extended duration) lang

    long service(esp. Mil.) langjähriger Dienst

    in the long runauf die Dauer; auf lange Sicht

    in the long term — auf lange Sicht; langfristig

    for a long time — lange; (still continuing) seit langem

    what a long time you've been away!du warst aber lange [Zeit] fort!

    long time no see!(coll.) lange nicht gesehen! (ugs.)

    4) (tediously lengthy) lang[atmig]; weitschweifig
    5) (lasting) lang; langjährig [Gewohnheit, Freundschaft]
    6) klein, gering [Chance]
    7) (seemingly more than stated) lang [Minute, Tag, Jahre usw.]
    8) lang [Gedächtnis]
    9) (consisting of many items) lang [Liste usw.]; hoch [Zahl]
    2. noun

    for long — lange; (since long ago) seit langem

    it is long since... — es ist lange her, dass...


    the long and the short of it is... — der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist...

    3. adverb,
    longer, longest
    1) lang[e]

    as or so long as — solange

    not long before I... — kurz bevor ich...

    long since — [schon] seit langem

    all day/night/summer long — den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht/den ganzen Sommer [über od. lang]

    I shan't be longich bin gleich fertig; (departing) bis gleich!

    somebody is long [in or about doing something] — jemand braucht lange od. viel Zeit[, um etwas zu tun]

    not wait any/much longer — nicht mehr länger/viel länger warten

    no longer — nicht mehr; nicht länger [warten usw.]


    as or so long as — (provided that) solange; wenn

    II intransitive verb

    long for somebody/something — sich nach jemandem/etwas sehnen

    long for somebody to do somethingsich (Dat.) [sehr] wünschen, dass jemand etwas tut

    long to do something — sich danach sehnen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    I 1. [loŋ] adjective
    1) (measuring a great distance from one end to the other: a long journey; a long road; long legs.) lang
    2) (having a great period of time from the first moment to the last: The book took a long time to read; a long conversation; a long delay.) lang
    3) (measuring a certain amount in distance or time: The wire is two centimetres long; The television programme was just over an hour long.) lang
    4) (away, doing or using something etc for a great period of time: Will you be long?) lange weg
    5) (reaching to a great distance in space or time: She has a long memory) weitreichend
    2. adverb
    1) (a great period of time: This happened long before you were born.) lang
    2) (for a great period of time: Have you been waiting long?) lang
    - academic.ru/43736/longways">longways
    - long-distance
    - long-drawn-out
    - longhand
    - long house
    - long jump
    - long-playing record
    - long-range
    - long-sighted
    - long-sightedness
    - long-suffering
    - long-winded
    - as long as / so long as
    - before very long
    - before long
    - in the long run
    - the long and the short of it
    - no longer
    - so long!
    II [loŋ] verb
    ((often with for) to wish very much: He longed to go home; I am longing for a drink.) sich sehnen
    - longing
    - longingly
    * * *
    [lɒŋ, AM lɑ:ŋ]
    I. adj
    1. (in space) lang; (over great distance) weit; (elongated) lang, länglich; ( fam: tall) groß, lang fam
    the rods are 20 cm \long die Stäbe sind 20 cm lang
    we're still a \long way from the station wir sind noch weit vom Bahnhof entfernt
    as \long as one's arm ( fig) ellenlang fam
    there was a list of complaints as \long as your arm es gab eine ellenlange Liste von Beschwerden
    to draw a \long breath tief Luft holen
    \long journey weite Reise
    to have come a \long way einen weiten Weg zurückgelegt haben, von weit her gekommen sein
    to go a \long way ( fig: succeed) es weit [o zu etwas] bringen
    to go a \long way toward[s] sth ( fig: help) eine große Hilfe bei etw dat sein
    to have a \long way to go ( fig) [noch] einen weiten Weg vor sich dat haben
    2. (in time) lang; (tedious) lang, langwierig
    each session is an hour \long jede Sitzung dauert eine Stunde
    we go back a \long way wir kennen uns schon seit ewigen Zeiten
    \long career [jahre]lange Karriere
    a \long day ein langer [und anstrengender] Tag
    \long friendship langjährige Freundschaft
    a \long memory ein gutes Gedächtnis
    to have a \long memory for sth etw nicht so schnell vergessen
    \long service jahrelanger Dienst
    a \long time eine lange Zeit
    it was a \long time before I received a reply es dauerte lange, bis ich [eine] Antwort bekam
    to be a \long while since... [schon] eine Weile her sein, seit...
    to work \long hours einen langen Arbeitstag haben
    3. (in scope) lang
    the report is 20 pages \long der Bericht ist 20 Seiten lang
    a \long book ein dickes Buch
    a \long list eine lange Liste
    4. pred ( fam: ample)
    to be \long on sth etw reichlich haben
    \long on ideas but short on funds mehr Ideen als Geld
    to be \long on charm jede Menge Charme besitzen
    to be \long on wit sehr geistreich sein
    5. LING
    a \long vowel ein langer Vokal
    a \long chance eine geringe Chance
    \long odds geringe [Gewinn]chancen
    7. FIN
    \long security/shares Versicherung f/Aktien pl mit langer Laufzeit
    to be \long of stock STOCKEX eine Longposition einnehmen fachspr
    the \long arm of the law der lange Arm des Gesetzes
    [not] by a \long chalk bei Weitem [nicht]
    in the \long run langfristig gesehen, auf lange Sicht [gesehen]
    to take the \long view [of sth] [etw] auf lange Sicht betrachten
    \long time no see ( fam) lange nicht gesehen fam
    to be \long in the tooth nicht mehr der/die Jüngste sein
    to be \long in the tooth to do sth zu alt sein, [um] etw zu tun
    II. adv
    have you been waiting \long? wartest du schon lange?
    how \long have you lived here? wie lange haben Sie hier gewohnt?
    the authorities have \long known that... den Behörden war seit Langem bekannt, dass...
    \long live the King! lang lebe der König!
    to be \long lange brauchen
    I won't be \long (before finishing) ich bin gleich fertig; (before appearing) ich bin gleich da
    don't be \long beeil dich!
    to be \long about doing sth lange für etw akk brauchen
    don't be too \long about it! lass dir nicht zu viel Zeit, beeil dich nur!
    2. (at a distant time) lange
    \long ago vor langer Zeit
    \long after/before... lange nachdem/bevor...
    not \long before... kurz davor
    3. (after implied time) lange
    if this meeting goes on any \longer wenn das Meeting noch länger andauert
    how much \longer will it take? wie lange wird es noch dauern?
    not any \longer nicht länger
    I'm not going to wait any \longer ich werde nicht länger warten
    I can't wait any \longer to open my presents! ich kann es gar nicht [mehr] erwarten, endlich meine Geschenke auszupacken!
    no \longer nicht mehr
    he no \longer wanted to go there er wollte nicht mehr dorthin
    all day/night/summer \long den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht/den ganzen Sommer [lang]
    as [or so] \long as... (during) solange...; (provided that) sofern..., vorausgesetzt, dass...
    to be not \long for this world ( dated) nicht mehr lange zu leben haben, mit einem Fuß/Bein im Grabe sein
    so \long! ( fam) tschüss fam, bis dann fam
    III. n
    1. no pl (long time) eine lange Zeit
    have you been waiting for \long? wartest du schon lange?
    to take \long [to do sth] lange brauchen[, um etw zu tun]
    it won't take \long es wird nicht lange dauern
    take as \long as you like lass dir Zeit
    2. (in Morse) lang
    one short and three \longs einmal kurz und dreimal lang
    3. FIN
    \longs pl Langläufer pl fachspr
    before [very [or too]] \long schon [sehr] bald
    the \long and the short of it kurz gesagt
    [lɒŋ, AM lɑ:ŋ]
    vi sich akk sehnen
    to \long for sth sich akk nach etw dat sehnen
    to \long to do sth sich akk danach sehnen, etw zu tun
    * * *
    I abbr See: of longitude II [lɒŋ]
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (in size) lang; glass hoch; journey weit

    to be long in the tooth (inf) — nicht mehr der/die Jüngste sein

    2) (in time) lang; job langwierig

    she was abroad for a long time —

    well hullo, it's been a long time — hallo, schon lange nicht mehr gesehen

    long time no see (inf)sieht man dich auch mal wieder? (inf)

    3) (POET, PHON) vowel, syllable lang

    a long gin —

    2. adv

    don't be too long about it — lass dir nicht zu viel Zeit, mach nicht zu lange (inf)

    I shan't be long (in finishing) — ich bin gleich fertig; (in returning)

    two months without you, it's been too long — zwei Monate ohne dich, das war zu lang(e)

    he drank long and deep — er nahm einen langen, tiefen Schluck

    we waited as long as we could — wir haben gewartet, solange wir konnten

    also ago, since

    (in comp) how much longer can you stay? — wie lange können Sie noch bleiben?


    so long! (inf)tschüs(s)! (inf), bis später!

    3. n

    the long and the short of it is that... — kurz gesagt..., der langen Rede kurzer Sinn...

    are you going for long? —

    it didn't take long before... — es dauerte nicht lange, bis...

    2) (POET) lange Silbe
    sich sehnen (for nach); (less passionately) herbeisehnen, kaum erwarten können (for sth etw acc)

    I'm longing for him to resign —

    the children were longing for the bell to ring — die Kinder warteten sehnsüchtig auf das Klingeln or konnten das Klingeln kaum erwarten

    he is longing for me to make a mistake — er möchte zu gern, dass ich einen Fehler mache

    I am longing to go abroad — ich brenne darauf, ins Ausland zu gehen

    he longed to know what was happening — er hätte zu gerne gewusst, was vorging

    how I long for a cup of tea/a shower — wie ich mich nach einer Tasse Tee/einer Dusche sehne

    * * *
    long1 [lɒŋ]
    A adj
    1. a) allg lang (auch fig langwierig):
    a long illness (journey, list, look, speech, etc);
    long years pl of experience langjährige Erfahrung;
    long time no see umg sieht man dich auch wieder mal?;
    two miles (weeks) long zwei Meilen (Wochen) lang;
    a long way round ein großer Umweg;
    two long miles zwei gute Meilen, mehr als zwei Meilen; haul A 5 b, live1 A 2, measure A 1, run A 1, ton1 1 a
    b) weit, lang (Weg), weit (Entfernung)
    2. zu lang:
    the coat is long on him der Mantel ist ihm zu lang
    3. lang (gestreckt), länglich
    4. Längs…:
    5. umg lang, hochgewachsen (Person)
    6. groß:
    a long figure eine vielstellige Zahl
    7. übergroß, Groß…:
    long dozen dreizehn; hundred B 1
    8. weitreichend (Gedanken etc):
    a long memory ein gutes Gedächtnis;
    take the long view weit vorausblicken; view C 2
    9. grob (Schätzung)
    10. gering (Chance): odds 3
    11. seit Langem bestehend, alt (Brauch, Freundschaft etc)
    12. besonders WIRTSCH langfristig, mit langer Laufzeit, auf lange Sicht:
    long bill langfristiger Wechsel
    13. (zeitlich) fern, weit in der Zukunft liegend (Datum etc)
    14. WIRTSCH
    a) eingedeckt (of mit)
    b) auf Preissteigerung wartend:
    be ( oder go) long of the market, be on the long side of the market auf Hausse spekulieren
    15. be long on umg eine Menge … haben:
    he’s long on good ideas
    16. mit Mineral-, Sodawasser oder Fruchtsaft aufgefüllt (alkoholisches Getränk):
    long drink Longdrink m
    17. LING lang (Vokal)
    18. LIT
    a) lang
    b) betont
    19. CHEM leichtflüssig
    B adv
    1. lang(e):
    have you been waiting long? wartest du schon lange?;
    long dead schon lange tot;
    as long as he lives solange er lebt;
    as ( oder so) long as
    a) solange wie,
    b) sofern; vorausgesetzt, dass; falls;
    long after lange danach;
    as long ago as 1900 schon 1900;
    I saw him no longer ago than last week ich sah ihn erst letzte Woche;
    so long! umg bis dann!, tschüs(s)!; ago, all A 1, before A 2, overdue 2, since A 1
    don’t be long beeil dich!, mach schnell!;
    I won’t be long
    a) ich bin gleich wieder da,
    b) ich bin gleich fertig;
    be long (in oder about) doing sth lange brauchen, um etwas zu tun;
    it was not long before he came es dauerte nicht lange, bis er kam
    hold out longer länger aushalten;
    no longer, not any longer nicht mehr, nicht (mehr) länger
    C s
    1. (eine) lange Zeit:
    at (the) longest längstens;
    for long lange (Zeit);
    it is long since I saw her es ist lange her, dass ich sie gesehen habe;
    take long (to do sth) lange brauchen(, um etwas zu tun);
    the long and (the) short of it is that …
    a) es dreht sich einzig und allein darum, dass …,
    b) mit einem Wort, …; before B 3
    2. Länge f:
    a) LING langer Laut
    b) LIT lange Silbe
    3. WIRTSCH Haussier m
    4. pl
    a) auch pair of longs lange Hose
    b) Übergrößen pl
    long2 [lɒŋ] v/i sich sehnen ( for nach):
    long to do sth sich danach sehnen, etwas zu tun;
    she was longing for the sermon to end sie sehnte das Ende der Predigt herbei;
    he longed for the holidays (US vacation) to come er sehnte sich nach den Ferien;
    she is longing for him to kiss her sie sehnt sich danach, von ihm geküsst zu werden;
    longed-for ersehnt
    * * *
    I 1. adjective,
    1) lang; weit [Reise, Weg]

    be long in the tooth — nicht mehr der/die Jüngste sein

    two inches/weeks long — zwei Zoll/Wochen lang

    2) (elongated) länglich; schmal

    pull or make a long face — (fig.) ein langes Gesicht ziehen od. machen (ugs.)

    long service(esp. Mil.) langjähriger Dienst

    in the long run — auf die Dauer; auf lange Sicht

    in the long term — auf lange Sicht; langfristig

    for a long time — lange; (still continuing) seit langem

    what a long time you've been away! — du warst aber lange [Zeit] fort!

    long time no see!(coll.) lange nicht gesehen! (ugs.)

    4) (tediously lengthy) lang[atmig]; weitschweifig
    5) (lasting) lang; langjährig [Gewohnheit, Freundschaft]
    6) klein, gering [Chance]
    7) (seemingly more than stated) lang [Minute, Tag, Jahre usw.]
    8) lang [Gedächtnis]
    9) (consisting of many items) lang [Liste usw.]; hoch [Zahl]
    2. noun

    for long — lange; (since long ago) seit langem

    it is long since... — es ist lange her, dass...


    the long and the short of it is... — der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ist...

    3. adverb,
    longer, longest
    1) lang[e]

    as or so long as — solange

    not long before I... — kurz bevor ich...

    long since — [schon] seit langem

    all day/night/summer long — den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht/den ganzen Sommer [über od. lang]

    I shan't be long — ich bin gleich fertig; (departing) bis gleich!

    somebody is long [in or about doing something] — jemand braucht lange od. viel Zeit[, um etwas zu tun]

    not wait any/much longer — nicht mehr länger/viel länger warten

    no longer — nicht mehr; nicht länger [warten usw.]


    as or so long as — (provided that) solange; wenn

    II intransitive verb

    long for somebody/something — sich nach jemandem/etwas sehnen

    long for somebody to do somethingsich (Dat.) [sehr] wünschen, dass jemand etwas tut

    long to do something — sich danach sehnen, etwas zu tun

    * * *
    lang adj.
    langwierig adj.
    weit adj.

    English-german dictionary > long

  • 20 go

    I [gəu] 1. гл.; прош. вр. went, прич. прош. вр. gone
    а) идти, ехать, двигаться

    We are going too fast. — Мы идём слишком быстро.

    Who goes? Stand, or I fire. — Стой, кто идёт? Стрелять буду.

    The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game. — Малыш решил поиграть в прятки и спрятался за маму.

    Go ahead, what are you waiting for? — Идите вперёд, чего вы ждёте?

    I'll go ahead and warn the others to expect you later. — Я пойду вперёд и предупрежу остальных, что вы подойдёте позже.

    My brother quickly passing him, went ahead, and won the match easily. — Мой брат быстро обогнал его, вышел вперёд и легко выиграл матч.

    As the roads were so icy, the cars were going along very slowly and carefully. — Так как дороги были покрыты льдом, машины продвигались очень медленно и осторожно.

    The deer has gone beyond the trees; I can't shoot at it from this distance. — Олень зашёл за деревья; я не могу попасть в него с этого расстояния.

    You've missed the bus, it just went by. — Ты опоздал на автобус, он только что проехал.

    Let's go forward to the front of the hall. — Давай продвинемся к началу зала.

    I have to go in now, my mother's calling me for tea. — Мне надо идти, мама зовёт меня пить чай.

    The car went into a tree and was severely damaged. — Машина влетела в дерево и была сильно повреждена.

    The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go on. — Полицейские осмотрели машины, а потом пропустили их.

    I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. — Я думаю, с такой простудой тебе лучше сидеть дома.

    It's dangerous here, with bullets going over our heads all the time. — Здесь опасно, пули так и свистят над головами.

    I fear that you cannot go over to the cottage. — Боюсь, что ты не сможешь сходить в этот коттедж.

    I spent a day or two on going round and seeing the other colleges. — Я провёл день или два, обходя другие колледжи.

    This material is so stiff that even my thickest needle won't go through. — Этот материал настолько плотный, что даже моя самая большая игла не может проткнуть его.

    Don't leave me alone, let me go with you! — Не бросай меня, позволь мне пойти с тобой!

    The piano won't go through this narrow entrance. — Фортепиано не пройдёт сквозь этот узкий вход.

    There is no such thing as a level street in the city: those which do not go up, go down. — В городе нет такого понятия как ровная улица: те, которые не идут вверх, спускаются вниз.

    to go on travels, to go on a journey, to go on a voyage — отправиться в путешествие

    He wants me to go on a cruise with him. — Он хочет, чтобы я отправился с ним в круиз.

    в) уходить, уезжать

    Please go now, I'm getting tired. — Теперь, пожалуйста, уходи, я устал.

    I have to go at 5.30. — Я должен уйти в 5.30.

    There was no answer to my knock, so I went away. — На мой стук никто не ответил, так что я ушёл.

    Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? — Почему художник бросил свою семью и уехал жить на остров в тропиках?

    At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. — В конце сцены убийца уходит, заслышав приближение полиции.

    г) пойти (куда-л.), уехать (куда-л.) с определённой целью

    to go to bed — идти, отправляться, ложиться спать

    to go to press — идти в печать, печататься

    You'd better go for the police. — Ты лучше сбегай за полицией.

    д) заниматься (чем-л.); двигаться определённым образом (что-л. делая)

    The bus goes right to the centre of town. — Автобус ходит прямо до центра города.

    The ship goes between the two islands. — Корабль курсирует между двумя островами.

    ж) разг. двигаться определённым образом, идти определённым шагом

    to go above one's ground — идти, высоко поднимая ноги

    а) следовать определённым курсом, идти (каким-л. путем) прям. и перен.

    the man who goes straight in spite of temptation — человек, который идёт не сбиваясь с пути, несмотря на соблазны

    She will never go my way, nor, I fear, shall I ever go hers. — Она никогда не будет действовать так, как я, и, боюсь, я никогда не буду действовать так, как она.

    б) прибегать (к чему-л.), обращаться (к кому-л.)
    3) ходить (куда-л.) регулярно, с какой-л. целью

    When I was young, we went to church every Sunday. — Когда я был маленьким, мы каждое воскресенье ходили в церковь.

    а) идти (от чего-л.), вести (куда-л.)

    The boundary here goes parallel with the river. — Граница идёт здесь вдоль реки.

    б) выходить (куда-л.)

    This door goes outside. — Эта дверь выходит наружу.

    5) происходить, случаться, развиваться, проистекать

    The annual dinner never goes better than when he is in the chair. — Ежегодный обед проходит лучше всего, когда он председательствует.

    The game went so strangely that I couldn't possibly tell. — Игра шла так странно, что и не рассказать.

    The election went against him. — Выборы кончились для него неудачно.

    What has gone of...? — Что стало, что произошло с...?

    Nobody in Porlock ever knew what has gone with him. — Никто в Порлоке так и не узнал, что с ним стало.


    The battery in this watch is going. — Батарейка в часах садится.

    Sometimes the eyesight goes forever. — Иногда зрение теряют навсегда.

    I could feel my brain going. — Я чувствовал, что мой ум перестаёт работать.

    You see that your father is going very fast. — Вы видите, что ваш отец очень быстро сдаёт.

    б) ломаться; изнашиваться ( до дыр)

    The platform went. — Трибуна обрушилась.

    About half past three the foremast went in three places. — Около половины четвёртого фок-мачта треснула в трёх местах.

    The dike might go any minute. — Дамбу может прорвать в любую минуту.

    My old sweater had started to go at the elbows. — Мой старый свитер начал протираться на локтях.

    в) быть поражённым болезнью, гнить (о растениях, урожае)

    The crop is good, but the potato is going everywhere. — Урожай зерновых хорош, а картофель начинает повсюду гнить.

    7) разг. умирать, уходить из жизни

    to go to one's own place — умереть, скончаться

    to go aloft / off the hooks / off the stocks / to (the) pot разг. — отправиться на небеса, протянуть ноги, сыграть в ящик

    Your brother's gone - died half-an-hour ago. — Ваш брат покинул этот мир - скончался полчаса назад.

    Hope he hasn't gone down; he deserved to live. — Надеюсь, что он не умер; он заслужил того, чтобы жить.

    The doctors told me that he might go off any day. — Доктора сказали мне, что он может скончаться со дня на день.

    I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. — Надеюсь, что мир станет лучше, когда меня не будет.

    а) вмещаться, подходить (по форме, размеру)

    The space is too small, the bookcase won't go in. — Здесь слишком мало места, книжный шкаф сюда не войдёт.

    Elzevirs go readily into the pocket. — Средневековые книги-эльзевиры легко входят в карман.

    The thread is too thick to go into the needle. — Эта нитка слишком толста, чтобы пролезть в игольное ушко.

    Three goes into fifteen five times. — Три содержится в пятнадцати пять раз.

    All the good we can find about him will go into a very few words. — Всё хорошее, что мы в нём можем найти, можно выразить в нескольких словах.

    б) соответствовать, подходить (по стилю, цвету, вкусу)

    This furniture would go well in any room. — Эта мебель подойдёт для любой комнаты.

    I don't think these colours really go, do you? — Я не думаю, что эти цвета подходят, а ты как думаешь?

    Oranges go surprisingly well with duck. — Апельсины отлично подходят к утке.

    That green hat doesn't go with the blue dress. — Эта зелёная шляпа не идёт к синему платью.

    в) помещаться (где-л.), постоянно храниться (где-л.)

    This box goes on the third shelf from the top. — Эта коробка стоит на третьей полке сверху.

    This book goes here. — Эта книга стоит здесь (здесь её место).

    He's short, as jockeys go. — Он довольно низкого роста, даже для жокея.

    "How goes it, Joe?" - "Pretty well, as times go." — "Как дела, Джо?" - "По нынешним временам вполне сносно".

    10) быть посланным, отправленным (о письме, записке)

    I'd like this letter to go first class. — Я хотел бы отправить это письмо первым классом.

    11) проходить, пролетать ( о времени)

    This week's gone so fast - I can't believe it's Friday already. — Эта неделя прошла так быстро, не могу поверить, что уже пятница.

    Time goes so fast when you're having fun. — Когда нам весело, время бежит.

    Summer is going. — Лето проходит.

    One week and half of another is already gone. — Уже прошло полторы недели.

    а) пойти (на что-л.), быть потраченным (на что-л.; о деньгах)

    Whatever money he got it all went on paying his debt. — Сколько бы денег он ни получил, всё уходило на выплату долга.

    Your money went towards a new computer for the school. — Ваши деньги пошли на новый компьютер для школы.

    Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent. — На арендную плату должно уходить не более четверти дохода.

    б) уменьшаться, кончаться (о запасах, провизии)

    We were worried because the food was completely gone and the water was going fast. — Мы беспокоились, так как еда уже кончилась, а вода подходила к концу.

    The cake went fast. — Пирог был тут же съеден.

    All its independence was gone. — Вся его независимость исчезла.

    One of the results of using those drugs is that the will entirely goes. — Одно из последствий приёма этих лекарств - полная потеря воли.

    This feeling gradually goes off. — Это чувство постепенно исчезает.

    They can fire me, but I won't go quietly. — Они могут меня уволить, но я не уйду тихо.

    а) издавать (какой-л.) звук

    to go bang — бахнуть, хлопнуть

    to go crash / smash — грохнуть, треснуть

    Clatter, clatter, went the horses' hoofs. — Цок, цок, цокали лошадиные копыта.

    Something seemed to go snap within me. — Что-то внутри меня щёлкнуло.

    Crack went the mast. — Раздался треск мачты.

    Patter, patter, goes the rain. — Кап, кап, стучит дождь.

    The clock on the mantelpiece went eight. — Часы на камине пробили восемь.

    а) иметь хождение, быть в обращении ( о деньгах)
    б) циркулировать, передаваться, переходить из уст в уста

    Now the story goes that the young Smith is in London. — Говорят, что юный Смит сейчас в Лондоне.


    My only order was, "Clear the road - and be damn quick about it." What I said went. — Я отдал приказ: "Очистить дорогу - и, чёрт возьми, немедленно!" Это тут же было выполнено.

    He makes so much money that whatever he says, goes. — У него столько денег, что всё, что он ни скажет, тут же выполняется.

    - from the word Go

    anything goes, everything goes разг. — всё дозволено, всё сойдёт

    Around here, anything goes. — Здесь всё разрешено.

    Anything goes if it's done by someone you're fond of. — Всё сойдёт, если это всё сделано тем, кого ты любишь.

    в) ( go about) начинать (что-л.; делать что-л.), приступать к (чему-л.)

    She went about her work in a cold, impassive way. — Холодно, бесстрастно она приступила к своей работе.

    The church clock has not gone for twenty years. — Часы на церкви не ходили двадцать лет.

    All systems go. — Всё работает нормально.

    She felt her heart go in a most unusual manner. — Она почувствовала, что сердце у неё очень странно бьётся.

    18) продаваться, расходиться (по какой-л. цене)

    to go for a song — идти за бесценок, ничего не стоить

    There were perfectly good coats going at $23! —Там продавали вполне приличные куртки всего за 23 доллара.

    Going at four pounds fifteen, if there is no advance. — Если больше нет предложений, то продаётся за четыре фунта пятнадцать шиллингов.

    This goes for 1 shilling. — Это стоит 1 шиллинг.

    The house went for very little. — Дом был продан за бесценок.

    19) позволить себе, согласиться (на какую-л. сумму)

    Lewis consented to go as high as twenty-five thousand crowns. — Льюис согласился на такую большую сумму как двадцать пять тысяч крон.

    I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket. — Я позволю себе купить билет за пятьдесят долларов.

    20) разг. говорить
    21) эвф. сходить, сбегать ( в туалет)

    He's in the men's room. He's been wanting to go all evening, but as long as you were playing he didn't want to miss a note. (J. Wain) — Он в туалете. Ему туда нужно было весь вечер, но пока вы играли, он не хотел пропустить ни одной нотки.

    22) ( go after)
    а) следовать за (кем-л.); преследовать

    Half the guards went after the escaped prisoners, but they got away free. — На поиски беглецов отправилась половина гарнизона, но они всё равно сумели скрыться.

    б) преследовать цель; стремиться, стараться (сделать что-л.)

    Jim intends to go after the big prize. — Джим намерен выиграть большой приз.

    I think we should go after increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производство.

    в) посещать в качестве поклонника, ученика или последователя
    23) ( go against)
    а) противоречить, быть против (убеждений, желаний); идти вразрез с (чем-л.)

    to go against the grain, go against the hair — вызывать внутренний протест, быть не по нутру

    I wouldn't advise you to go against the director. — Не советую тебе перечить директору.

    It goes against my nature to get up early in the morning. — Рано вставать по утрам противно моей натуре.

    The run of luck went against Mr. Nickleby. (Ch. Dickens) — Удача отвернулась от мистера Никльби.

    б) быть не в пользу (кого-л.), закончиться неблагоприятно для (кого-л.; о соревнованиях, выборах)

    One of his many law-suits seemed likely to go against him. — Он, судя по всему, проигрывал один из своих многочисленных судебных процессов.

    If the election goes against the government, who will lead the country? — Если на выборах проголосуют против правительства, кто же возглавит страну?

    24) ( go at) разг.
    а) бросаться на (кого-л.)

    Our dog went at the postman again this morning. — Наша собака опять сегодня набросилась на почтальона.

    Selina went at her again for further information. — Селина снова набросилась на неё, требуя дополнительной информации.

    The students are really going at their studies now that the examinations are near. — Экзамены близко, так что студенты в самом деле взялись за учёбу.

    25) ( go before)
    а) представать перед (чем-л.), явиться лицом к лицу с (чем-л.)

    When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. — Когда ты выступаешь в суде, ты должен говорить чистую правду.

    б) предлагать (что-л.) на рассмотрение

    Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week. — Совет директоров рассмотрит ваше предложение на следующей неделе.

    26) ( go behind) не ограничиваться (чем-л.)
    27) ( go between) быть посредником между (кем-л.)

    The little girl was given a bar of chocolate as her payment for going between her sister and her sister's boyfriend. — Младшая сестра получила шоколадку за то, что была посыльной между своей старшей сестрой и её парнем.

    28) ( go beyond)
    а) превышать, превосходить (что-л.)

    The money that I won went beyond my fondest hopes. — Сумма, которую я выиграл, превосходила все мои ожидания.

    Be careful not to go beyond your rights. — Будь осторожен, не превышай своих прав.

    б) оказаться трудным, непостижимым (для кого-л.)

    I was interested to hear the speaker, but his speech went beyond me. — Мне было интересно послушать докладчика, но его речь была выше моего понимания.

    I don't think this class will be able to go beyond lesson six. — Не думаю, что этот класс сможет продвинуться дальше шестого урока.

    - go beyond caring
    - go beyond endurance
    - go beyond a joke
    29) (go by / under) называться

    to go by / under the name of — быть известным под именем

    Our friend William often goes by Billy. — Нашего друга Вильяма часто называют Билли.

    He went under the name of Baker, to avoid discovery by the police. — Скрываясь от полиции, он жил под именем Бейкера.

    30) ( go by) судить по (чему-л.); руководствоваться (чем-л.), действовать в соответствии с (чем-л.)

    to go by the book разг. — действовать в соответствии с правилами, педантично выполнять правила

    You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy. — Не стоит судить о ситуации по его словам, ему нельзя верить.

    You make a mistake if you go by appearances. — Ты ошибаешься, если судишь о людях по внешнему виду.

    I go by the barometer. — Я пользуюсь барометром.

    Our chairman always goes by the rules. — Наш председатель всегда действует по правилам.

    31) ( go for)
    а) стремиться к (чему-л.)

    I think we should go for increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производительность.

    б) выбирать; любить, нравиться

    The people will never go for that guff. — Людям не понравится эта пустая болтовня.

    She doesn't go for whiskers. — Ей не нравятся бакенбарды.

    в) разг. наброситься, обрушиться на (кого-л.)

    The black cow immediately went for him. — Чёрная корова немедленно кинулась на него.

    The speaker went for the profiteers. — Оратор обрушился на спекулянтов.

    г) становиться (кем-л.), действовать в качестве (кого-л.)

    I'm well made all right. I could go for a model if I wanted. — У меня отличная фигура. Я могла бы стать манекенщицей, если бы захотела.

    д) быть принятым за (кого-л.), считаться (кем-л.), сходить за (кого-л.)

    He goes for a lawyer, but I don't think he ever studied or practised law. — Говорят, он адвокат, но мне кажется, что он никогда не изучал юриспруденцию и не работал в этой области.

    е) быть действительным по отношению к (кому-л. / чему-л.), относиться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    that goes for me — это относится ко мне; это мое дело

    I don't care if Pittsburgh chokes. And that goes for Cincinnati, too. (P. G. Wodehouse) — Мне всё равно, если Питсбург задохнётся. То же самое касается Цинциннати.

    - go for broke
    - go for a burton
    32) ( go into)
    а) входить, вступать; принимать участие

    He wanted to go into Parliament. — Он хотел стать членом парламента.

    He went eagerly into the compact. — Он охотно принял участие в сделке.

    The Times has gone into open opposition to the Government on all points except foreign policy. — “Таймс” встал в открытую оппозицию к правительству по всем вопросам, кроме внешней политики.

    take part, undertake
    б) впадать ( в истерику); приходить ( в ярость)

    the man who went into ecstasies at discovering that Cape Breton was an island — человек, который впал в экстаз, обнаружив, что мыс Бретон является островом

    I nearly went into hysterics. — Я был на грани истерики.

    в) начинать заниматься (чем-л. в качестве профессии, должности, занятия)

    He went keenly into dairying. — Он активно занялся производством молочных продуктов.

    He went into practice for himself. — Он самостоятельно занялся практикой.

    Hicks naturally went into law. — Хикс, естественно, занялся правом.

    г) носить (о стиле в одежде; особенно носить траур)

    to go into long dresses, trousers, etc. — носить длинные платья, брюки

    She shocked Mrs. Spark by refusing to go into full mourning. — Она шокировала миссис Спарк, отказываясь носить полный траур.

    д) расследовать, тщательно рассматривать, изучать

    We cannot of course go into the history of these wars. — Естественно, мы не можем во всех подробностях рассмотреть историю этих войн.

    - go into details
    - go into detail
    - go into abeyance
    - go into action
    33) ( go off) разлюбить (что-л.), потерять интерес к (чему-л.)

    I simply don't feel anything for him any more. In fact, I've gone off him. — Я просто не испытываю больше к нему никаких чувств. По существу, я его разлюбила.

    34) ( go over)
    а) перечитывать; повторять

    The schoolboy goes over his lesson, before going up before the master. — Ученик повторяет свой урок, прежде чем отвечать учителю.

    He went over the explanation two or three times. — Он повторил объяснение два или три раза.

    б) внимательно изучать, тщательно рассматривать; проводить осмотр

    We went over the house thoroughly before buying it. — Мы тщательно осмотрели дом, прежде чем купить его.

    I've asked the garage people to go over my car thoroughly. — Я попросил людей в сервисе тщательно осмотреть машину.

    Harry and I have been going over old letters. — Гарри и я просматривали старые письма.

    We must go over the account books together. — Нам надо вместе проглядеть бухгалтерские книги.

    35) ( go through)

    It would take far too long to go through all the propositions. — Изучение всех предложений займёт слишком много времени.

    б) пережить, перенести (что-л.)

    All that men go through may be absolutely the best for them. — Все испытания, которым подвергается человек, могут оказаться для него благом.

    в) проходить (какие-л. этапы)

    The disease went through the whole city. — Болезнь распространилась по всему городу.

    д) осматривать, обыскивать

    The girls were "going through" a drunken sailor. — Девицы обшаривали пьяного моряка.

    е) износить до дыр (об одежде, обуви)
    ж) поглощать, расходовать (что-л.)
    36) ( go to)
    а) обращаться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    She need not go to others for her bons mots. — Ей нет нужды искать у других остроумные словечки.

    б) переходить к (кому-л.) в собственность, доставаться (кому-л.)

    The house went to the elder son. — Дом достался старшему сыну.

    The money I had saved went to the doctors. — Деньги, которые я скопил, пошли на докторов.

    The dukedom went to his brother. — Титул герцога перешёл к его брату.

    And the Oscar goes to… — Итак, «Оскар» достаётся…

    в) быть составной частью (чего-л.); вести к (какому-л. результату)

    These are the bones which go to form the head and trunk. — Это кости, которые формируют череп и скелет.

    Whole gardens of roses go to one drop of the attar. — Для того, чтобы получить одну каплю розового масла, нужны целые сады роз.

    This only goes to prove the point. — Это только доказывает утверждение.

    г) составлять, равняться (чему-л.)

    Sixteen ounces go to the pound. — Шестнадцать унций составляют один фунт.

    How many go to a crew with you, captain? — Из скольких человек состоит ваша команда, капитан?

    д) брать на себя (расходы, труд)

    Don't go to any trouble. — Не беспокойтесь.

    Few publishers go to the trouble of giving the number of copies for an edition. — Немногие издатели берут на себя труд указать количество экземпляров издания.

    The tenant went to very needless expense. — Арендатор пошёл на абсолютно ненужные расходы.

    37) ( go under) относиться (к какой-л. группе, классу)

    This word goes under G. — Это слово помещено под G.

    38) ( go with)
    а) быть заодно с (кем-л.), быть на чьей-л. стороне

    My sympathies went strongly with the lady. — Все мои симпатии были полностью на стороне леди.

    б) сопутствовать (чему-л.), идти, происходить вместе с (чем-л.)

    Criminality habitually went with dirtiness. — Преступность и грязь обычно шли бок о бок.

    в) понимать, следить с пониманием за (речью, мыслью)

    The Court declared the deed a nullity on the ground that the mind of the mortgagee did not go with the deed she signed. — Суд признал документ недействительным на том основании, что кредитор по закладной не понимала содержания документа, который она подписала.

    г) разг. встречаться с (кем-л.), проводить время с (кем-л. - в качестве друга, подружки)

    The "young ladies" he had "gone with" and "had feelin's about" were now staid matrons. — "Молодые леди", с которыми он "дружил" и к которым он "питал чувства", стали солидными матронами.

    39) ( go upon)
    а) разг. использовать (что-л.) в качестве свидетельства или отправного пункта

    You see, this gave me something to go upon. — Видишь ли, это дало мне хоть что-то, с чего я могу начать.

    б) брать в свои руки; брать на себя ответственность

    I cannot bear to see things botched or gone upon with ignorance. — Я не могу видеть, как берутся за дела либо халтурно, либо ничего в них не понимая.

    40) (go + прил.)

    He went dead about three months ago. — Он умер около трех месяцев назад.

    She went pale. — Она побледнела.

    He went bankrupt. — Он обанкротился.

    б) продолжать (какое-л.) действие, продолжать пребывать в (каком-л.) состоянии

    We both love going barefoot on the beach. — Мы оба любим ходить босиком по пляжу.

    Most of their work seems to have gone unnoticed. — Кажется, большая часть их работы осталась незамеченной.

    The powers could not allow such an act of terrorism to go unpunished. — Власти не могут допустить, чтобы террористический акт прошёл безнаказанно.

    It seems as if it were going to rain. — Такое впечатление, что сейчас пойдёт дождь.

    Lambs are to be sold to those who are going to keep them. — Ягнята должны быть проданы тем, кто собирается их выращивать.

    42) (go and do smth.) разг. пойти и сделать что-л.

    The fool has gone and got married. — Этот дурак взял и женился.

    He might go and hang himself for all they cared. — Он может повеситься, им на это абсолютно наплевать.

    Oh, go and pick up pizza, for heaven's sake! — Ради бога, пойди купи, наконец, пиццу.

    - go across
    - go ahead
    - go along
    - go away
    - go back
    - go before
    - go by
    - go down
    - go forth
    - go forward
    - go together

    to go back a long way — давно знать друг друга, быть давними знакомыми

    to go short — испытывать недостаток в чём-л.; находиться в стеснённых обстоятельствах

    to go the way of nature / all the earth / all flesh / all living — скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных

    to let oneself go — дать волю себе, своим чувствам

    Go to Jericho / Bath / Hong Kong / Putney / Halifax! — Иди к чёрту! Убирайся!

    - go far
    - go bush
    - go ape
    - go amiss
    - go dry
    - go astray
    - go on instruments
    - go a long way
    - go postal
    - Go to!
    - Go to it!
    - let it go at that
    - go like blazes
    - go with the tide
    - go with the times
    - go along with you!
    - go easy
    - go up King Street
    - go figure
    - go it
    - go the extra mile
    - go to the wall
    2. сущ.; разг.
    1) движение, хождение, ходьба; уст. походка

    He has been on the go since morning. — Он с утра на ногах.

    а) ретивость, горячность ( первоначально о лошадях); напористость, энергичность; бодрость, живость; рвение

    The job requires a man with a lot of go. — Для этой работы требуется очень энергичный человек.

    Physically, he is a wonderful man - very wiry, and full of energy and go. — Физически он превосходен - крепкий, полный энергии и напористости.

    б) энергичная деятельность; тяжелая, требующая напряжения работа

    Believe me, it's all go with these tycoons, mate. — Поверь мне, приятель, это все деятельность этих заправил.

    3) разг. происшествие; неожиданный поворот событий (то, которое вызывает затруднения)

    queer go, rum go — странное дело, странный поворот событий


    Let me have a go at fixing it. — Дай я попробую починить это.

    - have a go
    б) соревнование, борьба; состязание на приз ( в боксе)

    Cost me five dollars the other day to see the tamest kind of a go. There wasn't a knockdown in ten rounds. — На днях я потратил пять долларов, чтобы увидеть самое мирное состязание. За десять раундов не было ни одного нокдауна.

    в) приступ, припадок ( о болезни)
    а) количество чего-л., предоставляемое за один раз
    б) разг. бокал ( вина); порция ( еды)

    "The score!" he burst out. "Three goes o' rum!" (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island) — А деньги? - крикнул он. - За три кружки! (пер. Н. Чуковского)

    б) карт. "Мимо" (возглас игрока, объявляющего проход в криббидже)
    7) разг.
    а) успех, успешное дело
    б) соглашение, сделка

    all the go, quite the go — последний крик моды

    first go — первым делом, сразу же

    II [gɔ] сущ.; япон.
    го (настольная игра, в ходе которой двое участников по очереди выставляют на доску фишки-"камни", стремясь окружить "камни" противника своими и захватить как можно большую территорию)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > go

См. также в других словарях:

  • Work experience — is the experience that a person has working, or working in a specific field or occupation. Volunteer Work and Internships The phrase is sometimes used to mean a type of volunteer work that is commonly intended for young people mdash; often… …   Wikipedia

  • Work abroad — is the term used for when a student interns, volunteers, or teachers in a foreign country through a program. Students gain work experience while being immersed in a foreign work environment, though the position may be paid or unpaid. Dependent… …   Wikipedia

  • Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… …   Wikipedia

  • OpenmindProjects- Volunteering Abroad — Motto Learning for Life, Nature and Future Formation January 1, 2001 (2001 01 01) …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching abroad — is a catch phrase used in first world countries for temporary teaching assignments outside of their home country. Overview of different programs There are many different programs that exist to help people to teach abroad. Three often used paths… …   Wikipedia

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work — UNC Chapel Hill programs name = School of Social Work image size = 300 caption = location = Chapel Hill, North Carolina established = 1950 dean = Jack Richman website = [http://ssw.unc.edu School of Social Work] The University of North Carolina… …   Wikipedia

  • Volunteer Service Abroad — is a non governmental organization in New Zealand, equivalent to Voluntary Service Overseas. It provides volunteers from New Zealand for service in developing countries. It is largely sponsored by NZAID (New Zealand s International Aid and… …   Wikipedia

  • Democracy and Development: The East Asian Experience — ▪ 1997       by Richard Saludo       In October 1996, 15 months after lifting the house arrest of Nobel Peace Prize winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar s (Burma s) ruling junta, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), cracked down… …   Universalium

  • IAESTE — The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience commonly referred to as IAESTE (pronounced i ai es te or ai es te) is an international organization exchanging students for technical work experience abroad.… …   Wikipedia

  • Giorgio Mitolo — Infobox Celebrity name = Giorgio Mitolo caption = Giorgio Mitolo birth name = birth date = Birth date and age|1966|08|06 birth place = Rome, Italy death date = death place = occupation = TV Reporter, Anchor, Newscaster salary = networth = website …   Wikipedia

  • WEA — Workers Educational Association (Community » Educational) *** Washington Education Association (Community » Educational) ** World Evangelical Alliance (Community » Religion) ** Warner Elektra Atlantic (Business » Firms) * Westfield America, Inc.… …   Abbreviations dictionary

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